Don’t Forget

Hello Again,

Things are going well in our classroom. The kids are normalizing and we are able to teach more lessons so more works are getting done and progress is being made. Level 1s learned about vertebrates in zoology this week and had an intro to the 5 classes of vertebrates: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Level 2s started learning about nutrition through resources like myplate and mypyramid. Level 3s had an introduction to invertebrates and some of the main types. This coming week we will be starting geography. Level 1s will start learning about the globe (latitude, longitude, the hemispheres, etc.) Level 2s will learn about the layers of the earth. Level 3s will learn about the relationship of the sun and earth and the layers of the atmosphere.

We have already had two students give wonderful “I wonder…” presentations. One student presented on elephants and the other on cats. I am excited to see what other things we will get to learn from the student’s presentations. I learned that elephants can travel about 90 miles in one day and that cats have 32 muscles in each ear. Don’t forget that home projects are due any time next week. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Tomorrow is the school’s 5K color run. I hope you all can make it. Unfortunately, I will not be there this year. I have a prior family thing. Tomorrow is also the Buddy Walk for Down Syndrome and my family and I will be participating in that to support the Utah Down Syndrome Foundation. However, Ms. Sara will be there. Make sure you tell her hi and stay for the pancake breakfast.

We will also have our back to school party at Cody’s house. I don’t think it’s supposed to rain, it will be chilly so dress appropriately and bring a snack or drink to share. If you have young children that you are bringing, you will need to keep an eye on them while you are there. The party will be from 2-4 p.m. and the address is 2220 Fruitland Drive, North Ogden. Hope to see you there.

We have P.E. and music on Monday so please make sure your child has good shoes for running in that day.

Have an amazing weekend. Hope to see you tomorrow.

Take care and thanks for all you do.


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Half Day Tomorrow

Hello All,

Just a reminder that tomorrow, September 22, is a half day. Your child will need to be picked up at 1 p.m.

Thank you!


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Just a few reminders and updates for this week. We switched our P.E. day this week from Monday to Tuesday, so please make sure your child has good shoes for running Tuesday. This is only for this week. Next week we will be back to our Monday schedule.

Thursday is the International Day of Peace. We will be getting together with Ms. Kirsten’s class early this week to create some art work to celebrate and have them hung up on the wire hangers at the front of the school.

This Saturday is the 5K color run. If you have not signed up to participate in that, please do. It is always a lot of fun and you don’t even have to run it. I always walk it. The proceeds benefit our whole school and you can pay to have a pancake breakfast afterwards.

Also this Saturday in the afternoon we will be having a class back to school party. Cody’s parents, Joel and Debbie, have offered to host this party. They have beautiful property that their house sits on with a stream, tree house, zip line, sandbox, and lots of space for the kids to play and have fun. Please come and stay. This will give you a chance to meet some of the other parents and kids and get to know the teachers better. If you are able to, please bring a snack or drink to share. Siblings are welcome to attend but you will need to watch your little ones since there is the small stream. The party will be from 2-4 p.m. The address is 2220 Fruitland Drive, North Ogden. Please email me with any questions you might have.

Next week our first home project of the year is due. Students can bring it in anytime during the week. If they finish it sooner, they can bring it in before that. As a brief reminder, it is a picture presentation titled “I Wonder…” for the kids to pick any topic they want and present what they have learned to the class.

Ms. AmyJo, a teacher who is in our room part of the week, taught us a wonderful lesson on plants and how their stem is used to transport water. We filled different cups with different colors of water and placed a leaf of cabbage and a white carnation flower in each on. In some we split the stem of the flower and placed them in two. Over a couple days we observed the flower and cabbage change colors. the ones with the split stem had a different color on each side.

This week we will be doing many more works during work cycle as more lessons are given and our assessments to help us know what works to place each student on get wrapped up. We will also be learning about zoology in cultural this week.

As the weather gets cooler, please be sure to make sure you child is dressed appropriately and has a jacket. We will be going outside to recess everyday

Last of all, we are in need of a room mother for this year. Our room mother last year did an amazing job and is willing to be the assistant room mother now. She will gladly help the new room mother as she takes on this role. The main things the room mom will be in charge of are class parties and car pools for field trips. If you are interested or have any questions about this, please let me know.

Thanks for all you do.


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September Home Project

Hello All,

I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Thank you to all who could make it to back to school night. We missed seeing those of you who weren’t able to come. I have created pages for the forms that I provided for back to school night at the top of the blog. There is a parent open house form with a overview of our class including a schedule, a year at a glance with important dates, and a family survey for us to get to know your student better. The home project form is an overview that gives a brief description of the project and the due dates. More information about each one will be provided as the projects get closer.

On that note, our first official home project is due this month. This home project is an I wonder project. Students will provide a picture presentation based on what they have researched and learned on something they are curious about and would like to know more about. Please help your students research and provide pictures based on what they would like to share. Help them do their best to share whatever they can remember without having to read lengthy paragraphs. The pictures can have brief descriptions and students can use note cards if needed. Home projects are meant to help the children learn to research and present what they learn. I feel that helping them memorize and share small bits of information that they can remember is more beneficial to them and the other students than reading lengthy amounts of information. This also helps their presenting skills as they share in front of their classmates. Please email me with any questions you might have.

We started with our cultural lessons this week; however, we were not able to get to as much as I would have liked this week so we will continue with our cultural history lessons this week. We are still in the process of doing assessments with many of the students so we can have them working on the correct works. We will be doing the assessments during work cycle this week along with our works.

Tomorrow is the day that we have P.E. Please make sure your child has shoes that are comfortable for running in, such as tennis shoes. They do not have to wear these to school but can just be brought to school in their backpack.



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Back to School Night

(From Ms. Rene)

This year we are hosting a parent/guardian only (sans students) Open House this week on September 7th from 6 – 7:30 p.m. -ish. The schedule was set-up to accommodate families that want to attend early, attend later, and who have more than one child at this school. From 6 – 6:30 p.m. there will be classroom tours. From 6:30 – 7 p.m. we will host a Montessori 101 workshop in the gym for elementary and in the yurt for junior high. Then, from 7 – 7:30 p.m. there will be classroom tours again. If parents work late and want to attend the Montessori 101 and then do the later classroom tour – that works for them and vice versa for parents who want to attend and leave earlier. If parents have two children at the school they can attend both classroom tours. If our seasoned Montessori parents do not want to attend the Montessori 101, they can attend either the early or late classroom tours.

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Labor Day Week


I hope you have all had a good Labor Day weekend and enjoy your day off tomorrow. Just a reminder that we do not have school tomorrow do to Labor Day. We will be back in school on Tuesday.

We started doing a short work cycle this past Wednesday. We only gave the kids a couple works and did a few lessons to get them all ready for this next week when we will do a longer work cycle and more lessons. By the end of normalizations, each child will have at least 5 works they can work on during work cycle.

We finished up our great lessons. As an extension of the coming of life, we learned about the 5 kingdoms that all living things are divided into and created our own charts to show some of the things that lived in each one. We made cave paintings on brown paper when we learned about the history or writing, and created math problems using our own made up number system or one from another culture.

This week we will be doing more practical life, grace and courtesy, team building, and we will also start doing our cultural lessons. This week we will be doing history. Level 1s will start learning about time and the length of days; level 2s will have a continuation from the creation and learn about things such as matter; and level 3s will start learning about timelines and continue learning about the coming of life and also the time periods.

This Friday is the first day we will have pizza Fridays to help us raise money for the school. Orders for pizza need to be in Wednesday morning. The order forms are on the school blog. The link is here: Each slice is $1.75. The pizza is always cheese pizza.

The annual 5K fundraiser is coming up. This is a great fundraiser for our whole school and can help us with a lot of things. It is always fun! Please sign up and bring your family. I have participated the past 3 years. I always have at least one of my kids with me and I am not a runner so I just walk it. I push a stroller and walk with friends. My daughter rode her bike in it last year. Please join us! You can register online with this link: You can also print out a paper and turn it and the money into the office using this link: There is also a pancake breakfast you can have after the 5K.

Thanks for all you do!


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First Week!

Hello All,

We made it through the first week! It went well! Thank you for all your support.

This last week we started our grace and courtesy lessons. This is something we will work on all year but really focus on at the beginning. This includes things like how to greet someone, how to interrupt politely, how to wash your hands, how to clean up after lunch, and many more. We are also doing some get to know you games and will be doing team building games. We started our great lessons. The great lessons are, The Beginning, The Timeline of Life, The Coming of Man, The History of Writing, and The History of Math. During these lessons we talk about theories and share with the children that the great lessons are theories of how the universe came to be or how man came to be. We stress that a theory is someone’s best guess and it may or may not be true. We also invite them all to share their theories and teach that it is important and wonderful that we are all different. We also teach them that the most important theory is the one that they learn at home. The great lessons are a way to expose them to different lines of thought and allow them to learn more about others ideas and explore their own. If you would like to know more about the great lessons you can visit miss barbara. This is a link many of us at MMA use to refresh our knowledge before teaching the great lessons and also where we get some good extensions for them.

My plan for this year in regards to painting is to have some painting shirts that we will keep with our art supplies in the classroom. Many of you were able to send some painting shirts when we painted on Thursday. Most students took these shirts home after they used them. If you would like to send their shirt anytime, I will put their name in it and leave it with our art supplies. Also, if you have some you just want to donate, I will also keep those with our art. We do teach how to use the paint and clean up but they are kids and painting is fun, so sometimes things are forgotten.

I will have the outline for the year, home projects, and for field trips done later this week and post that on the blog as well as have it for you at back to school night. Don’t forget that back to school night is Thursday, September 7. More information about this will come.

Tomorrow we will start our work cycle. This will only be an hour or so long and will mainly be small group lessons and some practical life such as, table scrubbing, how to fold a shirt, spreading butter on bread, and some others. Practical life is practiced a lot in early childhood but also benefits other children because it teaches them things they will need to know how to do in life.

Thanks again for all your support. Ms. Sara and I have loved getting to know all the students and we are very excited for this year. What we do isn’t always easy but we love it and and the benefits far out way any of the negatives.

Take care!


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First Day

Good Evening,

We had a great first day and got to see the eclipse. As the week continues we will be doing more eclipse and moon activities and we will do more team building and getting to know you games. On Wednesday we will be using paint for a lesson. If anyone has any old shirts they would like to donate that the kids can wear while they paint, that would be great. You can also just send a shirt that your child can keep in their backpack and designate as their art shirt to keep their other shirts safe from paint.

Here are some fun pictures from viewing the eclipse.

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First Week of School

Hello All,

I am sending this message via email as well as putting it on my blog. PLEASE subscribe to my blog if you have not already. It is my main means of communication. To do this visit To the right under the calendar you will see where you can click to subscribe. Please open the email it sends you or you will not be subscribed.

This week is our first week back to school. The doors open at 8:15 a.m. and school starts at 8:30 a.m. All days are early out days so please plan on picking your child up at 1 p.m.

When you drop your child off in the morning, please do not walk your child into the school. For the first week of school, either the assistant or teacher will be standing in front of the school with a sign so your child can wait with them. This way, they won’t get lost on their way to class. Either Ms. Sara or myself will be waiting out front for your class. As a reminder, we have moved classrooms and not we are in room 8. We are still on the north side of the building but in the kiva area.

Due to the construction that will be happening on the new Jr. high, we will have a different traffic pattern this year. PLEASE visit the school’s website and review the new traffic pattern. This pattern has been approved by the North Ogden Police Department and MUST be followed. This will not only help the teachers who are assisting with pick-up but it will keep our children safe. Here is a PDF picture of what it will look like: Please pay attention to the red and blue as it indicates the north and south bound traffic. Here is a Youtube video explaining it more:

PLEASE use your grace and courtesy as you drop off and pick up your children. North Shore has asked that we not use their parking lot until after Labor Day because they are still open and need the parking lot for those visiting the pool.

A few other helpful things to remember to help you while you are dropping off or picking up are

1. please pull forward. If there is space in front of you, pull forward.
2.Pay attention at all times, children will step out in front of you.
3.PLEASE STAY OFF YOUR PHONE. It is not wise to be on your phone while you are driving and especially in a parking lot of over 400 children.
4.Please pay do as directed by the teachers who are directing traffic.
5. Please stay in your car if you are using the pickup lanes.
6.Use the crosswalk, model this behavior for the children.
7.Ask for help if you need it.
8.Finally, please be patient. We are all new to this traffic pattern and it will all work out if with work together.

As I am sure you all know, a solar eclipse will take place the first day of school. The school has purchased UV protective glasses for each child so they can view the eclipse for a short period of time. We will be teaching the children about the solar eclipse, how and why it happens, how often it happens, and especially how to safely view it. Looking directing at the solar eclipse can cause permanent damage to your retina resulting in partial or complete blindness. We will be addressing this in class. It will be very helpful if you will please discuss this with your child as well. Stress to them how important it is to keep their glasses on while viewing the eclipse and not to look at it for long periods of time. I believe if as parents and teachers we work on this together, we can have a fun and safe viewing of this wonderful opportunity that does not happen very often.

Thank you to everyone who already had the opportunity to sign up for snack. If you haven’t been able to yet, here is the link:

I will have more updates later on.
Thank you for everything and enjoy the last couple days of summer.


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Welcome and Welcome Back

Hello Everyone!

I cannot believe that it is almost August and the time to go back to school is upon us. I hope you have all enjoyed our summer and have had some time to relax.

New Assistant
I am excited to welcome the new assistant for our class. Her name is Sara Weaver. I have had the privilege to know Sara for the past 3 years. She has become a dear friend and someone that I trust and know will be a great addition to our classroom. If you would like to know more about her, her brief bio is contained on a page at the top of the site.

Important Dates
Here are some important dates for the beginning of the year:
August 15th, 7 – 9 p.m.: Back to school pool party at North Shore
August 21st: First day of school for grades 1-9
Week of August 21st: Early Release everyday
August 28th: Early Childhood begins
September 4: No school for Labor Day
September 7, 6 – 8 p.m.: Back to school night

The snack sign up is ready to go. You can find it at the right of the blog or here: Please sign up for 1 or 2 weeks throughout the year. Snack is provided not to fill the children’s bellies or be a meal but to help them learn independence in preparing snack and cleaning it up. It also allows a little extra boost of energy at mid-morning. There is a page at the top of the blog with healthy snack ideas for the kids. You can also shoot me an email if you have any questions about any snacks.

Supply List
Please include your child’s name on the following items:
Water bottle with close-able lid
1 inch 3 ring binder
Soft Soled Slipper Shoes

Names not needed on the following items:
Level 1s – 2 primary lined composition notebooks (either full page lined or half                                        page)  Examples below
2 regular lined composition notebooks
primary composition book   primary comp book 2
Level 2s, 3s – 1 primary lined composition notebook
3 regular lined composition notebooks

1 graphing paper composition notebook
Tabbed binder dividers
24 number 2 Ticonderoga pencils (I know this is specific and this brand tends to               be more expensive but the quality of these pencils makes up for it. They last longer               and do not break as easily.)
1 pack colored pencils
1 pack washable markers
4 or more small glue sticks
2 or more boxes Kleenex
1 or more rolls paper towels

*It is not required that you buy these supplies. If you need these supplies provided for you, please email me and we will make sure your child has what they need.

Dress Code
If you need a refresher on the dress code, there is a page at the top of the blog that has a link to the policy.

Enjoy the rest of your summer. I will be in touch shortly.



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