First Week of School

Hello All,

I am sending this message via email as well as putting it on my blog. PLEASE subscribe to my blog if you have not already. It is my main means of communication. To do this visit To the right under the calendar you will see where you can click to subscribe. Please open the email it sends you or you will not be subscribed.

This week is our first week back to school. The doors open at 8:15 a.m. and school starts at 8:30 a.m. All days are early out days so please plan on picking your child up at 1 p.m.

When you drop your child off in the morning, please do not walk your child into the school. For the first week of school, either the assistant or teacher will be standing in front of the school with a sign so your child can wait with them. This way, they won’t get lost on their way to class. Either Ms. Sara or myself will be waiting out front for your class. As a reminder, we have moved classrooms and not we are in room 8. We are still on the north side of the building but in the kiva area.

Due to the construction that will be happening on the new Jr. high, we will have a different traffic pattern this year. PLEASE visit the school’s website and review the new traffic pattern. This pattern has been approved by the North Ogden Police Department and MUST be followed. This will not only help the teachers who are assisting with pick-up but it will keep our children safe. Here is a PDF picture of what it will look like: Please pay attention to the red and blue as it indicates the north and south bound traffic. Here is a Youtube video explaining it more:

PLEASE use your grace and courtesy as you drop off and pick up your children. North Shore has asked that we not use their parking lot until after Labor Day because they are still open and need the parking lot for those visiting the pool.

A few other helpful things to remember to help you while you are dropping off or picking up are

1. please pull forward. If there is space in front of you, pull forward.
2.Pay attention at all times, children will step out in front of you.
3.PLEASE STAY OFF YOUR PHONE. It is not wise to be on your phone while you are driving and especially in a parking lot of over 400 children.
4.Please pay do as directed by the teachers who are directing traffic.
5. Please stay in your car if you are using the pickup lanes.
6.Use the crosswalk, model this behavior for the children.
7.Ask for help if you need it.
8.Finally, please be patient. We are all new to this traffic pattern and it will all work out if with work together.

As I am sure you all know, a solar eclipse will take place the first day of school. The school has purchased UV protective glasses for each child so they can view the eclipse for a short period of time. We will be teaching the children about the solar eclipse, how and why it happens, how often it happens, and especially how to safely view it. Looking directing at the solar eclipse can cause permanent damage to your retina resulting in partial or complete blindness. We will be addressing this in class. It will be very helpful if you will please discuss this with your child as well. Stress to them how important it is to keep their glasses on while viewing the eclipse and not to look at it for long periods of time. I believe if as parents and teachers we work on this together, we can have a fun and safe viewing of this wonderful opportunity that does not happen very often.

Thank you to everyone who already had the opportunity to sign up for snack. If you haven’t been able to yet, here is the link:

I will have more updates later on.
Thank you for everything and enjoy the last couple days of summer.


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