Halloween Party


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Early Out Monday

Hello All,

Hope you are enjoying this first weekend of November. Again, thank you to all who were able to help with the Halloween party. I will add a separate post with some fun pictures I took during the party.

Don’t forget that Monday is an early out day. Students will need to be picked up at 1 p.m. It will be a half day for teacher professional development.

This year, instead of having an International Festival in December, we will be having a Cultural Festival later this month. Since as a school we are studying the United States from the beginning with the 13 colonies to modern day, students will need to choose something about the united states to present on for the Cultural Festival. Some ideas for the students to pick from could be things that happened during the time of the 13 colonies, such as food, clothing, job; anything related to Native Americans; pioneers; colonization of the United States; a specific state; a famous person in history from the United States; etc. The sky is the limit. As long as it has something to do with the United States from the time it was colonized to today. Students can present using a tri-fold storyboard, a diagram, or however they choose to present. To present, we will have the desks set up around the perimeter of the classroom and students will each have a space to set up their display and present to those who visit our classroom. Because this is how we will be setting up, for this presentation, I would discourage using a Powerpoint presentation. The home projects for the Cultural Festival will be due by Friday, November 16. Parents and family will be invited to come see the displays from 1-3 p.m. that day. Students can bring their presentations any day that they get them finished, even if it is before the due date. It is important that these projects are brought in by the 16th, otherwise, students will not be able to participate with the class in the Cultural Festival. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thanksgiving break for our school will be the entire week of November 19. The last day before the break will be Friday the 16 and we will return to school Monday the 27.

The children’s author Gary Hogg will be visiting our school This coming Friday, the 9th. He will be doing an assembly for lower el and visiting some classrooms. He will also be signing books for the kids, if you order them. Yesterday I sent home yellow order forms with the kids. You can purchase any of his books and get them signed by him that day. Please have your students give the order forms and money to the front office by Friday. I have been able to get to know Gary on a more personal level the past couple years that he has visited the school. He is such an amazing, positive person who brings excitement to writing. He is able to get the students excited and more confident in their writing in a way that as a teacher, I can’t always do.

Looking forward to next month, we will have a field trip to Hill Aerospace Museum, the morning of December 4. Be looking for the cover letter with all the information in the next few weeks.

Best wishes and thanks for all you do.


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Halloween Week

Hello All,

I hope this post finds you all happy and healthy and enjoying time with your families. I was a difficult week, but one that reminded us of our amazing community and loving support. Thank you all!

I will not be at school this Tuesday. Ms. Sara will be there along with Ms. Dixie who is an amazing sub.

Wednesday afternoon we will have our Halloween party. We have sign ups on track it forward. We are still in need of volunteers and rolls of toilet paper for our mummy wrap game. We will need volunteers there at 1 pm. Please sign up and come join us!

Please remember that we do not dress up in costumes at school for Halloween.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Take care.


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Home Projects

Here are some fun pictures of the home projects that have been turned in so far. If you child has not brought one in yet, please have them bring it when they are ready.

Kids working before the field trip last week.

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Box tops


I apologize, I failed to announce that the first box tops store will be this Wednesday. Please send your child’s box tops already cut out around the dotted lines so they don’t have to do this at school. Since we have P.E. and music on Wednesdays, we have a 40 minute time frame for lunch and the box tops store. If you child has box tops, I will be having them eat first but encouraging them to eat quickly because I do not want them missing P.E. or music for this.


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Thank You

Hello All,

Big thank you to everyone who was able to come and meet with Sara and me about your wonderful children. We had amazing meetings. What wonderful children you have and amazing parents. Thank you all for all you do!

I hope you have all had a wonderful Fall Break. We will be back in school Monday with our regular school hours. Monday is also school pictures. All kids will be getting their pictures taken for the year book photos. If you would like to purchase school pictures you can do so online at mylifetouch.com. The picture ID is UM448076Q1. This is how you will get a copy of class pictures as well. I am not sure you if you just order them separately or if you have to order a school picture of your child. You can also order with a school picture paper that was sent home. If you do not have your copy, they have more at the office. Students need to be wearing school uniform clothes.

We will be having our class Halloween party on Wednesday, October 31. There is a sign up to donate things or come volunteer on track it forward. We would like any volunteers who are coming to help to be there at 1 pm so we can get things set up and ready. The kids will be back from music at 1:10 and the sooner we can start the more time we will have for the party. Please do not send your child dressed up in a Halloween costume to school. Regular school uniform is required.

We will have our next field trip on the morning of December 4 to Hill Aerospace Museum. I hope letting you know this far ahead of time will help those who need to take the day off to come with us.

Thanks again for all you do!!


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PTC this Week

Hello All,

Thank you for everyone who was able to support in any way with the field trip we had on Friday. The kids had a good time and thankfully weather was good so we could really enjoy it. I had a great time with the kids and enjoyed getting to know some of you parents and grandparents better. It was good to see some of you at the Fall Festival. Thank you to all who were able to come and support our school that way.

This coming week is parent teacher conferences. Conferences are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday from 1:40 to 6:40 with a break for dinner. If you have not been able to sign up, please go to track it forward and do so. Ms. Sara and I are excited to meet with you all. Your child is welcome to come with you but they do not have to. During conferences the book fair will also be open in the library. You can purchase a book for your family or donate one to the class. We always love new books.

We do not have school on Thursday or Friday for Fall Break.

The first box tops store is Wednesday the 24. Please send your child’s box tops nicely cut around the dotted line and counted in a bag or envelope.

We will be having our class Halloween party the afternoon of Wednesday, the 31st. We will have a sign up sheet for donations and help shortly.

Thanks for all you do. I hope I get to see you this week.


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Field Trip Friday


Hang in with me this post, there are a lot of announcements.

We have our field trip coming up this Friday. For the field trip, we will be going to Green Acres Dairy Farm in West Weber. We will leave the school at 10 am. We will go to different stations at the farm and eat lunch there. Please make sure you child has a sack lunch and a refillable water bottle in a backpack. Please also send a jacket. Students can wear jeans but need a school appropriate shirt. Also, make sure they have good sturdy shoes as we will be outside all day. If your child would like to purchase a small pumpkin, please send them with $1. I apologize for asking this again, but if you are coming on the field trip with us, and are willing to chaperone more than your child, will you please send me an email and let me know? I have tried to keep track of everyone who has emailed me, but just in case, will you send me another quick one?

Yesterday, we sent home the original works packets. If your child wasn’t there yesterday, we will give it to them Monday. Please take some time to look at your child’s artwork.  Through the original works program, you can order lots of different objects with your child’s artwork on it. There are so many fun things you can order. Personally, I like to order pieces with my own children’s work on it as Christmas gifts for grandparents. I also order Christmas ornaments for myself. One year, I received a card from a student that had his artwork on it. I still have that card. These pieces are priceless. The profits from these pieces go directly to our classroom and we can use the money for what we choose. Some of the things we have used it for are field trips, art supplies, new works, and even a new class pet last year. They all worked hard on the pieces. Please order something if you are able. Your order needs to be turned in by October 17 paid by check or card. Please return the art work as well as the order form. Your orders will be delivered November 30. Here are some questions and answers about the original works: Original Works Q&A

We have our annual school Fall Festival coming up. It will also be October 12. This goes from 4-7 pm. This is a chance for students to dress up, play games, enjoy friends, and have good food.
Purchase your tickets online at:

Any tickets/wristbands purchased online will be available for pickup at the “ticket drive-thru” or at the will call booth the night of the festival. Pre-sale prices are good now thru October 11th.

Ticket Drive Thru dates will be: October 8, 9, 10, & 11 in the north east corner of the North Shore parking lot from 2:45-3:30 pm or October 8 & 10 from 8-8:30 am
Here is a message from our MAPA president:
Hi Parents,
Thank you so much to everyone who has already signed up to help at Fall Festival! October is a pretty busy month as far as MAPA and volunteering go so we need help from so many. If you haven’t had a chance to sign up yet there is still time. We need several more volunteers to keep all of the activities open. This year MAPA will be implementing the “no volunteer, no activity” moto again. This means that any time we have a volunteer need and no one has signed up that activity will be closed for the time slot.
Not only do we have Fall Festival this month we also have Parent Teacher Conference dinners and Book Fair October 15-17th.
Please, please follow the link and sign up where you are able. Please note there are multiple signups for all events on the calendar. If one is full please click on the next signup sheet. If you have any questions you can email MAPA at mapa@mariamontessoriacademy.org.
Angela Voraotsady

The week of October 15-17, is Parent Teacher Conferences. The sign ups are on Track it Forward. Please sign up to come meet with us. We love sharing about your child. This is also the time of the book fair. Come and get a book or donate one to our classroom! We love books! We will not have school Thursday or Friday, October 18, and 19.

I have been asked for some clarification on the home projects. The past 6 weeks we have been talking about change. Mainly the changes our earth has gone through from the very beginning of it’s creation. We talked about the changes of the earth cooling, of plants and animals forming, changes of writing and math. For this home project we would like students to pick something and explore the changes it has experienced through time. Some examples are animal life cycles, development of things like cars, phones, writing tools, uses of plants. Even the changes your child has gone through from the time they were born. There really is no specific thing they must choose. We just want them exploring change and seeing that all things change and develop. We would love these projects turned in by the end of this week but if that is not possible, please get them in ASAP.

As always, thank you for all you do!!



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Yay October!


It is basically October and almost, kinda feeling like Fall. I am so ready for it. Next Friday, October 12 is our field trip to Green Acres Dairy Farm. Please let me know if you are able to attend with us. I also need to know if you will be driving your own child. If you are able to transport other children, please get onto Track it Forward and find our carpool sign up. Our wonderful room mother has set up a sign up for that. You will need to put in your name and the number of students you can transport. We will be leaving North Shore parking lot at 10 a.m. and leaving the farm at about 1:45 p.m. to return to the school. We will be eating lunch at the farm so please make sure your child has a sack lunch and a refillable water bottle. It is best if they have a small backpack to carry these things and a jacket in case weather calls for it. If your child would like to purchase a small pumpkin, they need to bring $1 or $2. A pumpkin is not included in this field trip without separate purchase. Chaperones are free, any younger siblings that come are an additional $4. I will be sending home permission slips Monday. The permission slip includes four other field trips that we will be going on throughout the year. We will also be going on one in April that is not on the slip because it is not finalized yet. Please INITIAL next to ALL field trips you are okay with your child going on. The cover is for you to keep, the permission slip needs to come back to me. You can also print get the permission slip here.

Permission slip                  ’17-’18 Fieldtrip Cover Letter

This year for home projects we will be doing them every about 6 weeks instead of every month. They will also be the same across the lower el classrooms. Within the Lower Elementary classrooms, students are learning about changes, both large and small.  We start with the Great Lessons which include the development of the universe, life throughout history, the study of early humans to present day, and the development of language and math.  Students are also learning about changes through the study of time, lifecycles, and within themselves. This project is an opportunity for children to study an area that is of interest to them.  These areas may include:

  • Plant or animal life cycles
  • Geologic or historic periods
  • The Great Lessons
    • the development of spoken or written language
    • the development of mathematical concepts
    • the development of humans including how humans have met their needs throughout history or in differing geographical locations
    • the formation of our universe, solar system, or planet
    • prehistoric or modern plant or animal
  • Personal timelines.

These projects will need to be turned in by Friday October 12. Please help your child with their project and help them practice it and understand the information they are presenting. You can find more project information in the Home Project page at the top of the blog.

We have our annual school Fall Festival coming up. It will also be October 12. This goes from 4-7 pm. This is a chance for students to dress up, play games, enjoy friends, and have good food.
Purchase your tickets online at:

Any tickets/wristbands purchased online will be available for pickup at the “ticket drive-thru” or at the will call booth the night of the festival. Pre-sale prices are good now thru October 11th.

Ticket Drive Thru dates will be: October 8, 9, 10, & 11 in the north east corner of the North Shore parking lot from 2:45-3:30 pm or October 8 & 10 from 8-8:30 am

Sign ups to help are on Track it Forward. Please sign up to help if you can.

Parent teacher conferences are coming up. They will be the afternoons of Monday-Wednesday, October 15, 16, 17 from 1:40 pm to 6:40 pm. Sign ups will be ready later this following week. This is also when we will have a book fair in the school library. We will then not have school the following Thursday and Friday the 18, 19 for Fall break.

Picture day is coming up October 22.
We love volunteers in the classroom. If this is something you are interested in and able to do, please let me know and get your background check at Weber or Ogden school districts. The number to write in so they will send the info to MMA is B1722.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Love all that you do!



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October, Here We Come

Hello All,

Can you believe this is the last week of September?! I am so excited! I love October. I love the cooling of the air, I love the changing of colors, I love football, I love Halloween. I am excited for fall.

I wanted to say a huge thank you to all who were able to help with the field trip on Friday. Thank you to drivers, chaperones, all of you for all your support. The production was a lot of fun. Our class did an awesome job being attentive and respectful. It was a little hard for some to sit so long but we were able to let them get up and walk around for a little bit. Again, thank you for your support.

Our next field trip is coming up on less than 3 weeks. It will be on Friday, October 12. We will be going to Green Acres Dairy Farm. We love chaperones and all are welcome to come. The people at Green Acres have been great to work with and they are allowing chaperones to come for free. If you bring any additional siblings, it will be $4 for each. This field trip will be mostly all day. We will arrive at the farm (in West Weber) at 10:15ish and be there until about 1 p.m. Please let me know if you will be attending the field trip with us. Also, please let me know if you are willing to transport students and how many. 

Tomorrow, September 24 is an early out day. Please make sure your child is picked up at 1 p.m. tomorrow. Teachers will have professional development for the afternoon of tomorrow. 

Level 1s and 3s will be sent home with a yellow paper tomorrow concerning hearing screenings. All level 1s and 3s will take part in a hearing screening in the next couple weeks. If you do not want your child to participate in the screening, please contact the front office of the school.

With normalization ending October 1, next Monday, we will be able to have volunteers help in our classroom. If you would like to help, you will need to get a background check. You can get one at Weber or Ogden School District. When you are there filling out paper work, there is a number you can fill out and they will send the info right to the school. I do not have the number right now but if this is something you plan on doing, please let me know and I will get you the number. We love volunteers!

Thanks for all you do!


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