Field Trip Friday


Hang in with me this post, there are a lot of announcements.

We have our field trip coming up this Friday. For the field trip, we will be going to Green Acres Dairy Farm in West Weber. We will leave the school at 10 am. We will go to different stations at the farm and eat lunch there. Please make sure you child has a sack lunch and a refillable water bottle in a backpack. Please also send a jacket. Students can wear jeans but need a school appropriate shirt. Also, make sure they have good sturdy shoes as we will be outside all day. If your child would like to purchase a small pumpkin, please send them with $1. I apologize for asking this again, but if you are coming on the field trip with us, and are willing to chaperone more than your child, will you please send me an email and let me know? I have tried to keep track of everyone who has emailed me, but just in case, will you send me another quick one?

Yesterday, we sent home the original works packets. If your child wasn’t there yesterday, we will give it to them Monday. Please take some time to look at your child’s artwork.  Through the original works program, you can order lots of different objects with your child’s artwork on it. There are so many fun things you can order. Personally, I like to order pieces with my own children’s work on it as Christmas gifts for grandparents. I also order Christmas ornaments for myself. One year, I received a card from a student that had his artwork on it. I still have that card. These pieces are priceless. The profits from these pieces go directly to our classroom and we can use the money for what we choose. Some of the things we have used it for are field trips, art supplies, new works, and even a new class pet last year. They all worked hard on the pieces. Please order something if you are able. Your order needs to be turned in by October 17 paid by check or card. Please return the art work as well as the order form. Your orders will be delivered November 30. Here are some questions and answers about the original works: Original Works Q&A

We have our annual school Fall Festival coming up. It will also be October 12. This goes from 4-7 pm. This is a chance for students to dress up, play games, enjoy friends, and have good food.
Purchase your tickets online at:

Any tickets/wristbands purchased online will be available for pickup at the “ticket drive-thru” or at the will call booth the night of the festival. Pre-sale prices are good now thru October 11th.

Ticket Drive Thru dates will be: October 8, 9, 10, & 11 in the north east corner of the North Shore parking lot from 2:45-3:30 pm or October 8 & 10 from 8-8:30 am
Here is a message from our MAPA president:
Hi Parents,
Thank you so much to everyone who has already signed up to help at Fall Festival! October is a pretty busy month as far as MAPA and volunteering go so we need help from so many. If you haven’t had a chance to sign up yet there is still time. We need several more volunteers to keep all of the activities open. This year MAPA will be implementing the “no volunteer, no activity” moto again. This means that any time we have a volunteer need and no one has signed up that activity will be closed for the time slot.
Not only do we have Fall Festival this month we also have Parent Teacher Conference dinners and Book Fair October 15-17th.
Please, please follow the link and sign up where you are able. Please note there are multiple signups for all events on the calendar. If one is full please click on the next signup sheet. If you have any questions you can email MAPA at,
Angela Voraotsady

The week of October 15-17, is Parent Teacher Conferences. The sign ups are on Track it Forward. Please sign up to come meet with us. We love sharing about your child. This is also the time of the book fair. Come and get a book or donate one to our classroom! We love books! We will not have school Thursday or Friday, October 18, and 19.

I have been asked for some clarification on the home projects. The past 6 weeks we have been talking about change. Mainly the changes our earth has gone through from the very beginning of it’s creation. We talked about the changes of the earth cooling, of plants and animals forming, changes of writing and math. For this home project we would like students to pick something and explore the changes it has experienced through time. Some examples are animal life cycles, development of things like cars, phones, writing tools, uses of plants. Even the changes your child has gone through from the time they were born. There really is no specific thing they must choose. We just want them exploring change and seeing that all things change and develop. We would love these projects turned in by the end of this week but if that is not possible, please get them in ASAP.

As always, thank you for all you do!!



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