History Week Pictures

We were able to have a dinosaur and bones box in our classroom for an afternoon this week. The kids loved the things in them and we had a great time exploring some history in relation to them. Enjoy these pics.



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Literacy Week

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all surviving moving the clocks forward an hour. Should be an interesting week. 🙂

This week is Literacy Week.
The theme is “Finding Peace Through Reading and as a school we will be reading the book titled I Am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness, by Susan Verde.
We will be having a book swap again this year. There will be tables in the north and south kivas as well as the Jr high commons. The idea of the book swap is for kids to be able to donate books as well as take a book or to if they choose. We will be talking to the kids about using grace and courtesy in regards to this.
We would also like each child to bring in the cover of their favorite book to post outside our classrooms. It does not have to be printed off the internet, the students can draw a picture of it. As teachers, we will be including our favorite books as well.
We also have a large tree in the front hallway that we want to cover with leaves. When a child finishes a book, either on their own or with parents, siblings, family, friends, they can write the title on the leaf and hang it on the tree. For children reading chapter books, they can add a leaf for every chapter or for a certain amount of pages read.
Literacy night is this Tuesday night from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Please come and bring your families. There are lots of great activities to participate in and an Usborne book fair. You can come dressed up as your favorite book character or just come as you are. We hope to see you there.
We will be having a school wide read-a-thon on Friday from 10 to 11. In our class, students can bring a blanket, pillow, and/or stuffed animal as long as it fits in their locker (keep in mind our lockers are not that big). They can also bring some of their favorite books.
We are excited about Literacy Week!

We have our field trip to Union Station on 25th street this Tuesday afternoon. We will be meeting at North Shore to leave at 12:30 p.m. Our wonderful room mother put the sign up on Track it Forward. Please sign up if you can chaperone, drive, or if your child needs a ride. Right now it is looking like we have rides for everyone. If you do not sign up that your child needs a ride, we will assume that your child has a ride.

We have a half day this coming Friday, March 15 for a teacher professional development. Please make sure your child can be picked up by 1 p.m. We also do not have school next Monday, March 18, also for a teacher professional development.

Thank you for all that you do! I am so grateful for all the wonderful parents our students have and appreciate all your support.


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Literacy Night

literacy night (2)

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Work Cycle Photos

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Spring is Coming

Hello All,

Spring is coming!!!… I hope. It is definitely starting to get warmer, but the weather is still chilly so please make sure to continue to send your child to school with jackets and/or coats to make sure they are comfortable outside at recess.

We have our field trip to Union Station coming up next Tuesday, March 12 in the afternoon. We will be needing drivers and chaperones. We will have a sign-up for drivers shortly.

A few things to look forward to in the future: half day on Friday, March 15, and no school on Monday, March 18.

MAPA is in need of assistance for the classroom Gala baskets. We would ask that instead of donating items this year you donate money to MAPA and some of the volunteers will purchase everything for the baskets. We feel that this may alleviate any stress that providing items for the baskets may cause. We would ask you to be as generous as you can with your donation. We also ask that funds be donated by Thursday March 7th.


Thanks for all you do and have a good weekend.


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History Week

Hello All!

We had our class spelling bee on Thursday. I am excited to say that almost all of our students chose to participate and did great. We did about 4 rounds with everyone just giving them all the experience and then took the top spellers and had them do real, drop out rounds. You should all be proud of your kids, they we brave and did an awesome job. I am proud of them as they should be of themselves. I love them all. They are all truly amazing. We have such a wonderful class. We have our top 3 spellers for our class. I am not going to post their names because I would like to post a picture of them on a later post. If your child was one of the top three, you will have received an email from me yesterday.
The school spelling bees will take place on Tuesday. Lower el will be held at 9 a.m. and upper el/Jr. high will take place at 11 a.m. They will both be held in the Jr. high gym. Please feel free to come and support our kiddos.

This coming week in our school’s History Week. We will be delving more into some history areas focusing on U.S. history such as indigenous peoples and pioneers. We will also be celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday this week as it is coming up this Friday.

Yearbooks are on sale for only $20. You can even personalize it by getting a foil name imprint on it for only $3 more. If you buy them after March 1st, there is a $5 late fee. Please keep in mind that the payments are due by March 29th. If you want to order one to keep the memories or just want to support our school, you can order you yearbook with the code 13283719.

Thank you all for everything you do!!


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PTC Thank You

Hello All,

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who was able to make it to parent teacher conferences this past week. They were wonderful and I really enjoyed talking to all of you. If you were not able to make it to conferences, please let me know and we can schedule another time.
I also want to say thank you to everyone who was able to come to or help in any way with the Valentine party. The kids had an amazing time.

We do not have school this coming Monday, February 18 in honor of President’s Day.
Tuesday is Free Family Skate night from 5:30-8:30 at Classic Fun Center in Layton.
Box tops store will be this Wednesday. Please send box tops CUT out nicely.

We will be doing our class spelling bee to decide on the top spellers from our class this Thursday. I encourage all students to participate in the class spelling bee but understand that not all students will be comfortable with this. If your child does not wish to participate in the class bee, please have them use the spelling bee words in another way to share with their classmates. Some of these ways include but are not limited to writing a story using as many of the spelling bee words as possible, creating multiple funny sentences using the words, create a board game using the words, create a game involving good, physical activity with the words, create a classroom scavenger hunt with the words. The school spelling bee will be next Tuesday, February 26 at 9 a.m. in the Jr. high gym.

We were finally able to watch all of the movie Hugo. We will be creating a venn diagram as a class comparing the book and the movie and then writing an opinion paper about which we like best and why.

Yearbooks are on sale for only $20. You can even personalize it by getting a foil name imprint on it for only $3 more. If you buy them after March 1st, there is a $5 late fee. Please keep in mind that the payments are due by March 29th. If you want to order one to keep the memories or just want to support our school, you can order you yearbook with the code 13283719.

Thanks for all you do!


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Hello Everyone,

We will be watching the movie Hugo tomorrow morning before P.E. Students are allowed to bring a blanket and/or pillow as long as it fits in their locker.

Don’t forget that conferences start tomorrow so tomorrow will be an early out day. Please make sure your child is picked up at 1:00 p.m. There are still plenty of sign up spots on Thursday and Friday so please sign up.

We can also use more volunteers to come help at our Valentine’s party. Please sign up to come if you can.

Thanks so much.

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We continued to have an issue with hoodies. Per our dress code, it states, “Outerwear: Outerwear is defined as anything worn over the standardized dress, such as, but not limited to: hoodies, jackets, and coats. Students shall not be allowed to wear any type of hood/hoodie inside the school building. Nothing offensive on outerwear is allowed, such as images, sayings, artwork, music groups, etc.” Please enforce this with your student as this is against our school’s dress code and your student will be written up.

Smart Watches

In our day and age, smart phones and smart watches are in and are often a necessity. We want to assure you that all classrooms are equipped with phones; therefore, students should not have their phones or smart watches on during the school day. Per our Electronic Resources Policy, ” Students may not have electronic devices in their possession during the School day or at School-sponsored activities unless approved by the Director.” Please enforce this with your student as this is against our school’s electronic resource policy and your student will be written up.

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PTC This Week

Hello All,

Parent teacher conferences are this week. They will be held Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday starting at 1:40 and going until 6:40 with a break for dinner. Wednesday is completely full but there are still lots of openings Thursday and Friday. You can go to track it forward to sign up. https://www.trackitforward.com/site/389525/events. If you are able, please bring your child with you so they can help lead the conference. During this time the book fair will also be open in the library. Hope you can make a trip there to get a book for your child and support our school.

We will be having our class Valentine party on the morning of this Thursday, February 14 starting at 11:00. A sign up for the party is on Track it Forward. For the party, students can bring cards and/or treats, gifts for the other students. This is completely voluntary. We will be decorating bags in class for the students to put their cards in. We have 27 students in our class and 3 teachers. We will be having an early lunch this day and the parfait we have at the party will be our snack.

A bit over a week ago we finished the book we were reading aloud in class. The book was The Invention of Hugo Cabret. In celebration of finishing the book, we will be watching the movie based on it, Hugo. We are hoping to watch the movie later this week, after I get approval from Ms. Rene. When I have a set date, I will let you know.

The school spelling bee will be held Tuesday, February 26. The lower el spelling bee will be held at 9 and the upper el/Jr high will be at 11 in the Jr. high gym. We will be holding our class spelling bee Thursday, February 21 to decide on the top kids from our class going to the lower el spelling bee. I sent home spelling bee lists at the beginning of the month. I really want to encourage all kids to participate in our class spelling bee. This will be held in our classroom and I think would be a good experience for the kids to do. However, I do understand that not all kids will be comfortable with this. They can also participate in other ways. If your child decides not to take part in their classroom bee, they will need to use the spelling bee words in another way to share with their classmates. Some of these ways include but are not limited to writing a story using as many of the spelling bee words as possible, creating multiple funny sentences using the words, create a board game using the words, create a game involving good, physical activity with the words, create a classroom scavenger hunt with the words. I cannot share the list electronically but I can send another one home if you need it.

Yearbooks are on sale for only $20. You can even personalize it by getting a foil name imprint on it for only $3 more. If you buy them after March 1st, there is a $5 late fee. Please keep in mind that the payments are due by March 29th. If you want to order one to keep the memories or just want to support our school, you can order you yearbook with the code 13283719.

We will not have school next Monday, February 18 in honor of Presidents Day.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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