

We continued to have an issue with hoodies. Per ourĀ dress code, it states, “Outerwear: Outerwear is defined as anything worn over the standardized dress, such as, but not limited to: hoodies, jackets, and coats. Students shall not be allowed to wear any type of hood/hoodie inside the school building. Nothing offensive on outerwear is allowed, such as images, sayings, artwork, music groups, etc.” Please enforce this with your student as this is against our school’s dress code and your student will be written up.

Smart Watches

In our day and age, smart phones and smart watches are in and are often a necessity. We want to assure you that all classrooms are equipped with phones; therefore, students should not have their phones or smart watches on during the school day. Per ourĀ Electronic Resources Policy, ” Students may not have electronic devices in their possession during the School day or at School-sponsored activities unless approved by the Director.” Please enforce this with your student as this is against our school’s electronic resource policy and your student will be written up.

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