Author Archives: Jalee Schofield

Welcome December

Hello All, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were able to spend some time with family and/or friends. I also hope you have all been safe in this snow that we have gotten this week. I don’t know … Continue reading

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Here are some pictures of the kids sitting in anticipation of guests coming for the International Festival.

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No School Next Week

Hello Everyone, Thank you for all your support with the International Fair and the Community Gratitude Feast. They were both a huge success! Thank you all. Just a reminder that next week we do not have school at all for … Continue reading

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International Festival Reminder

Hello All, Just a reminder that tomorrow is our school International Festival from 1-3 pm. Please make sure your child’s home project is here tomorrow so they can participate in this wonderful festival. Remember all parents, family, and friends are … Continue reading

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Stuffy and Game Day

Hello Everyone, Just a reminder that tomorrow is our stuffy and game day in class. The kids may bring a small stuffed animal, emphasis on small. Please no taller than 6-10 inches. They will be allowed to keep this stuffy … Continue reading

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Dress Down Day and PTC

Hello Everyone, Just wanted to send this reminder that tomorrow, November 19, is a dress down day for our class only. It is one of the incentives we earned from the Fun Run. Students are allowed to wear jeans (please … Continue reading

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Thank You

Hello Everyone, As you have probably all heard, our class got to help slime Ms. Rene, Ms. Dana, Ms. Amanda, and Ms. Autumn on Wednesday after the Fun Run. We earned this “reward” šŸ™‚ because our class and Ms. Stacey’s … Continue reading

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Fun Run Tomorrow

Hello All, Just a reminder that our school wide fun run is tomorrow. The kids are so excited and ready for this. Lower el will be running at 9:15 and all parentsĀ  and family members are welcome to come and … Continue reading

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Fun Run

Happy Weekend Everyone, Thank you to all who have been able to support our students with our Fun Run fundraiser.Ā This weekend we are issuing a special challenge! Your child can earn a bonus prize simply by getting a qualifying pledgeĀ this … Continue reading

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Hello Families, Good news! Our Original Works deadline has been extended. There is still time to order something with your child’s artwork on it and still receive it before the holidays. You have until November 9th now. Late orders can … Continue reading

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