Author Archives: Jalee Schofield

Don’t Forget

Hello Again, Things are going well in our classroom. The kids are normalizing and we are able to teach more lessons so more works are getting done and progress is being made. Level 1s learned about vertebrates in zoology this … Continue reading

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Half Day Tomorrow

Hello All, Just a reminder that tomorrow, September 22, is a half day. Your child will need to be picked up at 1 p.m. Thank you! Jalee

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Hello, Just a few reminders and updates for this week. We switched our P.E. day this week from Monday to Tuesday, so please make sure your child has good shoes for running Tuesday. This is only for this week. Next … Continue reading

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September Home Project

Hello All, I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Thank you to all who could make it to back to school night. We missed seeing those of you who weren’t able to come. I have created pages for the forms … Continue reading

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Back to School Night

(From Ms. Rene) This year we are hosting a parent/guardian only (sans students) Open House this week on September 7th from 6 – 7:30 p.m. -ish. The schedule was set-up to accommodate families that want to attend early, attend later, … Continue reading

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Labor Day Week

Hello, I hope you have all had a good Labor Day weekend and enjoy your day off tomorrow. Just a reminder that we do not have school tomorrow do to Labor Day. We will be back in school on Tuesday. … Continue reading

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First Week!

Hello All, We made it through the first week! It went well! Thank you for all your support. This last week we started our grace and courtesy lessons. This is something we will work on all year but really focus … Continue reading

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First Day

Good Evening, We had a great first day and got to see the eclipse. As the week continues we will be doing more eclipse and moon activities and we will do more team building and getting to know you games. … Continue reading

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First Week of School

Hello All, I am sending this message via email as well as putting it on my blog. PLEASE subscribe to my blog if you have not already. It is my main means of communication. To do this visit To the … Continue reading

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Welcome and Welcome Back

Hello Everyone! I cannot believe that it is almost August and the time to go back to school is upon us. I hope you have all enjoyed our summer and have had some time to relax. New Assistant I am … Continue reading

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