Author Archives: Jalee Schofield

Halloween Party


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Early Out Monday

Hello All, Hope you are enjoying this first weekend of November. Again, thank you to all who were able to help with the Halloween party. I will add a separate post with some fun pictures I took during the party. … Continue reading

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Halloween Week

Hello All, I hope this post finds you all happy and healthy and enjoying time with your families. I was a difficult week, but one that reminded us of our amazing community and loving support. Thank you all! I will … Continue reading

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Home Projects

Here are some fun pictures of the home projects that have been turned in so far. If you child has not brought one in yet, please have them bring it when they are ready. Kids working before the field trip … Continue reading

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Box tops

Hello, I apologize, I failed to announce that the first box tops store will be this Wednesday. Please send your child’s box tops already cut out around the dotted lines so they don’t have to do this at school. Since … Continue reading

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Thank You

Hello All, Big thank you to everyone who was able to come and meet with Sara and me about your wonderful children. We had amazing meetings. What wonderful children you have and amazing parents. Thank you all for all you … Continue reading

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PTC this Week

Hello All, Thank you for everyone who was able to support in any way with the field trip we had on Friday. The kids had a good time and thankfully weather was good so we could really enjoy it. I … Continue reading

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Field Trip Friday

Hello, Hang in with me this post, there are a lot of announcements. We have our field trip coming up this Friday. For the field trip, we will be going to Green Acres Dairy Farm in West Weber. We will leave … Continue reading

Posted in Field Trips, General Information, Holidays, Home Projects, PTC | Leave a comment

Yay October!

Hello, It is basically October and almost, kinda feeling like Fall. I am so ready for it. Next Friday, October 12 is our field trip to Green Acres Dairy Farm. Please let me know if you are able to attend … Continue reading

Posted in Field Trips, General Information, Home Projects, PTC | Leave a comment

October, Here We Come

Hello All, Can you believe this is the last week of September?! I am so excited! I love October. I love the cooling of the air, I love the changing of colors, I love football, I love Halloween. I am … Continue reading

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