Wonderful Week

Hello Everyone,

I cannot tell you how much Ms. Tiffany and I LOVED seeing all the kids that were able to join the Zoom meetings. We have missed them all so much! It was so much fun to be able to talk to them and ask them questions. Mainly of them had a great time sharing works they have done or even showing us all their pets. It was way fun for us and we can’t wait to do it again. The plan is to just do the same times we did before. I think I can send you one invite for both times and you can keep using the same link. I will play around with it and see. We will do the meetings again at 9:30 am Tuesday and 4:00 pm Thursday. You can email me any feedback you have about the meetings we already had.

I want to apologize for not getting you all emailed individually this past week. My goal was to contact you all about how things are going with works and whatnot. I did not get that don’t this past week, so I am sorry. I would like to create a sign up for anyone who would like to talk to me on the phone instead of email. However, my husband is getting reconstructive surgery on his knee for a torn ACL Monday, so I am not sure what my schedule for next week will look like. Once I get that all figured out, I will create a sign up. That way, if you would prefer to talk on the phone instead of email, we can do that. Otherwise, I will just shoot you an email during the week to check with you. As always, you can email or send me a message on remind whenever. I am checking me email constantly throughout the day between 8-4. Since this is still new to all of us, any feedback or thoughts are great.

We have had a wonderful week for weather this past week. I hope you are all able to get out and exercise or play or just hang out in the sun with your family. I know we are super enjoying the great weather and looking forward to more. I also hope that this message finds you and your family healthy and well. While we greatly miss all the kids, we understand the importance of social distancing for all our safety and well being.

I do want to share with you how excited we all are for Mr. Micah to be our new director. The more I learn about him and his family, the more I feel he will be such a great asset to our MMA family. He has great experience in education in many areas, and seems to be a true Montessorian at heart, someone who will help make our school better and continue with the amazing work that our past administrators have started for us. We will greatly miss Mr. Mike, but welcome Mr. Micah with much excitement. Hopefully the craziness of all that is going on will not hinder Mr. Micah and his family from coming from Hawaii in July.

Lastly, but most importantly, Ms. Tiffany and I want to thank you all for the hard work you are doing with your children. I wish so much we could be at school with them, but know they are being taken care of at home with you. I am experiencing how hard it is to teach my own child at my house, and want to thank you for teaching all your children. Please let me know if there is any way I can be more supportive of you in your efforts at home.

Stay safe. Stay well.


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