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Aspire account

Our deadline for online Aspire accounts is quickly approaching. Re-registration for current students for the 2020-2021 school year starts January 6.  In order for parents to register their students for next year they MUST have an online account by December 20th. As of this morning, most families have not yet signed up. Please sign up before Winter Break so the office can answer any questions you may have or get your child’s student number for you (due to privacy laws we cannot send student numbers through email).
Instructions to create an Aspire account can be found here.

Parent Teacher Conferences Sign-ups

I have put the sign-ups for Parent Teacher Conferences on Track-it-forward. They are on December 17th, 18th, and 19th. Please sign up for a conference slot. This is a child led conference so please make sure that your child attends. Your child will be presenting information to you about their year so far. In order to respect the time and work your student put into their portfolio and presentation, please do not have siblings in the classroom.

Tuesday Sign-up

Wednesday Sign-up

Thursday Sign-up

Holiday Party

Our class holiday party will be Thursday December 19th. We’re having a read-a-thon and a board game party.  They may bring a blanket and a book for the read-a-thon (or read a book from school) and bring a board game or card game to play as well. We also have a couple board games here at school. They also all signed up to bring a snack to eat throughout the day. Ask your child what they signed up for or bring another delicious treat to share.
Early out
Remember Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are all early out days so we can have Parent Teacher Conferences. School is dismissed at 1PM.  Please be on time picking up your children so we can be prepared for Parent Teacher Conferences which start right after school. Remember there is no school on Friday as well.  Hope you have an amazing break!

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