Cross Country Track

There will be a Player/Parent meeting held on Thursday, August 21st at 5:30 for parents and players to meet the coaches and sign-up to run. We will need parents to sign up at this meeting to volunteer to help with meets, carpools, etc. Any help given to the team will also count towards the schools required 40 volunteer hours. Practices will start the following Monday, the 25th at 3:15-5:00 pm. Student will need to have a parent with them at this meeting to sign medical release forms and the player and parent contracts. Students will not be allowed to practice or participate without these filled out and turned in.
MMA Cross Country runners will be learning about good running techniques, proper nutrition, proper stretching/warm-ups, self-motivation, goal setting, and good sportsmanship while focusing on building a feeling of support and community and most importantly having a blast! There is a $65 Pay-to-Play fee. Come learn more and have your questions answered at the meeting!
This entry was posted on August 17, 2014, in General.

Things to Note for the First Day and Week of School

I can’t believe school is beginning on Monday!  I’m so excited to see my returning students and get to know the new students even better.

Returning Students: Don’t forget your homework assignments (10-15 hours of math practice logged on the sheet that went home at the end of the year, and 2 book reports).  If you still need a template for your book reports you will find a good one at the following link.

New and Returning Students:

  • Please bring all school supplies, if you haven’t already, to school on Monday.  We will be preparing our notebooks and sorting all our supplies the first day of school.
  • Don’t forget to double check the dress code policy.  It can be found on the school’s website as well as in this post.   This year the dress code will be strictly enforced, and warnings will be sent home, in addition to a phone call home, for students who do not comply with dress code.  If you have questions about a particular item of clothing, have your child bring it to school, before wearing, to check in with the office.
  • Pack a lunch and snack, if desired, for your children.  Please make sure that you and your child are working together to ensure the choices are healthy.  In addition, sending your child with a water bottle that can be kept in the classroom throughout the week will help your child stay hydrated.
  • I strongly recommend applying sunscreen each morning before school, and encourage students to bring sunscreen to keep in their lockers.  We will be spending quite a bit of time outside the first few weeks and I want everyone to stay safe in the sun.
  •  This year, we will have silent, independent reading each day after recess.  Please have your child bring a book with them so that they are able to read.  The first book report is due September 30, and the genre the students will need to focus on is fiction.  This is a great way for them to get a jump start on this assignment.

School starts at 8:30, doors open at 8:15.  Pick up during the first week of school is 1:00pm.  PLEASE be patient and courteous while everyone learns the drop off routine, it can be a little hectic during the first few weeks of school.

See you all (at least your students) Monday!


Advance Volunteers Requested

I know this request is a bit far out, but I want to get an idea of who may be able or interested in helping our fifth grade students with an art project for our Egypt studies.  We will be making Egyptian death masks in December and it is a big project.  I would like to have 2 or 3 parent volunteers for this project.  If you are available in the afternoon on Monday, December 15th and would like to help out, please let me know as soon as possible so I can schedule this activity.


This entry was posted on August 15, 2014, in General.

Snack and Lunch Addendum

I want to clarify the “Things to Note” section in the previous post regarding snack and lunch.

The first bullet point, “no red drinks or yogurt,” should be, “no red drinks or yogurt with red dye.”

Sorry for any confusion.

This entry was posted on August 14, 2014, in General.

Orientation Tomorrow

Just a quick reminder about our level 4 AND new student orientation tomorrow at 2:00.

All Level 4, new level 5, and new level 6 students are invited for a 45 minute orientation tomorrow, Friday, August 15th.  Ms. Kari will greet them outside at 2:00 and bring them into the classroom where we will spend time getting to know each other.

Please drop your children off at the curb, following the signs, rather than walking your child in.  This will foster their independence and confidence.


This entry was posted on August 14, 2014, in General.