IXL Account Changes

Our classroom account was just upgraded without my prior knowledge.  This means all student usernames and passwords have been changed.  I will be working this weekend to reset them to what they were.  Because this is a time consuming process, your students will not have access to IXL until Monday.

I apologize for any confusion this may cause you or your students.  This was completely out of my control.

Thanks in advance for your understanding.

IXL Clarification

I have had several parents asking for clarification regarding how long, how much, to what end do your children need to practice IXL.

Hopefully this will clarify the misunderstandings and answer all of your questions.  If not, please email me and I will try and clarify further.

Firstly, the IXL is meant to be a review of the lessons we have during our work week or a review of concepts that were taught last year.   Your children should spend approximately 20 minutes each day on IXL.  IXL awards a smart score (in the right hand bar of the page as your student is working) for correct answers.

I don’t know the exact algorithm for awarding points but I believe it is 10 points for each correct answer to 90 points and then one point per correct answer between 90 and 100. Missed answers result in points being removed from the smart score.   The goal is to reach 100 points.     If your child has been practicing for 20 minutes and they have not been able to reach a smart score of at least 80, this means they need another lesson.  Please have your students record, in their planners, any section that they have been unable to pass off in that 20 minute time frame so that I can give them additional lessons.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

This entry was posted on September 16, 2014, in General.

Science Fair Information

This is the 5th year of science fair at MMA.  Science Fair is mandatory for all upper elementary students.

Please visit the science fair page, at the top of the blog, for a list of due dates and deadlines to help your student be successful.   If you follow these deadlines, you and your student will avoid the stress that comes with waiting until the last minute.  Take it from me, a parent who has had an upset child, and a teacher who has witnessed unprepared students, these deadlines are not only beneficial, but crucial in assuring that your child has a great experience at the science fair.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.


This entry was posted on September 14, 2014, in Science Fair.

Weekly Wrap-Up, NHMU Field Trip and Call for Certified Drivers

It is such a lovely, late summer day.  I hope you all are out enjoying the beautiful weather.

This week we really started digging in with our small group and individual lessons.  I feel like most students are beginning to independently plan their work, with less and less help needed from myself and Ms. Kari.   This week we had our introductory geometry and fraction lessons with individual and small group lessons in language.

This year our class is one of two lucky classes using a new Montessori language material.  I am really excited about this material as I feel like it will drive our students language studies.  Currently, all 6th level students with some 5th and 4th level students are using this material.  As the school year progresses and I can see how the students are getting on, we will likely have more 4th and 5th level students using the material.  It is geared to 5th-8th grade which is the reason we are not using it ubiquitously at this point.

Friday we had a whole group lesson on writing complete sentences, which we will continue with on Monday. We will also have a writing assignment that will allow the students to practice writing complete sentences.  Being able to respond using a complete sentence is an important step in becoming a fluent writer.  As a classroom practice, students are expected to answer all questions in a complete sentence. This is important in writing and speaking as it is a more effective way to communicate.

Your student should have brought home a permission slip for our upcoming field trip to the Natural History Museum of Utah.   This slip has to be returned no later than Thursday, September 18th.  If your student does not return their slip by this date, they will not be allowed to go on the field trip.  You can find a pdf of the slip on the field trip page if your student has misplaced their copy.  This due date is in line with our school field trip policy. If you prefer your student not attend the field trip, they are still required to attend school that day. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

We are still in need of a few drivers.  If you are a certified driver, and I have not already heard from you, please contact me via email.  We need to find rides for our entire class otherwise we will not be able to go on this trip.  Thanks to those who have already committed to drive our students to the museum.


This entry was posted on September 13, 2014, in General.

Cereal Box Book Report Update

Monday your student was given the rubric (grading scale) for the cereal box book report that is due Tuesday, September 30.   If your student follows the directions outline in the handout for the book report and uses the rubric as a self-evaluation before turning in the report, they should be able to receive a perfect score.

Some of the students have asked if they can create a comic, rather than a game or puzzle, for the backside of the cereal box.  Although the comic is not an option on the instructions, nor is it listed on the rubric, I have given them permission to draw a comic if it is detailed and makes a connection to the book.

I have added the rubric (grading scale) to the PDF page in the event that your child does not have their copy.  Please have the students turn in a copy of the rubric, with their name on it, when they turn in their book report.

This entry was posted on September 11, 2014, in General.