Introducing Chandi Our Room Mom

Chandi Gill has generously agreed to be our room mom.

If you are interested in volunteering your time, please contact her with your email address. You can reach her at chandeee (at) msn (dot) com

Thanks Chandi!!


This entry was posted on October 10, 2014, in General.

Early Out and PTC Reminder

Happy Friday!

Just a reminder that next week is a short week with early out at 1:00pm each day.  Please make arrangements to pick up your children at this time.

Sign ups for PTC can be found at this link.

Have a great weekend.

This entry was posted on October 10, 2014, in General.

Box Tops Store

Our next Box Tops Store is Wednesday, October 8.   The date was moved up to be able to submit the Box Tops before the November submission deadline.

All children who have non-expired, cut and counted box tops will be able to participate in this Box Tops Store.


This entry was posted on October 6, 2014, in General.

October Book Report and Next Science Fair Deadline

Our September book reports turned out great!  I was so impressed with the creativity of the students!

This month’s book report is student choice.  They can choose their genre as well as the format they would like to report in.  I would ask that if they are planning on doing a power point that they let me know a week in advance so I can reserve the projector.

Please remind your children to bring their book of choice to school.  We have silent reading after recess on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  This is a great time for your students to read the book they are planning to use for their book report.

Our next science fair deadline is October 24.  Students need to have their background research plan submitted on or before this date in order to stay on track with their project. We will be discussing this plan in detail in class this coming week.  The research plan form was sent home with your student at the same time the proposal form came home.  If you need to print another copy of this for your child, you can find the link on the PDF page at the top of the blog.

A research paper is required for 6th grade students (recommended for 4th and 5th grade students).  As such, we will be doing a teacher guided mini-research paper in the months prior to Science Fair.

Just a reminder that science fair is a mandatory home project and all upper elementary students are expected to participate.

Engineering Opportunity for Girls

Happy Friday!

I wanted to share this opportunity with you and your 6th grade girls.  The Expanding Your Horizons Conference, sponsored by ATK, is a wonderful experience for girls.  Please consider sending your child.  My own daughter went last year and has been chomping at the bit to go again.  Spots fill up fast, so register early to guarantee your daughter’s first choice workshop.
