Spring Pictures

Don’t forget Spring pictures tomorrow!  You can find additional order forms in the front lobby of the school or you can order online at mylifetouch.com using the                      Picture Day ID: UM044265Q0



This entry was posted on April 13, 2015, in General.

SAGE Testing

The testing season is upon us.  Our first SAGE test is Wednesday, April 15.   We will be testing in the afternoon this day.  Please be sure your child gets a good night sleep, has a healthy breakfast and has a protein packed lunch in order to have the necessary energy to do their best work on the test.



This entry was posted on April 13, 2015, in General.

Chili Cook Off Student Volunteer Sign Ups

Here are the links for your children to sign up to help with the chili cook off.  If your child is in need of volunteer hours, this is a great way for them to get in their last few hours.

Sign up to bring chili here:  http://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/wgkpp

Sign up to bring sides for the chili here:  http://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/cwjkq

6th graders and their parents can sign up here to volunteer to help:  http://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/gkowg


This entry was posted on April 13, 2015, in General.

Chili Cook-Off – November 16

Good Evening! I trust you all had a wonderful spring break.  Your kids did amazingly well today considering the difficulty we all have getting back into the swing of things.


I’m putting out a call for volunteers to help our class prepare one (or more) pots of chili for the final fundraiser before our 6th grade students leave for Alliance Redwoods.   Our chili cook off is a chance for you to let your favorite chili recipe shine, while competing for prizes and supporting our 6th grade class.  You do not have to be the parent of a 6th grader to help out.  We would love any and all volunteers.  If you are interested in sharing a recipe, large crock-pot, cooking with the kids or donating items to prepare a pot of chili, please let me know as soon as possible.   This is a great way to get in your final volunteer hours before the end of the school year.

I would like to try and have two pots of chili from our class: a traditional recipe and a vegetarian/gluten free offering for our veggie friends.

The Chili Cook-Off is next Thursday, April 16 at 6pm.  We will be preparing the chili in class Thursday afternoon, then tasting it during the cook-off.

Thanks for supporting our school!  We are so much more with everyone’s help!

SAGE Testing Schedule

The state mandated annual testing window is quickly approaching and I wanted to let everyone know when our class is expected to test.  Please be aware that we are juggling testing schedules for 6 grade levels and flexibility is a must.  As it stands, we have been given our “final” testing schedule for language, math and science.

Language: Wednesday, April 15

Math: Monday, May 4

Science: Thursday, May 14

We have been lucky enough to have access to computers for each child in the classroom for the past two Wednesday mornings for students to practice using the SAGE testing software and to test student skills in math and language.  If there is a SAGE homework assignment it is imperative that your student practices at home.  There are many nuances in the software that students will have a difficult time navigating if they do not take the time to practice.  A new SAGE homework assignment will be available Friday, March 27 and will close Thursday, April 2.  This assignment may take 20 min/day to complete.  Some may finish more quickly than others, this is the nature of our kids, moving at their own pace.

I cannot stress the importance of your children becoming familiar, through practice, with the SAGE software.

If you find your students are unable to log in, please let me know as soon as possible.  I will be out of town, and unreachable for a portion of spring break, so do not wait until the last minute to let me know of technical difficulties.

Have a wonderful evening.