
School Supplies and Supply Preparation

School Supplies 2015-2016

*Please read the school supply preparation letter before labeling supplies.

White 2” 3-ring Binder (Working Binder)

White 1” 3-ring Binder (Portfolio)

25 page protectors (to be used for student portfolio)

2 pkgs wide rule notebook paper (one will be placed in the working binder, the other will be held in the classroom supplies until needed)

2 pkg dividers (5 subject with pockets)

2 wide-ruled composition notebooks (black)

1 five-subject notebook (any color)

Low-profile clip board

2 pkg Ticonderoga Pencils (Must be Ticonderoga please.  Other pencils are not the same quality and the lead breaks easily)

1 pkg 24 colored pencils

1 pkg water colors

1 pkg of 4 multi-color vis-a-vis wet erase-markers (fine point)

1 highlighter (any color)

1 small bottle Elmer’s school glue


Pencil box

2 boxes Kleenex

Handheld pencil sharpener (optional, but helpful)

1 flashdrive  (optional, but helpful)

1 roll paper towels (optional, but helpful)

1 container Clorox wipes  (optional, but helpful)


*School Supply Preparation

Ms. Amity


The school year is about to begin!  I’m so excited to have your kids back in class.

Prior to the first day of school, your child will need to prepare their school supplies.  The only items that should be labeled with your child’s name are listed below, everything else will go into the classroom supply cupboard for later use.

Please assist your child in following the directions below.

Working Binder

  • Create a spine label with your first and last name (we will make covers for the binders during the first week of school)
  • Place 5 dividers in your working binder
  • Label a tab for Language, Writing, Handwriting, Math, Cultural
  • Behind each tab place approximately 25 sheets of paper


  • Place 5 dividers into portfolio
  • Place 5 sheet protectors behind each divider
  • Create spine label with your first and last name (we will label tabs and create cover as part of an in class activity)

Pencil Box

  • Label with first and last name and Rm. 24
  • 5 sharpened pencils
  • Colored Pencils
  • Pencil Sharpener
  • glue
  • Flash Drive
  • Highlighter
  • Scissors

Thank you for assisting your child in being prepared for the first day of school.  Having these items ready to go will help our class get off to a great start!







Last Two Weeks

Happy Sunday to you all!  I hope you are enjoying a break in the rain today by getting out before it starts coming down again.

As a reminder, we still have two more weeks of school.  Though the children are excited to begin their summer break, please remind them of the importance of coming to school ready to learn and participate in the educational activities we will have during the next week.  We have discussed this in class, but it never hurts to have an extra reminder from home as well.

The following are important dates to remember as we finish out the rest of our school year.

Friday, May 22 – Field Day

  • Please send your child with sunscreen and a hat for this day.  We will be outside for about 2 hours and I want them to be safe in the sun.

Tuesday, May 26 – Swap Meet

  • I need to know what they plan to sell (product) or provide (service).   Items against school policy (soda, candy, guns, etc.) won’t be approved.  If they want to sell food, we need to know how it will be prepared, where and what it is made of.
  • They should bring a blanket to outline their “stall” but if they want/need a desk they have to buy it from me for $1 an hour.
  • They can use their money or barter goods at the market
  • Parents should not be attending – this is a student only event.  If a parent needs to come to set up then the student shouldn’t be providing the service.   Parents, however, can help transport goods.
  • We have gone over basic market and the grace and courtesy rules (not taking advantage of anyone, etc.)
  • It starts at 9:00 and goes until 11:00 at which time all students will help clean up.
  • We will have a brief ceremony afterwards to see who was the most successful business person/people.

Thursday, May 28 – 6th grade Graduation

  • Please join your children as they are promoted from 6th to 7th grade in a ceremony beginning at 10:30 am.  This ceremony will be outside on the field, and will last about an hour and a half so please come prepared with a sun hat or umbrella so you will be comfortable watching your children receive their certificates.

Friday, May 29 – Yearbook Day/Last day of school

  • School is out at 1:00pm this day.  Please arrange for your children to be picked up on time.

School Spirit Days

May 26th – PJ Day

May 27th – Crazy Hat/Hair Day

May 28th – Crazy Sock Day

May 29th – Dress Down Day ( no logos)

*Don’t forget to sign up for a 20 minute conference spot during the final week of school.  These are child led conferences so please plan on having your child attend with you as they share their portfolios and discuss their goals with you.  The sign up is available on the sidebar of the blog.*



This entry was posted on May 17, 2015, in General.

Fatboy Ice Cream Fundraiser

The Jr High is doing a FatBoy Ice Cream Fundraiser!!! Yay!!

This Fundraiser is open to the entire school! Proceeds will benefit the 9th Grade Field Trip Fund. In each teachers box there is information listed below with order forms for you to pass out to each of your students. Please be sure to give one to each of your students no later than May 5th. Teachers can order through the front office. There will be envelopes & order forms there. Thank you for your support. We love being able to support each other with all the many fundraisers happening.  We’d love if you can note this on your blog too! If you need more order forms or have any questions let me know!

Starting May 6th we will be selling Fatboy Ice Cream Sandwiches and Fatboy Nut Sundaes for $25.00 a box. Each box contains 30 delicious Ice Cream treats.

This is a pre-sale fundraiser, which means you will need to collect the money up front. Each Student will be sent home with a Fatboy Fundraiser Order form and an envelope by May 5th.

All order forms and money collected will need to be turned in to the main office no later than May 20th. We will also have a table set up in the North Shore Parking lot before and after school on May 20th for parents or Students to turn their order sheets in at. (no money will be given to individual teachers)

Orders will be ready for pick up May 29th In the North Shore Parking lot beginning at 12:45 p.m. Once you pick up your order it will need to be delivered or placed in a freezer within 45 minutes.  THIS IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!

Fatboy Ice Cream Sandwiches and Fatboy Nut Sundaes.

How much: $25.00 for a box of 30

Payment method: Cash or Checks (made payable to MMA Jr High)

Selling Period: May 6th thru May 20th.

Delivery Date: May 29th at 12:45 p.m. North Shore Parking Lot

Additional information will be included with your childs order form. This may be perfect for summer family/friend gatherings, treats for sports events, or even just a cool treat to enjoy through the summer!


Thank you,

Jaime Boothe

Jr. High Secretary

Maria Montessori Academy

This entry was posted on May 4, 2015, in General.

Spring Pictures

Don’t forget Spring pictures tomorrow!  You can find additional order forms in the front lobby of the school or you can order online at using the                      Picture Day ID: UM044265Q0



This entry was posted on April 13, 2015, in General.

SAGE Testing

The testing season is upon us.  Our first SAGE test is Wednesday, April 15.   We will be testing in the afternoon this day.  Please be sure your child gets a good night sleep, has a healthy breakfast and has a protein packed lunch in order to have the necessary energy to do their best work on the test.



This entry was posted on April 13, 2015, in General.