Welcome Back!!

It’s finally here, the first day of school!

Please be sure your child comes prepared by remembering the following items:

  • School supplies should be prepared as outlined on our school supply page, you can find the guidelines here.
  • All children need to have indoor shoes to wear in the school and classroom.
  • Students should have a reusable water bottle.
  • All snacks and lunches must follow our school wellness policy, which can be found here.  Also, when planning lunches, pack items that require one minute or less to heat, this will ensure your child has enough time to eat lunch without having to rush.
  • We go outside each day at 10:20 to run the track.  Children should have shoes that will allow them to do so comfortably (sneakers, tennis shoes or similar shoes are acceptable).
  • Ball caps or other sunhats are highly recommended for recess and other times we will be outside.  I encourage sunscreen as well.
  • If your child has a book they would like to bring to school for our silent reading period, please have them do so.

Ms. Kari and I are excited to have your kids back in the classroom!!