A Few Important Items I Overlooked at Back to School Night

I’m so excited for this first week of school!  In my excitement, I forgot several very important items.  Please be sure you take note of these so your child can have a successful, healthy experience.

  • Students should bring a water bottle with them to school every day.  If they want to leave it here for the week, we have a place to store them.  Only water should be in water bottles.  No juice, soda, sport drinks.  We are very busy inside and out and regularly drinking water will ward off dehydration and headaches.
  • If your student would like a snack during the morning hours prior to lunch, please send a little something extra in their lunch.  Snack items should be healthy and take no more than 10 minutes to eat.  Suggestions for snack are a small piece of fruit, cheese stick, yogurt, handful of nuts or trail mix (no m&ms please).  This individual snack arrangement worked really well for our class last year so we will be continuing this year in the same manner.
  • Sunscreen and hats.  We are outside more often in the first couple of weeks of school than normal.  Please be sure your child applies sunscreen in the morning before school to avoid sunburn.  Sunscreen wipes are available and can easily be tucked into lunch boxes so your child can reapply before recess.  A sunhat is also an appropriate outdoor clothing item and will protect your kiddo from sun damage.

As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email.