Cereal Box Book Report Update

Monday your student was given the rubric (grading scale) for the cereal box book report that is due Tuesday, September 30.   If your student follows the directions outline in the handout for the book report and uses the rubric as a self-evaluation before turning in the report, they should be able to receive a perfect score.

Some of the students have asked if they can create a comic, rather than a game or puzzle, for the backside of the cereal box.  Although the comic is not an option on the instructions, nor is it listed on the rubric, I have given them permission to draw a comic if it is detailed and makes a connection to the book.

I have added the rubric (grading scale) to the PDF page in the event that your child does not have their copy.  Please have the students turn in a copy of the rubric, with their name on it, when they turn in their book report.

This entry was posted on September 11, 2014, in General. Bookmark the permalink.