Snack and Lunch

This year in room 24 we are going to try something a little different for our snack.

I would ask if you and your child feel a daily snack is necessary that you pack something  extra in their lunch that they can have during morning work cycle.   We will not have a sign up sheet to provide snack for the entire class.

A small piece of fruit, a cheese stick, almonds, a small muffin, carrots,  mini bagel with peanut butter or cream cheese are all healthy options.  Please do not send candy, popcorn, chips and salsa or any item that needs microwaving.  Snack is meant to provide a quick boost of energy before lunch, and is not something that should consume a great part of your child’s work cycle.

Speaking of lunch, we eat lunch each day at 12:00-12:30.  Please assist your child in packing a healthy lunch each day.  Fresh fruit and healthy proteins are a wonderful way to ensure your child has energy to sustain  them through the afternoons at school.  We are very busy all day and it is imperative that they don’t burn out or crash because they aren’t eating well during lunch time.

Things to note:

  • No red drinks or yogurt with red dye, please.  If they spill, they will stain our carpets.
  • Microwave items need to take less than one minute to heat.  We have 28 students and space for one microwave, if everyone brings something to heat, the entire lunch period is over before they even get to heat their food.  Better options are foods that don’t require heating, or a thermal container to keep food warm until lunch.
  • No candy, gum, chocolate or other items that fall into the category of “candy”.
  • No placemats to begin the year please.  We found that placemats create a larger mess than they contain so we will be starting out without this year.  If we find this is a mistake, we will request a placemat later.
  • No fast food as a replacement for a healthy home packed lunch.  This is a school policy.

If you have any questions about lunch or snack, please don’t hesitate to ask.
