First Day of School – Tuesday, August 21

Welcome Back!   We are all excited to have your kids back in school Tuesday, August 21.   Please take time to read through this entire post, and the Classroom Management Plan – 2018-2019.  By doing so, many of your first day questions will be answered.

The first couple of weeks of drop off and pick up can be overwhelming for everyone.  While everyone is acclimating to procedures in the parking lot, please remain patient and follow the directions of the teachers and volunteers.   To ensure you are not distracted, please be sure to put your cell phone away while you are in the parking lot.  Driving on school grounds while texting or calling is dangerous.

  • Please pull forward as far as possible to ensure the flow of traffic runs smoothly – Do NOT stop in front of the doors to drop of your child
  • Children should enter and exit the vehicle on the curb side and should NEVER enter a vehicle that is not at the curb
  • Please allow your child to walk into the school independently – Ms. Kari and/or myself will be outside to meet your child on the first day of school – pull all the way forward and your child can walk to our location
  • Make sure your child knows your family’s drop off and pick up plan prior to the first day of school (Do they ride home with a carpool?  Do they walk home on sunny days? Should they meet you at North Shore?).

During the first week of school, we will be spending more time outside than usual as we build classroom community.  I strongly recommend students apply sunscreen in the morning and bring a sunhat to wear while outside during activities and recess.   Hats will be kept in their locker while we are inside the building.

Don’t forget to review the School Supply List as well as the School Supply Preparation document (so you know how to help your child be prepared for the first day of school).

We can’t wait to start the year!