Snack Sign Up 2017-2018

In the spirit of following Dr. Montessori’s recommendations for child nutrition, and in order to align with school policy for snack, our classroom will be participating in child/family provided snack.   This routine will allow children the opportunity to hone practical life skills of food preparation and clean up.  Students will provide and prepare snack for 28 students.  Please adhere to the approved items as it will streamline snack time and eliminate messy spills and stains in our classroom.

In order to ensure that snack does not become a distraction, our class is limiting the approved items to the following list:

  • Mini bagels with cream cheese
  • Fruit (ex. apples, clementines, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, cucumber, melon – cut at home, grapes, cherry tomatoes)
  • Cheese Sticks
  • Veggies (ex. carrots, broccoli, celery)
  • Crackers with cheese (pre-cut)
  • Granola Bars (no chocolate chips please)
  • Fruit Leather (no fruit snacks or fruit roll-ups please)
  • Mini-muffins
  • Whole Grain bread with jam

Please do not send popcorn, cereal, chips and salsa or ranch dressing.  These items will be sent home with your student.

If your child is bringing their own snack, please ensure it is a healthy one.  Chips, Cheetos, cookies, fruit snacks or other items high in sugar are not appropriate and will be saved until lunch.