Multiplication Facts

Knowing math facts is a supremely important skill in order to advance in the upper elementary classroom.  Until students are fluent in math facts, they are “stuck” in terms of abstract (paper-pencil) math progress.  It is my goal to work with all students in order for them to become fluent in all multiplication facts before they leave for Christmas Break.  As such, we are using a variety of methods for practicing these skills.

If you have an unused deck of cards, or one missing one or more bits, that you would be willing to donate to our classroom, it would be greatly appreciated.  We are building skills and having fun at the same time.

Please take this opportunity to practice the facts that they may not know yet.  As a group, we identified the facts that they know (ones and tens) and facts they may not know (6,7,8,9).  Your children will be coming home with 2 to 3 flash cards daily of facts they are currently working on.  We will call these facts their “meanies”.  Multiplication facts that, for one reason or another, are difficult to your child.  Throughout the day we will practice “meanies” until all students in our room are fluent with their times tables.

As always, don’t hesitate to contact me with questions regarding what your child is doing in the classroom.  I am happy to share our triumphs as well as struggles with you.