April/May Book Report and Attendance Expectations

The upcoming book report for April/May is due Monday, May 4.   Any 6th grade student going on the field trip will have an extra week to turn it in.  If they turn it in before the field trip, they will receive extra credit.  We have been discussing this in class for the last two and a half weeks and the expectations for the book report came home today.  You can view the expectations on the book report page of the blog.

The genre is Historical Fiction and the format for the book report is a letter to/from the main character.   Though the expectations state that students will be graded on proper grammar, exceptions will be made for letters from the main character where the character speaks in a dialect or another language.

On a different note, it is more important than ever that your child be at school every day, and be on time.  The time we have left before the end of the year is crucial learning time.  It is extremely difficult to catch up lessons when we are covering so much each day.   We have two more weeks before our Math SAGE test (Monday, May 4) and 3 more weeks (which will pass in a flash) before our Science test (Thursday, May 14).  Although the exams do not necessarily reflect everything your child knows, or is capable of, they cannot do their best if they are not present for the lessons and practicing during class time.

If you have any questions about testing or the book report please let me know.