Studio Session 1

We begin our first session of studio next Friday, September 12th.  The kids are super excited to begin their art, music and health classes.

At 2:30 today we have our first studio assembly.  At this assembly, your students will hear about the choices available to them.  They will be bringing home a flyer with information about each one of their choices.  Attached to the info will be a colored sign up sheet.  Please look at this with them as they fill it out.  They need to rank their choices in order of interest for EACH “session”.  There should be a first, second, third and in one instance fourth choice in each “session”.  Please ensure their first, last and teacher name (mine, of course) is listed in all three areas.

I know it is short notice, but we are beginning the process of forming classes on Friday. This is a time consuming process; therefore, the due date for the forms is tomorrow, Thursday, September 3rd.    I apologize for the short notice.


This entry was posted on September 3, 2014, in General. Bookmark the permalink.