Silent Reading

Today we began our silent reading.  Each day after recess we have fifteen minutes of silent reading.  It was awesome looking around the classroom today seeing all of the children reading.

Although we haven’t discussed the details of our first book report yet, the genre we will be reporting on for the month of September is fiction.  Your child can bring any book they would like to read, but it would be a good idea for them to bring the book they are planning on using for their book report.

Several students did not come with a book today.  We have a few books in our classroom library that they are free to read, but it would be helpful if they come to class with something they are excited about reading.  If your child has a book at home that they would like to use for their silent reading, please be sure they bring it with them to school each day.  This will ensure they have a book of their choice, as well as save a lot of time browsing our library shelf.