Science Fair, Science Class and Student Council

I believe it was Einstein who said time was relative, and boy, he couldn’t have been more correct.  I cannot believe how quickly the first three weeks have flown by and how we find ourselves in the thick of our studies, science fair preparation (only 4.5 short months away), six grade field trip fundraising,  and student council elections.

I will tackle the biggest one first.  Science Fair.  Here, at MMA, we have high expectations of our students.  As such, we do require that all of our 4th, 5th and 6th level students participate in science fair.  Please visit my Science Fair page  to read the letter from Ms. Paula detailing the project requirements and deadlines.  I know how much some of us hate deadlines, but these really do help keep the students on track and eliminates any kind of stress that may be associated from such a large, long term project.  I speak as a parent who has had a child on both sides, and believe me, sticking with the deadline schedule makes the project much easier to manage and will reduce the number of tears shed.

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Science studies begin on Monday.  I am working with a team of upper elementary teachers to share students for science.  This is a great way for our class to get to know other students in the school, make new friends and learn from other teachers.  If your child is one who is uneasy with change, please discuss this with them this weekend so they have some time to get used to the idea of moving out of their comfort zone.  Our 4th grade class will be studying science with Mr. John.  He is a fantastic instructor and has a wonderful way with the children.  We are so lucky to have him sharing his talent with us.  I will be keeping the 5th grade students along with 2 other classes of 5th grade students.  And for our 6th graders, behind door number three, we have Ms. Nicoletta.  She has been with MMA since before it was a twinkle in the eye of all of us lucky souls.  She is everything we could wish for  a 6th grade science instructor.

Our sixth grade students will have an opportunity to run for office in our first student council.   We will have a president, vice president, secretary, historian and treasurer.  Elections will be held Sept 18, which also happens to be Constitution Day.  How apropos!   Students interested in running for office should notify me no later than September 11.  They will be allowed two election posters and will also be required to give a speech to the school on Election Day.   Each child will cast a ballot to determine their choice.    We have already discussed with the 6th grade students that they should elect the person best suited for the job, one who is responsible, kind, respectful and qualified for the position, not just the person who has the most friends or the nicest posters.  Please take this opportunity to discuss how to make a sound voting decision with your kids.

Lastly, we have already begun preparations for our annual 6th grade field trip to Alliance Redwoods.  Our 6th grade class is already thick in the throes of fundraising.  We have had two fundraisers already this year, the second of which, the pancake breakfast, raised $1000.  This is a nice amount of money but doesn’t put us anywhere near our goal of close to $30,000.  In order to meet this goal we need the help of everyone.  Our 6th grade students are required to do 40 hours of volunteer work, 20 of which is dedicated to fundraising activities with the school.  We also ask that our parents volunteer 40 hours of their time each year.  As a parent of a child at MMA and a former employee at a “9-5” job, and now a teacher here, I know how difficult it is to cram more into our already jam-packed days, but without the help and support of everyone, we will not be able to meet our goals.   Please take a look at our student We Join In page with your children and the parent We Join In page and sign up for the activities that you are able to help with.  Because your child may sign up to volunteer at a fundraising event that I may not be attending, please write down the number of hours your child volunteers in their planners.  These are hours specifically dedicated to the school, not personal service hours outside school activities.  Having said that, we also have a service hour requirement and students will have plenty of opportunities to serve the community with our school as well.