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October is Here…

Good afternoon, parents and students. We had some beautiful moments of work this past week and I am so very proud of our class for being as normalized as it is, considering we are still searching for the perfect fit assistants for our classroom. They have some things to improve upon (restoration of the environment and volume); however, I can see things coming together overall.

Second conferences occurred for some students this past week; please ask your student for a green or pink slip to determine how well they are using their time. The green means they completed their chosen and assigned goals; pink means they have some items to catch up on and need to get them done, as well as better plan their time in the upcoming weeks. Conferences are an important part of the child and teacher both being held accountable to the learning process. It helps bring to light the need for personal engagement.

This past week, fourth years attended a weather assembly and fifth years attended a assembly on energy. Please ask them about it. They appeared to enjoy the assemblies! Also, a reminder that fourth years have a field trip coming this Thursday to the American Heritage Center in Logan, a wonderful introduction to Utah and US Expansion History.

In class cultural studies this week, students investigating erosion by rain, ice, sea coast, and more. We also discussed weather, its causes, dynamic phenomena,  and measurement tools. In addition, novel studies also began this past week for some. It’s exciting to figure out how our world works and what patterns exist both in our language and numbers.

Please peruse the donations page; we are in need of yarn, sewing, knitting and crocheting supplies. Also, donations towards novel purchases are welcome.

Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-ups are ready!

Thank you for all you do to aid your child in their education! Remember to have them help you add up the bill for groceries or read the signs to go to a new fun place. No effort is wasted!


Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences Approaching!

Please sign-up for a twenty-minute conference time here. This first conference we will cover mainly the establishment of work routines and the first portion of learning for the year. The student is urged to attend and will present a small sample of work, as well as introduce parents to the expectations of our environment. See you soon!

What a week – And more to come!

Greetings! Cooler weather is here and the rains have been coming too. This has been great, seeing as how we are currently studying all sorts of cycles and systems related to water and weather. All students are participating in the Work of Water lessons; some will delve deeper than others this year, yet all will be involved in some way. This upcoming week we even have an in-house assembly for the 4th years on weather. So exciting!

The 5th years also have an assembly this week by the Rocky Mountain Power group. They will be bringing items home with them to share with their families; look for that.

All students have now had at least one conference; each has a current work chart to progress through. I’d like to share some reminders: Each child has access to Utah Compose and is asked to write what they can (improving of course with each attempt) on the assigned weekly prompt. They begin in class on Wednesdays and it is due on Sunday night/Monday morning. Some students now have a novel which they are using for literature study, word studies, grammar studies and sentence construction studies. This is their own book which they are to write in and perform their work within. If you wish to donate $5 to the purchase of their books, it would be much appreciated. Other students will be receiving short novels as well, as time moves forward and they have shown their conscientious work ethics (completing the grammar boxes, word study boxes, and so forth prepares them for this greater work.)

As for the other software interests, these are up to the student’s and each one’s personal interest and time. I expect students to invest at least an hour per week engaged in a math activity on either IXL or Kahn Academy. Kahn Academy has videos to assist in the student’s understanding; therefore, if your child needs extra assurance in math, I would veer him or her towards this program. It will require your assistance in setting up an account. DuoLingo also would require your assistance in setting up an account; yet, this program is one which all the children are very excited about. In class, they are allowed only 20 minutes per week. Thus, allowing them to do ten minutes a day at home will surely help them progress more rapidly and retain better. Studying other languages typically helps in understanding one’s own language better.

In sum, ten minutes a day in language learning, one hour per week in math exploration, and whatever time necessary in preparing one written response to a prompt on Utah Compose are the software program expectations. These all have the potential to be done in class too, if the child manages his or her time adequately. Sometimes that’s a challenge when we have so many wonderful lessons occurring!

Speaking of lessons, we have many occurring: prime versus composite numbers, migration studies, abstraction of square roots, squaring, mastery of math facts, exposure to diverse dance genres, and much more. This past week we had some beautiful moments where children asked questions and sought answers of their own accord (about WWII, Vietnam, and even Christopher Columbus.) This is what Montessori education seeks to promote: spark the interest and let the child explore. And while, yes, some pieces of education are the responsibility of all to know (reading, writing and arithmetic), the cosmos is ours to explore… I look forward to the sparks continuing to fly!

REMINDERS: Field trip forms for fourth years are due! (Donations of $7-10 are being accepted)

DEAR AMERICA PROJECTS DUE OCTOBER 2nd! Reading Responses are due Monday, October 2nd. Students’ presentations will begin on Thursday, October 5th. A schedule will be posted in the classroom on Monday for children to know when to dress up.


This Week’s News…Thank you!

First, thank you so much to everyone who came together to make Friday’s field trip happen. It was my first time attending this particular event and I found it very interesting. I believe the children too found it a marvel and learned a bit about our country’s beginnings. Though we will take time this week to discuss further about the constitution and its bearing  in our lives, I hope you too will speak with your child about your own understanding of its relevance in our

This past week, we also enjoyed the COW (Computers on Wheels). This will now be a weekly special. Students were introduced to two new websites which they are welcome to use: and In Freerice, the children can focus on subjects such as vocabulary, geography, and math tables. This site donates rice to third-world countries as our children learn. Our classroom goal for the year has been suggested at 2 billion up to even 5 billion! We will discuss it further in class meeting on Tuesday and decide; so have your child keep record and bring his or her total each week so we can add it to the classroom total.

Duolingo is a language learning site. As parents, you can assist them with setting up a profile which will keep track of their progress. Learning other languages is very relevant at this age as the children hear the Story of Language again and wish to expand their basis in the world. Also, we live in a global time; thus, being exposed to other languages is exciting, fun, and very relevant. We will begin a pen pal letter exchange also with Montessori schools in other lands. So exciting!

Other websites to keep in mind and utilize from home as well as school: IXL,, Utah Compose, and Kahn Academy.

This past week, we also began working in our respective smaller math and reading groups. Some reading groups are ready for work that includes a book of their own. If you are able and willing to donate $5 towards that book, it would be much appreciated. I will be ordering them this week.

Another piece of the Montessori classroom that is key to the child’s whole growth is the conference. This is where the child and teacher meet and discuss what is working, what is still a challenge, show what work is being accomplished and discuss what other work needs to be done or lessons to be had. These conferences will begin this week. At the end of the week, please begin expecting their work journals to come home showing their progress from the week and having a signature from me indicating that we met. Your child will have a set time every OTHER week; check with him or her about it. Please sign that you have seen the log each weekend though.

This upcoming week has much in store for it. I’m excited to be working with your children. Keep them eager and give them chores 🙂 so they grow responsible in class too!

If you’d like to volunteer as a chaperone on October 12th for the fourth grade visit to the American Heritage Center, please email me soon.

Check the other tabs on this page and especially the calendar! This next weekend’s the 5K Color Run and Pancake Breakfast-SEE YOU THERE!

Children Wondering about helping the Fish Tank…

See the Donations Page/Tab. Thank you!

So Much to Tell! Read it all!

Our class has been up to so much this week. We began the Great Lessons last week, continued the journey this week, and will learn even more next week. These lessons include: Story of the Birth of the Universe, The Coming of Life, The Timeline of Life, Story of Language and the Story of Numerals. Ask your child about them. We also started making our own Timelines of Life in groups. These stories set the stage for how vast the Universe is and how humble our beginnings and place in the Universe. We included discussions from various cultures about their ideas for the birth of the Universe as well. They are beautiful and help us to recognize the relevance of various ideas and beliefs.

In addition, we have been working in our math and writing lessons. Many children have picked up where they left off last year and several new children have had their first Montessori-materialed lesson this week. They are being quite productive.

Cursive is a work that all students will progress through, if not to write it beautifully which is the greatest hope, then at minimum to read it. Thus, it too has begun in great effort this week.

In our classroom, the work journals are very important keys to time-management. The children are to bring it home each weekend, let parents peruse it and ask about their work, record five events from their weekend, and return with it on Monday, signed on the weekend page. Recording the date at the top, then listing the activities and their time are the assignment. Those that need a bit of support to make this happen have an accommodation available at the supply shelf if needed. It has some of the tasks listed while still expecting other pieces to be personally recorded. This support piece is glued into the work journal each day. Take a look at your child’s this weekend!

Also, each day our students record a quote and some facts or lessons  items first thing in the morning. Last week, we focused in geography and space: continents, oceans, alphabetical order, planets, sun and moon. This week, we focused on science: body functions of animals, vertebrate classes, needs of animals, needs of plants, water cycle, photosynthesis, and much more.

Life in our class is active and joyous. We are learning and growing every day. When you ask your child what they did they day, try asking: what material did you work with today? How does that material work? What is it teaching you? If you ever have questions or concerns, contact me directly and I will be happy to provide assistance.

Today I sent home several documents that are very important to you and your student. Please ask for them directly, as I know they made it in the backpacks. Please also check the Donations tab if you wish to aid our class even more. Thank you for all you do and see your child on Monday!


Sept 12th     6th Gr. Parent Mtg – REDWOODS TRIP – 5:30pm – Library

Sept 15th    Meet at North Shore at 830 am for our first Field Trip

Sept 21st       International Day of Peace

Sept 22         Early Release

Sept 23rd      MMA Family Color Run and Pancake Breakfast

Oct 2              Dear America Projects Due – Speak with me for any special requests. Thank you.

FOURTH YEARS ONLY – American West Heritage Center Field Trip – Oct 12th – Each student is $10. Link for donations:

Back-to-School Night!

Hope to see you this evening! -Ms. Kotie

Snacks for Us!

Please sign up to bring in snacks for our classroom HERE. Thank you!

(Also, we do have an individual who is allergic to nuts, so NO nut products for snack.)

Last Week’s Informational Meeting Notes

For those of you who were unable to make it to last week’s meeting, here is the agenda. If you review this agenda and have any questions, please let me know by email. Thank you for reviewing.

FYI – The Service Saturdays have needed to be changed to the 2nd Saturday of the month in order to get the most days out of the year.


Return to School Meeting

Please plan to come to a informational meeting specifically for Ms. Kotie’s classroom on August 17th at 7pm. We will go over particular pieces of information concerning supplies, Montessori methodology, and upcoming adjustments to classroom management and student expectations. See you there! (Yummy, healthy desserts will be served.)