Dec 18th International Festival Projects DUE – Students have their countries assigned and the project questionnaire. Check on their progress! Looking forward to seeing their work!
Dec 19th Job Fair in JR High. UE to visit.
Dec 20th UE International Festival Presentations 9am – 11 am
Dec 21st LE International Festival Presentations 1pm – 2:30pm
First, a great big shout out to all who helped make our Festival of Lights a success! The children enjoyed it so much and we had lots of fun. It truly was wonderful to see all the children making the crafts and playing the games. Plus, to see them explain about other holidays celebrated around the world at this time of year just made it that much more exciting. Thank you students for all your hard work and fun personalities.
In news this week, we are studying the work of air and how our earth’s rotation produces a wonderful engine for ocean currents, seasons, the water cycle, and much more. Last week we touched on three historical time periods: The Dark Ages, The Renaissance, and The Age of Exploration. Very interesting times indeed. Ask your student about their progress in science and history!
Also, so many students are making skips and jumps in their writing and math progressions. Exposure is happening in so many areas: operations in fractions and decimals, multi-digit multiplications, long division, orders of operations, exponents, and more in math. In writing, students are learning patterns and formulas to use for paragraphs and essays to ease the process of getting thoughts from mind to paper.
So much is happening in our wonderful classroom; come by and take a peek. I welcome you to do observations. Call the front office to schedule one. Steer clear of Wednesdays though-they can be super hectic with all of our specials occurring that day. However, we also readily welcome volunteers too. Let me know when and how you’d like to help. MAPA has their tracker ready and we could use your expertise.
Thank you for all you do for the classroom, the school, and most of all- your child!