I hope you all are enjoying the blog writing; I sure am. We have many activities and learning occurring even as we near the close and minds are already gearing up for summer mayhem.
I will be out this next week at the Redwoods with the 6th years. Mr. Carl will be with our 4th and 5th years guiding them through their practice work and several writing lessons. Our reading and math have greatly improved for all over the year and we are quite pleased with the progress. I am most impressed thus far about our students growing knowledge of the world and its parts.
Please stay aware of upcoming dates:
May 8th SAGE Math 12-3pm
May 11th Crystal Hot Springs Field Trip; NEED CHAPERONES & DRIVERS
6th Years Redwoods Essays Due
May 14th UE SWAP MEET 9-11am (Students may “rent” a booth and sell their wares (pre-approved the week prior))
May 15th End of Year Essays Due
May 16th Culinary Project Due
May 17th Portfolios Due
May 18th Field Day (more announcements to come)
May 23rd 6th Year Graduation
May 22 & 24th Parent-Student Conferences
May 25th Last Day of School