Monthly Archives: August 2017

Snacks for Us!

Please sign up to bring in snacks for our classroom HERE. Thank you!

(Also, we do have an individual who is allergic to nuts, so NO nut products for snack.)

Last Week’s Informational Meeting Notes

For those of you who were unable to make it to last week’s meeting, here is the agenda. If you review this agenda and have any questions, please let me know by email. Thank you for reviewing.

FYI – The Service Saturdays have needed to be changed to the 2nd Saturday of the month in order to get the most days out of the year.


Return to School Meeting

Please plan to come to a informational meeting specifically for Ms. Kotie’s classroom on August 17th at 7pm. We will go over particular pieces of information concerning supplies, Montessori methodology, and upcoming adjustments to classroom management and student expectations. See you there! (Yummy, healthy desserts will be served.)

Summer’s Almost Gone!

I hope you’ve had a phenomenal summer, getting all the wiggles and giggles you possibly can! I have thought of each of my students heavily over these couple months and have been working hard on preparing our classroom for the start of the year.

First, a reminder: please take some time over the next three weeks to brush up on basic mathematics, writing sentences, and even speaking in complete sentences! Read a short story or two each day or pick up a chapter book. Practice coloring in-between the lines. And most of all, start getting that bedtime arranged to be well-rested when the big day comes. Check back here from time to time for possible pre-school requests. This is your classroom; I want to have you as involved in its governance as possible.

Second, our classroom supply list is located in a tab at the top of this page. Please pay attention to each list. EVERY child needs the items in the first list, then refer to the genderal list for any remaining classroom needs.

Also, please note that each level will have direct classroom pet responsibilities. These will be announced the first week of school. AND if you would like to assist the classroom with additional needed supplies, we would be so grateful!

Third, I have a special request for all students. A survey has been created which will assist my planning for the school year. I have been waiting to send it out until the rosters were fairly set. Thus, please (student) take the survey by August 11th. The link is:

Thank you for all you do for our classroom and your student! Can’t wait for a new year to begin!

(P.S. Ms. Kotie’s Room IS Ms. Stephanie’s Room. I am going by my “forever nickname” because it is both what I like most to be called AND to cut down on the confusion of Stephanies’ in the building. Thanks for understanding!)