
Dear Parents-

Welcome back to the last weeks of school-literally there are seven Mondays left.  Yikes!  That is insane to know how fast this year has gone.  In these last spring weeks of school there is a lot of activities going on: SAGE testing, in class activities, and field trips.

SPRING FEVER– Students are physically and mentally changing and developing.  Embrace the change, take the time and opportunity to talk with your child about their changes- laugh at what does not seem funny to you but hilarious to them.  This is a pivotal time for all children to want to be noticed and accepted by peers, adults and most of all family members.  Invite them to make dinner with you- provide them ample opportunities to be leaders in the home- channeling the energy in a positive manner of responsibility.  Their emotions may seem very yin and yang, up and down, and really they have no idea or control of this phenomena.  Level 4’s are getting excited and anxious to no longer be the youngest in the class, level 5’s are excited and scared to be 6th graders and level 6’s are moving upward and onward to Junior High, which in general is an awkward stage of development for all children.  Emotions are high for all level of students from happiness to sadness in a split second.  It is okay and normal.

SCIENCE FRIDAY– On Friday I would like to do Easter Egg dying SCIENCE activities.  There are supplies that are necessary for the activities- please if you can sign up to donate, materials can be brought to the class throughout the week.  I would like materials brought by Thursday so I know if we can do the activities for Friday or not.  THANK YOU  https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/mhywn

silk tie egg   shaving cream eggs

Field Trip– We have a field trip the following week to the Dinosaur Park.  It is an all day field trip learning about science.  We are looking for drivers/ chaperones- Jen will be sending an email out this week.  Thank you for all of the volunteers that help to support our field trip experiences!!


Our annual summative testing begins after spring break.  With that in mind, it is important that your child rests well, eats healthy meals and comes to school on time in order to do his/her best.  These things are important for your child every day, but are particularly important during testing in order to eliminate anxiety that can come with taking an exam.  We have regular conversations in the classroom that this assessment is simply an opportunity for students to show what they know, and to demonstrate what they have been working so hard on all year.
Although SAGE is only one measure of your child’s progress, it is important to enter into the test with an attitude of working hard and doing their best.  (When would we ever encourage a child not to do their best?)  Students often reflect what has been discussed at home, if you model a positive attitude toward the test, your child is likely to do better when test time arrives.
  • Thursday April 13 – Writing
  • Tuesday April 18  – Language
  • Thursday May 10 – Math
  • Wednesday May 17 – Science
If you have any questions about testing, please contact the office.

Have a great week!

Ms. Nicoletta


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