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Weekly update

Hello Families,

In light of our recent tragic event, I am eager to express to each of you and to your children how grateful I am to be working with you.  It is impossible to work so closely with your sweet ones without loving them.  Thank you for sharing them with me.

Our school has a newsletter that goes out weekly to update parents.  Here is the link to the most recent one.  If you have not been receiving them, your email address may need to be updated.  To do so, please contact the front office.

As a classroom community, we have decided on the expectations during our morning meeting and lessons.  The students decided that if those expectations aren’t followed, the teacher will:

  1. Give a warning
  2. Ask the student to move (in the form of a tug on the ear and a pointed look at the student)
  3. Ask the student to bring a chair to sit in
  4. Invite the student to fill out a reflection sheet and send home an email to parents.  The reflection sheet will go home to be signed by the parents.

If you would like your child to access Imagine Learning from home, please contact me and I will send you their SSID number.  For returning students, it is the same number as last year.

The students have been working with spelling lists for the last 2 weeks.  We will test them on words tomorrow.  I apologize for not posting this list sooner, however, they have had considerable practice in class.  Your students are familiar with the color of the group they are in, and their spelling groups is also listed on their progress reports.

Red (Beginning Consonant)- The skill we are looking for is being able to identify the first sound in the word

  1. bug
  2. map
  3. man
  4. six
  5. boy
  6. saw
  7. road
  8. rain

Orange (Short vowel sounds)

  1. cat
  2. mat
  3. hat
  4. rat
  5. bat
  6. fat
  7. sat
  8. pat

Yellow (Consonant Digraphs)

  1. horse
  2. shirt
  3. saw
  4. shark
  5. sock
  6. ham
  7. seal
  8. shed
  9. hose
  10. house
  11. ship
  12. soap

Blue (long vowel patterns)

  1. trade
  2. Spain
  3. clay
  4. tray
  5. nail
  6. shape
  7. past
  8. glass
  9. raise
  10. brave
  11. stray
  12. lay
  13. grain
  14. taste
  15. aid
  16. stand





For those students who are working towards mastering letter names and sounds, we have started using “fundations” card materials.  These cards show an image and give a prompt to help students remember letter names and sounds.  The skills they develop are later revisited in the University of Utah Reading Clinic lessons, as well as in the Wilson program.

This site is a great resource for students who are working on letter names and sounds.  Please look at the downloadable files to get your own copies of the cards, as well as reading tips and handwriting lessons.





As you know, this week is Parent Teacher Conferences.  I still have openings for Wednesday afternoon if you have not yet signed up.  To sign up, go to track it forward (trackitforward.com) and click on events.  Scroll down to Ms. Karen PTC.  Click on a time that works for you.

If you are not available this week, please contact me at kclements@mariamontessoriacademy.org to schedule another time to meet.

Thank you!


Imagine Learning

Hello families!

Students at Maria Montessori have the opportunity to use Imagine Learning, a great website for practicing both reading and math.

To get your child onto the program, first open the site:


Then go to Sign in the top right hand corner.

Select the icon for Imagine Learning and Literacy (student).

The user name and password for your student is their student ID number.  I will email it to all of you.  The site code for Maria Montessori Academy is 4900144.

You can also use the same information to log into imagine math on the same home imagine learning web page.

Please let me know if you have any questions!



Hello Families!

Thank you for sharing your amazing children with me.  These early days of school have been so exciting; a new classroom, a fantastic assistant, and most of all getting to know these wonderful people I will share the room with this year.

Montessori classrooms include snack as a regular part of every child’s day.  We appreciate donations from families of healthy foods for the students to share for snack.  These generally include items like:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables
  • dried fruits
  • crackers
  • pretzels
  • cheese
  • pickles
  • olives

You can sign up to provide snack using Track it Forward.  This site keeps track of your donations and contributions to the school.  Here is the link for track it forward.

Our classroom is in need of a class parent/guardian.  If you are interested, or would like to share the responsibility with another person, please let me know!  It truly is through the generosity of families that we are able to have a rich and successful classroom.  Thank you!

Have a fantastic week!


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