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The month of October is going to be so fun both for our class and as a school!

This is the link to the most recent MMA Montessori Moments

Fall Festival: The Fantastic Fall Festival will take place this FRIDAY!  WAHOO!  Please refer to the Montessori Moments link for information about ticket sales.  We are also in need of volunteers!  If you would like to volunteer, please check Track it Forward or contact MAPA at mapa.mariamontessoriacademy.org.  See you there!!

Home Projects: Our first home projects are due next week and I’m so excited!  Home projects are meant to be a fun extension of learning that is already happening in the classroom.  Attached, please find the expectations for home projects for each grade level:

Home Projects 2019-20 (1)

2Home Projects 2019-20

3Home Projects 2019-20

Field trip: Our first field trip to the Clark Planetarium is next Friday, October 11th.  It is a favorite for kids and their chaperones!  If you would like to chaperone, please contact me asap so that I can reserve a Tracks wrist band for you.  Please remember that chaperones pay for their ticket into the Imax theater.  Also, chaperones must have completed a background check.  These take time to process, so please get it done asap.  Thank you!

Planetarium Cover Letter

Volunteers and Chaperones: Your participation in our classroom is vital to the success of every child!  We encourage donating time to the classroom in many forms including reading with students, helping with class events, and donating items like snack.  If you would like to volunteer in the classroom and will be at the school for more than 1 hour, please complete a background check.  For those helping with events and reading with children, etc., I do not expect these activities to exceed an hour.

Dia de los Muertos: Our class will be celebrating Dia de los Muertos on Friday, November 1st from 2-3 pm.  This holiday has become very dear to me and I am so excited to share it with our students and families.  If this is a tradition celebrated in your family, please contact me! The purpose of this celebration is to honor our family members who have passed away.  Every child is invited to bring a picture of a special family member to place on our ofrenda and to share their special memories.  We will have other activities as well.  If you would like to help with this celebration, please let me know!!

To learn more about one of my favorite holidays, please read this article from the National Geographic.

Thank you so much for sharing your precious children with me and with Maria Montessori Academy.  Your participation in our school is a gift to each of us and I am so grateful to work with you!

With affection,

Ms. Karen

Our MAPA organization is having a School Spirit Night at Chick-fil-a.  Here are all the details.  See you there!

Chick-fil-a spirit nights




Here is the information regarding the field trip including particulars about times and lunch.

Planetarium Cover Letter

Please remember that ALL chaperones (unless you are with your own child), will need to have background checks.  Please contact the office if you have any questions.

Thank you!

Ms. Karen

Fun Run!


Here is a quick update on the Fun Run!  We are excited to offer free t-shirts for each child.  In order for this to happen, we need sponsors!  If you or someone you know would be interested in being one of our sponsors, please contact the office.

Thank you!

Ms. Karen

Home projects

Hello families!

Home projects are a wonderful opportunity for families to get involved in learning and to support their children in further research and educational experiences.  We have home projects due throughout the year.  These projects tie directly to the unit of study being taught at that time.  Projects are intended to be fun and to allow each child to explore an area of interest at a deeper level.  If you have any questions, please contact me!

These are the lists of projects.  There is a list for each grade level.

Grade 1:

Home Projects 2019-20 (1)

Grade 2:

2Home Projects 2019-20

Grade 3:

3Home Projects 2019-20


Volunteers make the world go round!  Your participation in our school is what makes so many things possible, especially field trips!

In an effort to ensure the safety of every child in our school, we ask that any and all volunteers get a background check.  This is an excerpt from the most recent MMA Montessori Moment:

“Any adult in the building for an hour or more that could possibly be alone with a child needs to have a background check in our system. All official field trip chaperones also need a background check. This is to keep all of our children safe.

There will be someone at MMA to conduct background checks next week on September 17th at 5pm – before the MAPA begins at 6pm. Volunteers will need to make 2 payments at this time $37 to MMA for processing and $25 to Academica West for doing the live scan. Cash, check, and charge are all accepted.

We realize that it can be tough for some of our families to pay for background checks and we don’t want this to be a barrier to volunteering inside school. Please know that once you’re in this new system (Rapback), you will not have to pay or do this again.”

Thank you so much for your understanding and support in ensuring the safety of our precious students.  If you have any questions, please contact our Assistant Director, Ms. Lana, at lpas@mariamontessoriacademy.org


We are so excited about our first field trip of the year to the Clark Planetarium on October 11th.  We will meet students at the UTA train station in Ogden at 8:00 am.  We will ride the train to the Clark Planetarium and enjoy the exhibits, Science around the Sphere, and an IMAX movie.  We will return to the train station where students will be picked up.  All of the particulars of the trip will be included in the permission slip which will go out shortly.

This field trip is a great opportunity to chaperone!  Chaperones have a small group of children to watch and guide through the activities of the day.  If you would like to join us, please email me as soon as possible.  We need a count for chaperones by October 1st.  Chaperones will have the opportunity to attend “Science around the Sphere” and the IMAX movie for a discounted price of $6 if they sign up BEFORE Oct. 1.  Our class will also be given bracelets that allow the first several chaperones who sign up to ride the train for free.  We would absolutely love to have you join us!


Ms. Karen


Hello Families!

Thank you for supporting your child in having a successful day by supplying them with healthy lunches!  We are so grateful for the generous donations of food for snack, thank you!

Please note that our classroom does not provide utensils for students.  If your child will need a fork, knife, or spoon to eat their meal, please include it in their lunch.

We do provide plates and two microwaves.  Students wait their turn to heat their meals, so please send items that need 1 minute or less to be warmed.

During the final 5 minutes of lunch, students are asked to eat silently.  This time is set aside for students to finish their food and allow their classmates to do the same.

A healthy lunch makes such a difference in every child’s ability to focus and learn.  Thank you for your continued support!

Ms. Karen

Family Luncheon

Hello Families!

Please join us for a picnic and team building games!

Family luncheon


Hello Families!

MMA sends out a newsletter regularly for families.  It is called the MMA Montessori Moments.  This is a great resource to stay up to date on all the happenings at MMA.  MMA Montessori Moments come to families through email.  If you are not receiving these, please contact the office at office@mariamontessoriacademy.org.  Here is the link to the latest newsletter.



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