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Home Projects

Hello Families!  Here are the home projects for the remainder of the year.

1st grade:

Science Science For the STEM Fair home project, we will ask that your child create a science presentation. We want to treat our STEM Fair not as a general “Science Fair,” but rather a celebration of science. Students will research and present on a scientist. This science celebration presentation is not limited to just a tri-board. Some ideas include, but are not limited to:

Poster or tri-fold board
Hands-on experiment with write-up
Experiment demonstration by student (must be able to show over and over)
Create a board game
Video (Example: Make their own Bill Nye)
Performance or skit
Create a book
Create a lesson or work

Week of February 3
Zoology Vertebrates Students will be assigned a specific category of vertebrate animal (fish, amphibian, reptile, bird, or mammal). The following are things they will be expected to cover in their presentation:

Provide an example of a specific animal in the category they have been assigned (e.g. salmon, seagull, frog, llama, etc.) Provide interesting facts about their specific animal. Describe the general characteristics of the type of animal (e.g. Feathers, warm blooded, lays eggs, etc.).
Describe the habitat it lives in. (e.g. water, land, both, etc.)

March 16-20
Physiology Nutrition/ Hygiene Students will demonstrate the importance of hygiene and good nutrition by presenting on a certain area. Some examples could be but aren’t limited to why specific food groups, oral hygiene, exercise, and sleep are important to our overall health and care of our bodies. April 20-24

2nd grade:

Science For the STEM Fair home project, we will ask that your child create a science presentation. We want to treat our STEM Fair not as a general “Science Fair,” but rather a celebration of science. Students will do a project using the scientific method. This science celebration presentation is not limited to just a tri-board. Some ideas include, but are not limited to:

Poster or tri-fold board
Hands-on experiment with write-up
Experiment demonstration by student (must be able to show over and over)
Create a board game
Video (Example: Make their own Bill Nye)
Performance or skit
Create a book
Create a lesson or work

Week of February 3
Zoology Invertebrates Student will need to research the category of invertebrate animal that they have been assigned. The following are things they will be expected to cover in their presentation:

How it looks– its physical characteristics
Where it lives
How it moves
How and what it eats
Other interesting facts

March 16-20
Physiology Senses Students will research one of the senses of our bodies (sight, touch, taste, hearing, smelling), the organs involved, the function, and why it’s important to our body. April 20-24


3rd grade:

Science For the STEM Fair home project, we will ask that your child create a science presentation. We want to treat our STEM Fair not as a general “Science Fair,” but rather a celebration of science. Students will present on either simple machines or forces of motion. This science celebration presentation is not limited to just a tri-board. Some ideas include, but are not limited to:

Poster or tri-fold board
Hands-on experiment with write-up
Experiment demonstration by student (must be able to show over and over)
Create a board game
Video (Example: Make their own Bill Nye)
Performance or skit
Create a book
Create a lesson or work

Week of February 3
Zoology Biome of Europe(South side)/ Africa(North Side) Students will research a biome that is located on the continent their class is studying for the second semester. They will need to include information about the climate(weather, temperature, etc.), natural resources, people, plants, and animals. They should also have a picture of a map that shows where this biome is located. March 16-20
Physiology Body Systems Student will be assigned a specific body system to research and present. The following are things they will be expected to cover in their presentation:

Explain what this system does for your body? (What is its job?)
Explain how the system works.
List the main organs found in the body system.
Provide any other interesting facts about the body system.

April 20-24

Gala Basket


Every year, MAPA puts on an amazing Gala to fund raise money for our school.  The event includes a silent auction with baskets assembled by each class.  Our class has been asked to put together a basket with the theme, “Baby Love.”  This can include items such as diaper wipes, binkies, blankets, burp clothes, teething toys, baby toys, etc.  If you would like to donate to our basket, please send items in with your child.

Thank you!

Ms. Karen

Aspire Accounts


Our deadline for creating aspire accounts is fast approaching!  You will need an aspire account to re-register your child for the next school year.  This is a link to the instructions for creating an account as well as to aspire itself.



Ms. Karen

Hello Families!

It’s FUN RUN TIME!!  Many of you have already registered your child and are collecting pledges.  Thank you!

Last year, our school raised over $10,000!  Our amazing new sound system in the large gym is one of the items purchased with that money.  This year, our goal is $15,000 and I know we can make it!

If you have any questions about the Fun Run, please reach out!

Home Projects:

Students’ home projects are coming due in a couple of weeks.  I am so excited to see them and for each child to share them with the entire school and guests during our Cultural Festival, one of my favorite school events.  Students from our class may pick a country from the continent of Africa.  Please see my previous post with the link to expectations for each level.  Thank you so much for supporting your child in their research!

Thank you!

Ms. Karen and Ms. Kimber

Hello Families!!

It’s time to vote for your favorite Red Ribbon Week door! Please visit this link to vote on the MAPA facebook page:
Our class’ door is decorated will sugar skull coloring pages and says “No way drugs, we are too smart, our bodies are a work of art!” If you’d like to vote for our class, please do so, we may win a pizza party! Anyone else can vote too, so spread the word!
Thank you for your support!
Spirit Week:
Here is the schedule for students to participate in Spirit Week:

M Oct. 28 – Door Decorating; Grade color wear

T Oct. 29 – Mismatched or crazy socks

W Oct. 30 – Crazy hair

Th Oct. 31 – Wear a team jersey/shirt & 1st Place Door Prize pizza party

Fri Nov. 1 – Wear a sweatshirt / hoodie- Please note, students MAY NOT wear their costumes to school!  I look forward to pulling out my favorite hoodie and joining in the fun!

Our class’ Dia de los Muertos celebration is on Friday, Nov. 1st in the afternoon.  Please visit the track it forward page to sign up for food or to help!  Thank you so much to those who already have!

Please have a safe an enjoyable Halloween this week.  Students who sleep and eat well will be best prepared for the learning that will continue in our class for the whole week.  Thank you for setting up your child (and the teachers!) for success!!

Ms. Karen and Ms. Kimber

Hello Families!

Ms. Mikaela and Ms. Karen’s classes will be celebrating Dia de los Muertos on Friday, November 1st.  In preparation for this celebration, we ask that each child bring in a copy of a picture of a loved one who has passed away and prepare to share a special memory about that individual.  Students will share these pictures and memories in class all week, so please send in pictures Monday through Thursday.  On Friday, the pictures will be added to an offrenda which will be on display during our celebration.

We have a sign-up on Track it Forward to bring food items and to volunteer.  Please sign up on the Dia de los Muertos Celebration.

Thank you so much for your support!

Ms. Mikaela, Ms. Karen, and Ms. Kimber

Picture Day

Hello families!

October 22nd- Student picture day!

Some frequently asked questions we get in the office.
Does every student get their picture taken? Yes. This is for fall pictures as well as the yearbook
Do the students bring anything with them (i.e. order forms or money) Yes they can, but please encourage parents to order online. Any money will be handed directly to the photographer as the office is not permitted to take money.
Does every student need to be in dress code? YES!!! Again this will go in the yearbook, so every student should be in dress code. Please no hats or funny head wear.
What happens if I do not receive my photos or if they are wrong? Please have parents reach out to lifetouch with the number on the flyer. The office can not do anything regarding parent orders.
Will there be a retake day? Yes, Re-take day is on November 14, but please encourage your students to have their picture done next week so we do not miss anyone.
Thank you!
Ms. Karen

Hello Families!

Tomorrow night is our first Chick-fil-a spirit night.  If you mention Maria Montessori Academy during your purchase, 20% of the proceeds will go to our school!  So, enjoy a delicious meal and support our school tomorrow night from 5:00 to 8:00 pm.

Chick-fil-a spirit nights

Thank you,

Ms. Karen

Love and Logic

Hello Families!

The Love and Logic approach to parenting and teaching is empowering for both children and adults.  I highly recommend taking advantage of this course:

Love and Logic open to all Weber and Morgan Residents.
Weber High School. October 8 – November 19th.
Tuesdays 6:00-8:00 pm.
Questions contact: Aracely Warner at 801-625-3886.
Ms. Karen

Hi there!

Our North View Fire District is hosting an Open House on Monday, October 7, from 5:30-7:30.  This is sure to be a fun activity for the whole family.  Fliers will come home on Monday.


Ms. Karen

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