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Hello Families!

So much is happening!  Please read through this entire post to get all of the important information I need to share with you!

April 18th Field Trip:

This form came home with each student today.  Please sign it and send it back tomorrow.  Parent will drop off students at the Megaplex Theater at the Junction on the morning of April 18th by 8:45.  Certified drivers may be available to give your child a ride.  Certified drivers, please use this link to sign up to give rides from the school to the theater: https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/okoqm.  If you want to know more about becoming a certified driver, please contact the front office.  Please contact me if your child will need a ride from the school to the theater.  Sign-ups for drivers to bring students back to the school are on this link: https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/jsiix. .  Parents/ guardians MUST sign up their child for a car!

This field trip is going to be a great experience.  Please help us keep it smooth by returning signed permission slips and coordinating transportation.

Thank you!

Maria Montessori Academy

Field Experience on ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­April 18, 2019

at Megaplex at the Junction

2351 Kiesel Ave, Ogden, UT

The lead instructor is Karen Bell or kclements@mariamontessoriacademy.org

Students will watch a nature documentary made by Disney about the life of penguins in celebration of Earth Day.


What you will do and what you will learn
  • Attend a nature documentary
  • Learn about the life of a penguin
  • Celebrate Earth Day
What you will need to wear or bring
  • School uniform
  • School bags to be taken with them to school after
  • Jacket for cool morning
Our Schedule
  • 8:45 – Meet at the movie theater (parent drivers will transport students there instead of
    to the school). If children need a ride, certified drivers will pick children up at the school.
  • 9:15 – Watch movie.
  • 10:30, 10:45ish – Parent drivers will pick up students to transport them back to school (room parents will help organize carpool).
  • Arrive back to school by 11.
Who to contact about carpools
  • If you are or are willing to be a certified driver, please sign up on this we join in:


  • Please contact the front office if you would like to be a certified driver



Standardized Assessments: 

UT state standardized assessments (now called RISE and Aspire Plus) will be on the following days for our class. These assessments are important to us for several reasons.

The state assessment data are important to your family because the results are one way to communicate how much your child has learned in English language arts, writing, math, and science. At MMA, we know that these tests are but one indicator of a child’s progress in these content areas.

The state assessment data are important to us because determining what a student knows or does not know is a vital cornerstone in individualizing learning experiences, which is the basis of a Montessori education. The results help us to identify needs for new and additional materials, tailor professional development for teachers, and determine where to best invest school funding.

Taking tests is a practical life skill, required for college entrance as well many professions. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, contractors, nurses, and cosmetologists (to name just a few) all must take tests in order to enter their professions. Standardized testing in school provides a valuable opportunity to practice taking tests in a low-stakes environment, better preparing our students for future assessments – which is why we encourage all students to participate.

If you choose to opt your child out of testing, please complete the Parent Exclusion from State Assessments Form. This form must be handed from you to either Ms. Lana or Ms. René, who will take 5 minutes to review this form with you. We ask that these forms are submitted no later than April 12th. Thank you for your cooperation and support.

The students in our class will be taking these assessments on May 8th and 9th.  Please prepare your child with a good night’s sleep, healthy breakfast, and nutritious lunch.  We make every effort to support students with breaks and snack.  If you have any questions, please reach out!

Thank you so much for your support!!


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