Weekly Update March 20th -23rd, 2018

In Ms.Shilo’s class, we are holding another seminar. The title of the seminar piece we will use is “Some Suffer In Silence.” This piece is a memoir, and the author is an MMA JrH student.

To prepare for this seminar, read your seminar piece and annotate it. Then create three open-ended questions to share during the seminar. Please also think about connections with the piece. For example, you could say “I relate to the passage because I have also been bullied”(I have never actually been bullied). But that’s an example of the type of connection you could make to the piece.

The seminar is happening later in the week, on the 22nd and the 23rd in class. You have to have at least three deep open-ended questions related to the passage when you come to the seminar. If you don’t prepare yourself enough in class, then it is homework. I repeat it is HOMEWORK. That means you have to actually put some effort into making time to do your homework. That means no video games, comic books, or playing with your friends until you have it done. Ms.Shilo will hand out a rubric before the seminar giving you information on the standards she will use to do assessments, but she used the same rubric last time we did a seminar. So it should be familiar. You can also find a copy of it below. If you have any further questions, thoughts, or comments that you would like to share just go to Ms.Shilo’s blog page at www.mariamontessoriacademy.org.

If you are absent, please print the seminar reading, do the work, and come to class prepared.

Seminar Piece: memoir

Seminar Rubric: Socratic Seminar Preparation & Participation Rubric

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Garret Aust

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