More information

Dear Parents,

I am emailing this to all of you as well as posting this on my blog.  The reason for this is that some of you are just brand new to our class and have not received the first few messages and the other reason is that not all of you have subscribed to the blog yet.  Please subscribe to the blog because it will be my primary mode of communication in the future.  Here is the link


On Monday August 21st we will be watching the Eclipse.  Families are invited to join us from 11:00-12:00 on the North Play area.  Please check in at the North gate.  We will provide viewing glasses for all our students, but will not have glasses available for parents or siblings.  It is important that parents are vigilant in keeping the viewing glasses on their students while looking at the sun.  Seriously, looking at the sun even during a total eclipse causes blindness (as if you didn’t already know).


In our class we have 2 parakeets as well as fish. The children have the opportunity to help feed the animals.  If you would NOT like your child helping with the pets please fill out the attached form and return it to me. Care of Class pet DENIAL 17-18


 These first two weeks are the most difficult time for us during drop off and pick up.  Our students do not know the procedures nor do parents.  We find that no amount of talking about what to do at pick up/drop off will prevent every student from wandering off or running toward a moving vehicle.  That is why as teachers we must have constant vigilance.  It is not that we don’t want to talk to you, or tell you the amazing things your children did today, or reassure you that they will be ok, it is just that we are trying to keep the children safe.  May I request that pictures with teachers be done a few weeks from now when things have mellowed out, and that if you need to have an at length conversation that you schedule time before or after school.

Here are some things you can do to make drop off/ pick-up bearable:

  1. Pull forward (it is rule #1)
  2. Pull forward (and rule #2 just to make it stick.)
  3. Pay attention to teachers and volunteers directing traffic (it’s a dirty job!)
  4. Stay in your car if you are using the pick-up lanes.
  5. Ask for help (if you pulled forward and your student was not paying attention ask a teacher to assist you)
  6. If your child needs help getting into our out of the vehicle, park in the parking lot.  North Shore parking lot will be available after Labor day.
  7. Use the cross walk (it teaches children to use it too, and we always want children to use the cross walk).
  8. Come get your child, do not call for them to run across the parking lot to you.
  9. Bring a snack.  You may be waiting a long time and nobody likes it when you’re hangry.
  10. Wait your turn.
  11. Speak to teachers before or after school.
  12. Be nice. I now it’s frustrating, but try to imagine your happy place.
  13. Pay attention.  Stay off your phone, students will step in front of cars.
  14. Prepare other relative that may pick up, by explaining these rules and possibly sending them with a snack.

For the first two weeks we will be outside assisting students at drop off.  You can help by encouraging their independence, try not to carry them, make goodbyes short and sweet, if you must cry try to do it when they are not looking.

A.M. pick-up will be done at the front doors.  Please pull your cars all the way forward to utilize all the space at the front of the school.  We will walk children to the cars and will encourage them to use walking feet and to stay as far away from the curb as possible.

P.M. Pick-up will be done at the South end of the pick-up lane please follow the blue arrows.  Early childhood students must stay with their teachers.  We will not let our students cross the cross walk to North Shore by themselves or with a sibling unless you send us an email explaining that this is what you prefer.

Have a great day!

Ms. Jen

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one correction

I made a mistake on the size of binder that the students will need.  It should say a 1/2 inch binder not 1/4 inch.

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Welcome to a new and exciting 2017-18 school year. We are looking forward to seeing our returning students and meeting our new students.  I know this is a long post but please read all of it.  Our main form of communication with parents is our classroom blog.  We ask you subscribe to our classroom blog to receive email notifications for weekly classroom updates as well as special  classroom notifications.  Here are the instructions on how to subscribe:

  • On right hand side of the blog page you will find “Subscribe to our blog” click on the blue link under that heading
  • When the “Email Subscription Request” page comes up enter your email address
  • Enter the spam code into the box provided and click on “Complete Subscription Request” button
  • Go to your email (if it’s not there check junk folder) to complete the activation steps.  Your subscription will not be complete unless you do this last step!

Here are some other things to help make our new beginning run more smoothly:

This year the state of Utah is starting a new assessment for all kindergarten age students. To allow us the time necessary to accomplish this we will be using August 21 through August 25  for assessments. There will not be school during this week for kindergarten students.  Kindergarten students will have their first day of school on Monday August 28th. We are asking parents to sign up for 1 time slot for your child.  During the hour they are with us we will do the assessment, show them around the classroom and how to do some of the work they will find on the shelves.

Please sign up here

For those parents who do not sign up by the August 20th they will be assigned a date and time.

We have a snack available each day for our students.  We ask families to sign up for and provide snacks for 2 weeks during the year.

AM snack sign up

PM snack sign up


Classroom supply list

Personal items (labeled with child’s name)
– Backpack
– inside shoes/slippers
– Gallon size zip-lock bag which contains: pants, shirt, underwear, socks
– water bottle
– 1/4 inch white 3 ring binder with the child’s name on the inside cover
– package of 25 sheet protectors (please place inside the binder)

Optional classroom donations (please do not label)

  • white construction paper
  • Kleenex
  • glue sticks
  • small bar of soap
  • play dough (red, yellow, blue)

AM class

  • regular pencils
  • gallon size zip lock bags
  • water colors

PM class

  • colored pencils
  • snack size zip lock bags
  • thin tip markers

*Notice* The items on this list will be used during the regular school day.  They may be brought from home on a voluntary basis.  Otherwise they will be furnished by the school.

We have had a few questions on the dress code.  Click here to view a copy of it.

On Tuesday August 15 there will be a pool party for all family members of MMA’ s faculty, staff and students at North Shore from 7:00-9:00 p.m. to meet and greet one another.

We are looking forward to a great year. See you soon!

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha

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Keep Assessment


This year the state of Utah is starting a new assessment for all kindergarten age students. To allow us the time necessary to accomplish this we will be using August 21 through August 25  for assessments. There will not be school during this week for kindergarten students.  Kindergarten students will have their first day of school on Monday August 28th. We are asking parents to sign up for 1 time slot for your child.  During the hour they are with us we will do the assessment, show them around the classroom and how to do some of the work that they will find on the shelves.

Please sign up here

For those parents who do not sign up by the August 20th they will be assigned a date and time.

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Dear Parents,

I hope all of you had a wonderful time at the picnic.  I have received much feedback on what a great day it was.  The rest of the week we will be cleaning up our classroom and playing games.

Slide Show on Friday

We will be presenting a slide show on Friday our last day of school.  You are all invited to come, however you will be receiving a dvd copy to take home so if you can’t make it you will not miss it.  Show times will be:



Ms. Jen

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The week of May 22nd


I cannot believe that this is the last week of school.  How time flies when your having fun.  A big thanks to all those who helped out last week with the field trip, donations for field day and with our Bob Ross painting day on Friday.  Despite the cold weather we had a great time.

This week is early out the entire week.  For am students that means school is from 8:30 to 10:30 and for pm students school is from 11:00 to 1:00.  Parent teacher conferences are Monday – Wednesday.  Here is the link again if you need it

Kindergarten bridging ceremony will be Tuesday May 23rd at 10:30 for both AM and PM classes.  It will be followed by a picnic lunch with their prospective classes.  It will be held outside near our stage on the south end of the school.  You will need to bring camp chairs and or a blanket to sit in the grass.  This is the Montessori version of a graduation.  Our Kindergarten students will be leaving Early Childhood and moving on to Lower-Elementary.  At the ceremony there will be some administrators remarks a song by all of our students  (including preschool), and then we will call out the students names.  The students will be called in order of their perspective class.  So for instance, Ms Brittany’s class will come forward and all of Ms. Brittany’s perspective students will be called to join her class.  After the ceremony parents and students are invited to have a picnic lunch with their perspective new teachers and classmates.  You will need to bring lunch for you and your child.  After the picnic P.M. students will go back to class and A.M. students will go home.  If you are planning on taking your P.M. student home after the picnic you will need to check them out with the office.  The picnic will need to end  promptly at 11:45 as the field will need to be used by other classes. Grandparents and other important people in your child’s life are invited.

Pre-school students will sing at the ceremony and may eat lunch with the Early Childhood teachers just send them with a sack lunch in their backpacks.  Please plan on having all afternoon students at the school by 10:15.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Yearbooks will be handed out on Friday for signing.  We have had some amazing parent volunteers put together a slide show of the year.  We will be watching it on Friday.

Ms. Martha and I want to tell all of you how much we appreciate your support this year.  We could not have done it without you!!!!

Have a great last week of school!

Ms. Jen and Ms. Martha


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Field day & Field trip


I checked the weather for Wednesday and it is not looking great. The high for Wednesday is 47 and there is a 70% chance of rain.  Please dress your child appropiatly, we will be spending  time outside.  Thank you to all the parents who voluntered to help.

Four our field day we need 30 apples for the morning class and 30 apples for the afternoon class.  If yo wold be willing to donate them please email me.

Thanks for all your support!

Ms. Jen

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The week of May 15th


Ms. Martha and I wanted to say thank you so much for all of the flowers, notes and drinks and other surprises this week.  It is such a treat for us to be able to work with your  amazing children.  Thank you !!!!

There are many events coming up.  The end of the year is busy.  This coming week is spirit week.

School Spirit Days

May 15th Crazy Hat/Hair Day

May 16th Crazy Sock Day

May 17th Mix Match Day – This is also our field trip to the Ogden nature center

*** the following 2 days are different from the rest of the school***

May 18th  Dress Down Day (no logos) – ready for field day.  We will be outside almost the whole day. Please apply sunscreen before they come to school and please send a water bottle with your child.

May 19th PJ Day

We have our field trip to the Ogden nature center on Wednesday the 17th.  I have plenty of chaperons for the afternoon class but I need more chaperons for the morning class.  Please email me if you would like to attend.  Remember the nature center has requested no siblings.  The morning class will meet at the nature center at 9 am  and be picked up at 11:30 am and the afternoon class will arrive at 12:00 pm and be picked up at 2:30 pm.

The week of May 22 is early out the whole week. AM class is from 8:30 to 10:30.  PM class is from 11:00 to 1:00.

Tuesday May 23 is the Kindergarten bridging ceremony at 10:30.  All afternoon students should plan on arriving by 10:15.  The ceremony will be held out on the grass field.  Grandparents and other family members are welcome to attend.  Please bring lawn chairs or blankets to sit on.  After the ceremony our kindergarten students with their parents will  have a picnic lunch with their prospective classmates and teachers. All preschool students can have a picnic lunch with Ms. Martha and I.  Please pack a lunch for you and your child.  After the lunch all morning students are free to leave with their parents and afternoon kids can either be checked out early or go to class.  Please email me if you have any questions.

Parent teacher conferences are May 22, 23 & 24.  I will not be able to be at conferences on the 24.  I have an important doctor appointment for one of my boys but Ms. Martha will be available that day.  For this conference please bring your student so they can show off their hard work this year.  Here is the link to sign up for conferences

We need some parent volunteers this week to help get portfolios ready and to help in the classroom while we do end of the year assessments.  If you would like to volunteer please sign up here

Have a great week!

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha



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The week of May 8


This week we will begin our study of insects focusing specifically on bees.  This is in preparation for our field trip on the 17th to the Ogden Nature center.  If you would like to chaperon please email me.  The nature center loves chaperons but asks that younger siblings be left at home.

Also happening this week is shadowing for all of our kindergarten students.  They will be spending a little bit of time in their prospective class for the coming year.  This is always a bitter sweet time for us.  It means that the end of the year is coming all too quickly.  For those of you who like to plan ahead Early childhood will hold it’s bridging ceremony (otherwise know as kindergarten graduation) on May 23.  The morning and afternoon class will be combined for this ceremony.

Our reading specialists will be doing our Dibles end of year testing  for the kindergarten students.  This will be happening all week.  Please make a special effort to ensure that your child is well rested and fed for school this week.

If you would like to volunteer this week here is the link

Have a great week.

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha

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The week of April 24th


Thank you so much for your support of our participlays on Friday!  We raised enough money to adopt 4 animals from the world wildlife federation. We plan on adopting a dolphin, great white shark, loggerhead sea turtle and a whale.  We will be learning more about each of these animals throughout this week.

We will be learning about 3 of the layers of the ocean (the sunlight zone, the twilight zone and the midnight zone) as well as the plants and animals that live there.  We will learn about the main parts of fish as well as introduce our next simple machine: the pulley.  We will also be continuing our study of  Oceania.

For our peace lesson we will be talking about the web of life and how all things are connected.

Here is the link to volunteer this week

Have a great week!

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha

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