More information

Dear Parents,

I am emailing this to all of you as well as posting this on my blog.  The reason for this is that some of you are just brand new to our class and have not received the first few messages and the other reason is that not all of you have subscribed to the blog yet.  Please subscribe to the blog because it will be my primary mode of communication in the future.  Here is the link


On Monday August 21st we will be watching the Eclipse.  Families are invited to join us from 11:00-12:00 on the North Play area.  Please check in at the North gate.  We will provide viewing glasses for all our students, but will not have glasses available for parents or siblings.  It is important that parents are vigilant in keeping the viewing glasses on their students while looking at the sun.  Seriously, looking at the sun even during a total eclipse causes blindness (as if you didn’t already know).


In our class we have 2 parakeets as well as fish. The children have the opportunity to help feed the animals.  If you would NOT like your child helping with the pets please fill out the attached form and return it to me. Care of Class pet DENIAL 17-18


 These first two weeks are the most difficult time for us during drop off and pick up.  Our students do not know the procedures nor do parents.  We find that no amount of talking about what to do at pick up/drop off will prevent every student from wandering off or running toward a moving vehicle.  That is why as teachers we must have constant vigilance.  It is not that we don’t want to talk to you, or tell you the amazing things your children did today, or reassure you that they will be ok, it is just that we are trying to keep the children safe.  May I request that pictures with teachers be done a few weeks from now when things have mellowed out, and that if you need to have an at length conversation that you schedule time before or after school.

Here are some things you can do to make drop off/ pick-up bearable:

  1. Pull forward (it is rule #1)
  2. Pull forward (and rule #2 just to make it stick.)
  3. Pay attention to teachers and volunteers directing traffic (it’s a dirty job!)
  4. Stay in your car if you are using the pick-up lanes.
  5. Ask for help (if you pulled forward and your student was not paying attention ask a teacher to assist you)
  6. If your child needs help getting into our out of the vehicle, park in the parking lot.  North Shore parking lot will be available after Labor day.
  7. Use the cross walk (it teaches children to use it too, and we always want children to use the cross walk).
  8. Come get your child, do not call for them to run across the parking lot to you.
  9. Bring a snack.  You may be waiting a long time and nobody likes it when you’re hangry.
  10. Wait your turn.
  11. Speak to teachers before or after school.
  12. Be nice. I now it’s frustrating, but try to imagine your happy place.
  13. Pay attention.  Stay off your phone, students will step in front of cars.
  14. Prepare other relative that may pick up, by explaining these rules and possibly sending them with a snack.

For the first two weeks we will be outside assisting students at drop off.  You can help by encouraging their independence, try not to carry them, make goodbyes short and sweet, if you must cry try to do it when they are not looking.

A.M. pick-up will be done at the front doors.  Please pull your cars all the way forward to utilize all the space at the front of the school.  We will walk children to the cars and will encourage them to use walking feet and to stay as far away from the curb as possible.

P.M. Pick-up will be done at the South end of the pick-up lane please follow the blue arrows.  Early childhood students must stay with their teachers.  We will not let our students cross the cross walk to North Shore by themselves or with a sibling unless you send us an email explaining that this is what you prefer.

Have a great day!

Ms. Jen

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