Author Archives: Jennifer Hall

More information

Dear Parents, I am emailing this to all of you as well as posting this on my blog.  The reason for this is that some of you are just brand new to our class and have not received the first … Continue reading

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one correction

I made a mistake on the size of binder that the students will need.  It should say a 1/2 inch binder not 1/4 inch.

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Parents, Welcome to a new and exciting 2017-18 school year. We are looking forward to seeing our returning students and meeting our new students.  I know this is a long post but please read all of it.  Our main form … Continue reading

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Keep Assessment

Parents, This year the state of Utah is starting a new assessment for all kindergarten age students. To allow us the time necessary to accomplish this we will be using August 21 through August 25  for assessments. There will not be school … Continue reading

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Dear Parents, I hope all of you had a wonderful time at the picnic.  I have received much feedback on what a great day it was.  The rest of the week we will be cleaning up our classroom and playing … Continue reading

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The week of May 22nd

Parents, I cannot believe that this is the last week of school.  How time flies when your having fun.  A big thanks to all those who helped out last week with the field trip, donations for field day and with … Continue reading

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Field day & Field trip

Parents. I checked the weather for Wednesday and it is not looking great. The high for Wednesday is 47 and there is a 70% chance of rain.  Please dress your child appropiatly, we will be spending  time outside.  Thank you … Continue reading

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The week of May 15th

Parents, Ms. Martha and I wanted to say thank you so much for all of the flowers, notes and drinks and other surprises this week.  It is such a treat for us to be able to work with your  amazing … Continue reading

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The week of May 8

Parents, This week we will begin our study of insects focusing specifically on bees.  This is in preparation for our field trip on the 17th to the Ogden Nature center.  If you would like to chaperon please email me.  The … Continue reading

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The week of April 24th

Parents, Thank you so much for your support of our participlays on Friday!  We raised enough money to adopt 4 animals from the world wildlife federation. We plan on adopting a dolphin, great white shark, loggerhead sea turtle and a … Continue reading

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