Happy New Year


I hope you and your families had a wonderful holiday, I know I did!  Ms. Jess, Ms. Kimber and I wanted to thank you for the holiday gifts.  We are spoiled and appreciate all the gifts we received!

As we come back for the new year I wanted to take the time to remind you of a few things. Please remember that your child needs to be in dress code each day.  If you need a refresher here is a link to the dress code. https://mariamontessoriacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Dress-Code-Policy-MMA-signed-04.08.14.pdf

The biggest thing we notice in class is students wearing patterns on their clothes and wearing jeans.

We have snack in  class each day.  The snack is provided by you.  Parents sign up to bring snack for the entire week.  You do not need to send your child with an individual snack to eat in class unless they have specific dietary needs (please speak to me if this is the case).  We anticipate that each family will sign up for about 2 slots throughout the year. We have several openings for parents to sign up to bring snack – especially in the morning class.  Here is the link to sign up https://www.trackitforward.com/site/389525/events

It is my goal to take the class outside each day.  There are only a few things that restrict us from going outside.  They are red air quality days, if there is thunder or lightning in the area and if the temperature is below 20 degrees.  We will go outside in the snow, rain etc.  . Please be aware of the conditions and plan ahead and dress your child accordingly .  Gloves, boots and snow pants seem to hide if you wait to find them until right before you walk out the door.

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

Have a great rest of your week!

Ms. Jen, Ms. Jess & Ms. Kimber

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