The week of February 5th


This Wednesday is the 100th day of school!! I cannot believe its already here.  We will have several activities that center around the idea of 100.  One of the activities we have for the kids is to come and count with me out in the hall.  We use this as one of our assessments.  A standard for kindergarten is that students will be able to count to 100 by 1’s and 10’s.  We have been practicing in class but it wouldn’t hurt to do a little practice at home as well.  Some of our junior high peer mentors will be helping us with our activities.

This week we will begin our study of South America and the Tropical Forest biome.  In botany we will begin our study of roots, in zoology we will be learning about amphibians, in science we will be focusing on measurement and in art we will talk about the element of texture.

I know that valentines is not until next week but I wanted to give you an heads up on how that day will look for our class.  Over the years I have done many different activities to celebrate this holiday.  One day some of my students were asking me how I celebrate Valentines day.  It got me thinking about what most adults do, go out for a nice dinner.  As a result of this and trying to incorporate Montessori grace and courtesy we have a formal snack on this day.  The students help set the tables with cloth table cloths.  They set the tables, arrange the flowers for the center of the table and serve each other.  We talk about what kind of manners people use at a restaurant like putting their napkins on their laps and not talking with their mouth full.  Every year that I have done this the kids have loved it.  We will be having a waffles with fruit and whipped cream. We will have each child make a Valentine bag at school so you do not need to worry about making one at home.  If you are sending your child with Valentines to deliver please just address them by who they are from not designating who they are going to (this makes delivery much easier 😉  Both classes have 25 students.

If you missed the link to sign up to help with our valentine snack or sign up for parent teacher conferences here is the link

Let me know if you have questions.  Instead of posting a volunteer sign up each week please just send me an email if you would like to come in.  We welcome volunteers anytime!

Have a great week!

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha

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