The week of October 3

Dear Parents,

October is finally here.   In class this week we will be focusing on the Steven Covey’s 2nd Habit: Begin with the End in Mind.   This habit teaches that we live by design not default, it helps us improve outcomes, prioritize important things, and gives us a greater sense of purpose.  We will be reading a number of books where the characters begin with the end in mind.  At the end of the month we will use the books we have read to help us write our class mission statement.  Once we have our class mission statement we will recite it everyday to remind us of what is really important.

We will be learning about vertebrates and invertebrates this week and will be classifying them.  Vertebrates are animals with backbones, there are five classes of vertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.  We will eventually be studying in detail each of these 5 classes, but this week will just be an introduction of the idea of classifying between animals with backbones and animals without.  To help us understand invertebrates a little better we will be having some Dubia Roaches visit our room for a few days so we can observe them.

In art we will be introduced to secondary colors.  These are the colors you get when you mix the primary colors, so purple, green, and orange.  We will have a number of color mixing activities  on the shelves for the children to do.

We will begin our study of biomes this week with what makes a biome.  Biomes consist of 6 elements; energy, soil, water, air, plants and animals.  Throughout the year we will be learning about the different biomes we have on earth, they are: dessert, rainforest, mountain, wetland, grassland, ocean, polar region, and temperate forests.  On Thursday we will do an activity with our junior high mentors to help introduce this study to our students.

Field Trip Friday:

We have a field trip on Friday October 7th.  We will be meeting at Oak Lawn Park in North Ogden.  You will need to plan on dropping your child off and picking up at Oak Lawn Park.  Just as a reminder the morning  class field trip begins at 9 am  and ends at 11:30.  The afternoon field trip begins at 12:00 and ends at 2:30.  At the park we will have a number of fun actives for the children. There will be a nature walk, pumpkin decorating, fall games, story time and a snack .  Along with the snack the children will receive a Dixie cup portion of a root beer float where they will be identifying the solid, liquid and gas.  The solid is the ice cream, the liquid is the root beer, and the gas is the tiny bubbles of carbon dioxide from the carbonation.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha

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