Fall Festival Tickets

I am excited to share with you that the site for Fall Festival tickets is up and running!

Here is the link!

Hope I get to see you all there!


Flyer For Fall Festival


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Work in the Classroom


Here are some pictures of students work from this past week.

Ten’s Bead Chain

Compound Words

Time Box

Orange Box

Money Box

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Half Day Friday

Hello Everyone,

Yay! It is feeling like Fall! That being said, it is getting cooler so please make sure your child is dressing appropriately for the cool weather in the morning and going to recess everyday.

This coming Friday, September 27th, is an early out day. Please plan to pick your child up at 1 pm that day.

I will be sending home the permission slip for our field trip Monday; please watch for it, initial and sign it, and send it back. If you would like to see the movie and presentation with us, you will need to let me know by October 1st. You will also need to pay the Planetarium $6 for the movie as the school will only be covering the cost of students. Anyone who does not let me know by this date will not be allowed to see the movie and presentation with us. As of right now, our class does not have enough chaperones to attend. Please let me know if you will be attending with us. All official field trip chaperones also need a background check. This is for everyone’s safety. You can also visit other locations to complete your background check and fingerprinting process. Check out the paper below to see alternate locations. If you complete your background check outside of MMA, you will need to return the last page of the paper below to MMA as we are required to keep this on file. You will also need to bring the $37 processing fee to MMA as soon as you can. Presenting this paper when getting background checks outside of MMA is very important to make your results show up in the Rapback system and accessible by MMA.
Background Check for Ps 9_11_19
Please do not let this keep you from coming on our field trip. If you are unable to get your background check before this field trip, we will just not be able to put other students with you. Please still let me know if you would like to attend.
Here is a digital copy of the permission slip and copy letter: Cover letter Informed Consent

The Fall Festival is coming up in two weeks on Friday, October 4th, from 4-7 pm. Here is a message from our wonderful MAPA president:
We are just a few short weeks away from the Fall Festival and are looking forward to having an amazing event! This is the prefect opportunity to get in some of those mandatory volunteer hours! Spend an hour volunteering with us and then enjoy the rest of your night that the festival with your family. We have a lot of different things to choose from, and many different areas that you can volunteer in. Please take a look and sign up for something! If you have friends, family, or neighbors that are willing to help, recruit them as well! Team work makes dream work! Thank you awesome MMA families! Have a great weekend and keep a look out for more information about the Fall Festival and online tickets sales in a flyer that will be sent home next week, and on our facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/NorthOgdenMAPA/)

-MAPA President Taylor
RSVP on Track it Forward

We are still looking for sponsors for our Fun Run teachers. Please spread the word and contact the school if you would like to support our school this way. Here is a PDF of what the shirt will look like: 3281_bfr_mariamontessori2[4]
Please turn in your t-shirt order forms by the end of the week. These shirts will be free for the students!

Thank you all for all you do!!

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6 Weeks In

Hello All,

It is starting to feel like Fall!! I am so excited! It has definitely started to feel like jacket weather in the mornings and evenings. Most days it has warmed up by recess time.

We are in our last week of normalization, which means we are entering our 6th week of school. Crazy, it has gone fast but also slow at the same time. The kids are getting more lessons and becoming more independent with their math and language works. It is amazing to see the growth and excitement as they learn and practice new things.

For history this past week we focused on calendars. Level 2s and 3s are in the process of making a class calendar that we can hang up and use until next year. Level 1s made their own months and worked on the days of the week and number of days in a month. This week we will all be learning about fundamental human needs. These are things that humans need in order to be healthy and happy. These include things like food, water, transportation, relationships, etc. We will be learning about what these things are for us and how these things have changed over the years and in different civilizations. We will also be doing the next two great lessons which are the history of language and math.

This coming Saturday, September 21, is The International Day of Peace. We will be learning about this in class and doing activities with this on Friday since we do not have school Saturday.

Our first field trip of the year will be Friday, October 11. We will be taking the Frontrunner to the Planetarium. We will have the opportunity while there to see an IMAX movie and attend a Science Around the Sphere presentation. We would love all parents who can to attend. If you would like to see the movie and presentation with us, you will need to let me know by October 1st. You will also need to pay the Planetarium $6 for the movie as the school will only be covering the cost of students. Anyone who does not let me know by this date will not be allowed to see the movie and presentation with us. As of right now, our class does not have enough chaperones to attend. Please let me know if you will be attending with us. All official field trip chaperones also need a background check. This is for everyone’s safety. There will be someone at MMA to conduct background checks this Tuesday on September 17th at 5 pm – before the MAPA meeting begins at 6 pm. Volunteers will need to make 2 payments at this time $37 to MMA for processing and $25 to Academica West for doing the live scan. Cash, check, and charge are all accepted.
If you are unavailable on the 17th, you can also visit other locations to complete your background check and fingerprinting process. Check out the paper below to see alternate locations. If you complete your background check outside of MMA, you will need to return the last page of the paper below to MMA as we are required to keep this on file. You will also need to bring the $37 processing fee to MMA as soon as you can. Presenting this paper when getting background checks outside of MMA is very important to make your results show up in the Rapback system and accessible by MMA.
Background Check for Ps 9_11_19
Please do not let this keep you from coming on our field trip. If you are unable to get your background check before this field trip, we will just not be able to put other students with you. Please still let me know if you would like to attend.

The order forms for your child’s FunRun shirt are due next week. The school is looking for sponsors for the t-shirts. We are hoping to have a free t-shirt for all students. In order for this to happen these order forms need to be returned with your child’s shirt size. In case yours was misplaced, I have attached a copy of one you can print and also more info on the t-shirt sponsors.

2019 Boosterthon Business Sponsorship Form2019 Boosterthon T-Shirt Order Form

I apologize for the lengthy post, all of this is important and needed shared.

Thank you for all that you do!


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Home Projects

Hello Everyone!

As a lower el team for home projects this year, we have decided to align them as much as possible with what we are doing in cultural. I have attached the 3 schedules for home projects. If your child is in 1st grade you will use the level 1 guide, if you child is in 2nd grade you will use the level 2 guide, and if you child is in 3rd grade you will use the level 3 guide.
Level 1 HP 19-20
Level 2 HP 19-20
Level 3 HP 19-20

In the past, students have always brought in amazing home projects with great information to share, however, when they present them they have a hard time reading the information that is on their board/power point etc. In their best effort to convey the information, they are not making eye contact with their audience, nor are most of them speaking loudly and clearly. As a result a lot of our friends are losing interest and stop being engaged. Students feel success when presenting when they see an engaged audience.

This first home project will be a picto-presentation; meaning that the poster board, power point, etc. should only contain pictures, which the children then will use as talking points. . Here is some information about why we feel a picto-presentation would be perfect to get the children started on engaging presentations:
“Firstly, the places where pictograms are used are typically places where there’s a necessity to convey a message quickly, like for example a stop sign that helps to prevent an accident. Secondly, a pictogram needs to be memorable, and since an “image speaks a thousand words”, it serves this purpose much better than text, in terms of memorability. In other words, a pictogram tells a story very fast without someone needing to actually read anything.” -Successful Presentations for Elementary Students

Having your child use a few note cards with their own handwriting and their own sentences or key words is a good way to remember their key info.  Our goal is for your children to be able to stand in front of a group and re tell the information they learned through their research without reading directly from a typed text or excerpt. We truly believe that learning to speak and share information at a young age enables children to grow into young people that are not afraid to speak, and express themselves in front of a group. This is a skill that when learned at an early age will hugely benefit your children for the rest of their school career. Please take a few minutes at dinner or bedtime to have your child retell to you or their siblings five key points that  they think they would like to present to the class when the time comes. Not only does this keep the other kids engaged but it also helps the child presenting gain more confidence in themselves and be more eager and willing to present to a group.

Level 1 parents, your child is basically doing a picto-presentation with their first home project. Please do include the writing with the picture for this presentation, and please still practice with them on their presentations. Please help them but do not do it all for them.

These first home projects will be due the week of October 7th. As this date gets closer, I will send your child home with a paper informing you which day of the week your child will be presenting. This way, we can spread the presentations throughout the week and not have them all come on Friday.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions!


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Parent Background Checks

Hello Everyone,

I have an update about parent volunteers in the school and on field trips.

Any adult in the building for an hour or more that could possibly be alone with a child needs to have a background check in our system. All official field trip chaperones also need a background check. This is for everyone’s safety.

There will be someone at MMA to conduct background checks next week on September 17th at 5pm – before the MAPA begins at 6pm. Volunteers will need to make 2 payments at this time $37 to MMA for processing and $25 to Academica West for doing the live scan. Cash, check, and charge are all accepted.

We realize that it can be tough for some of our families to pay for background checks and we don’t want this to be a barrier to volunteering inside school. Once you’re in this new system (Rapback), you will not have to pay or do this again. If a volunteer wants to know if they’re already in the system or not, please ask them to email Ms. Lana at lpas@mariamontessoriacademy.org.

This is not to say you cannot go on field trips without the background check, this just means you will only be able to chaperone your own child and not others. You can also go to any district office building and get your background check. Please contact Ms. Rene if this works better for you to get the proper paper work from her, rbaker@mariamontessoriacademy.org.

Thank you!



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Start of Cultural

Hello Everyone,

September is here! We are that much closer to Fall! I love the fall season and look forward to it every year. October especially. It is probably my favorite month. How can you go wrong with the changing of the leaves, the cooling air, football, basketball, baseball, and Halloween!

Thank you to everyone who was able to come to Parent Ed Night. I had the privilege of helping and presenting there and I felt like we had a great turn out. I loved getting a chance to present and share some of our lessons with parents and I hope those who attended felt the excitement I feel when I give these lessons and see the growth and understanding students experience.

We started our cultural lessons this week. For the next month or so we will be doing history lessons. For history with lower el, we focus a lot on time and understanding the length of things like years, weeks, etc. This week we did a whole group lesson on what is a year, how long is it, what it is made up of, how it was decided how long a year is. Then in small group lessons, with level 1s we focused on solidifying the months’ names and order, with level 2s we talked about a year and it’s parts and compared that to fractions, and with level 3s we explored the Clock of Eras that compares time with a 24 hour clock to show students how long our earth took to be ready for life and the different eras and what was happening during these times.

We have also been doing a lot more math and language lessons to help get the students more independent in their work cycle.

Our first field trip of the year will be Friday, October 11. We will be taking the Frontrunner to the Planetarium. We will have the opportunity while there to see an IMAX movie and attend a Science Around the Sphere presentation. We would love all parents who can to attend. If you would like to see the movie and presentation with us, you will need to let me know by October 1st. You will also need to pay the Planetarium $6 for the movie as the school will only be covering the cost of students. Anyone who does not let me know by this date will not be allowed to see the movie and presentation with us. More information and a permission slip for this will follow at a later date.

Last week we sent home an order form for a t-shirt. This t-shirt will be for our school’s Fun Run. What the Fun Run is, students can run laps around the gym and parents and family can pledge per lap and the money will go towards our school. Last year we put the money towards field trips. The school is looking for sponsors for the t-shirts. We are hoping to have a free t-shirt for all students. In order for this to happen these order forms need to be returned with your child’s shirt size. In case yours was misplaced, I have attached a copy of one you can print and also more info on the t-shirt sponsors.

2019 Boosterthon Business Sponsorship Form2019 Boosterthon T-Shirt Order Form

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for all that you do!


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Pictures From the Week

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Happy September… Almost

Hello Everyone!

Can you believe we have one more day until it is September? And we have been in school 3 weeks already. They have been some crazy but amazing weeks. We are already seeing amazing growth and development in the kids and it will only continue, especially as we give more and more lessons and the kids practice. We have really been focusing on team building and grace and courtesy these past couple of week, but have started to give math and language lessons as well. We will be starting out history lessons this coming week, starting everyone off with calendars and lengths of time and moving to more complex things as the weeks go forward. This past week we also have the great lesson of the coming of man. We discussed many theories, common ones as well as not so common such as those believed by some Native American tribes. The students were able to share their ideas and write about them. Again, we emphasized that the most important theory is the one taught at home and we encouraged the students to share all this with you and discuss your theories and beliefs.

Don’t forget that we do not have school this coming Monday, September 2, due to Labor Day. School will resume it’s normal schedule on Tuesday.

Today, the 31st, is Maria Montessori’s birthday, and we celebrated it as a class yesterday. We learned about her and her contributions to society and especially our school. We created a class timeline of her life. I apologize, I failed to get a picture to share of it so I will post that on Tuesday. As a school we will be participating in a day of service on Tuesday by doing service to our school in the morning. This is how we will celebrate Maria Montessori and others who have done a service to our world. Our class will be beautifying the garden area outside our classroom. If you have garden gloves you would like to send with your child, or small gardening tools, please do. Please make sure they are labeled with your name.

I hope you can all make it to the parent education night that will be held this coming Thursday, September 5th at 5:30 pm. This will be a chance for you to do a walk through of our school and see some of the materials in action. You will be able to go on a silent journey starting from early childhood to Jr. high. I feel this will truly be worth your time and hope to see you all there.

Our first field trip of the year will be Friday, October 11. We will be taking the Frontrunner to the Planetarium. We will have the opportunity while there to see an IMAX movie and attend a Science Around the Sphere presentation. We would love all parents who can to attend. If you would like to see the movie and presentation with us, you will need to let me know by October 1st. You will also need to pay the Planetarium $6 for the movie as the school will only be covering the cost of students. Anyone who does not let me know by this date will not be allowed to see the movie and presentation with us. More information and a permission slip for this will follow at a later date.

I hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day weekend. Be safe.

Thanks for all you do!


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Original Works

Hello Everyone,

This year I will be helping put together the Original Works artwork and orders. For those of you who do not know what this is, the students make artwork and we send it to a copy that will put it on all sorts of things you can purchase. These things include magnets, cards, bags, cups, ornaments, towels, pillow cases, to name a few. I use the things I order as holiday gifts for my own children’s  grandparents.  I also like to order an ornament to add to my Christmas tree. (I have included some pictures of magnets and a card that have been ordered.) The proceeds from this go to your students classroom to be used for their class. In the past I have used my funds for field trips, a class pet, and materials. This is a wonderful way to help get money for the classroom and things teachers and students may need.

I wanted to ask if any of you would be willing to help out with this, doing things like placing labels on artwork and sorting the products that are ordered. This could go towards your volunteer hours and does not necessarily need to be done during school hours. Honestly, this is my first year doing this and I am not entirely sure how much time will be needed, but I know if I try to do it myself, it will be way more time than I have. If your interested in helping, please email me and let me know and also what times work best for you.

Thank you so much in advance. I appreciate you all.


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