Welcome November

Hello Everyone,

Thank you to everyone that was able to support our class Halloween party in any way. The kids had a great time and it went really well. We always have so many wonderful volunteers for this and it is so wonderful. Thank you all. Also, thank you to everyone who was able to share an ancestor’s picture and/or story. We placed them on our class ofrenda for the morning. I did not take a picture of it due to privacy issues for your family with the pictures, but it looked beautiful. It was a lot of fun to hear about your ancestors; thank you all for your support in that.

Thank you to everyone who saw unfilled spot for snack and signed up for them. This ensures that we can provide a good snack for your kids everyday to help them through their morning work cycle.

Good news, it is supposed to warm up a bit this week. Please continue to dress your children appropriately for this fall weather and send them with things to keep them warm at recess.

Few things to look forward to coming up:

We have our Fun Run pep rally for the students tomorrow during school. The Fun Run is a way for us to make money for our school. You and your family and friends can pledge money for the laps that your child runs and help us raise money for our new gym, things like bleachers and a score board. The actual Fun Run is during the day the following Wednesday, the 13th. All parents are invited and we will have the times for this later this week.

Every Monday in November if Pizza Pie Cafe Spirit Night for MMA. Eat dinner at the Pizza Pie Cafe on Washington by Kurts any Monday evening this month and 10 percent of the proceeds will go towards MMA.

This Friday night is our school spirit night at Classic Fun Center from 5-9 p.m. A flier for this will come home tomorrow with more info.

Please mark your calendar for our Parent Education night on Thursday, November 14 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. All families are invited and I would encourage you to go.

Our school Gratitude Feast is Thursday, November 21. This is where we invite people from our community, first responders, police officers, people who work for the city, to come and have lunch. For this we ask for parent volunteers to provide soups, salads, and deserts. It also allows the students an opportunity to make things for them like thank you notes, table decorations. Some classes even do small performances for them. Please check Track it Forward for a sign up.

Our school Cultural Festival will be the afternoon of Friday, November 22. I will have a separate blog post specifically for this, later this week.

Last thing: don’t forget to order your Original Works by this Tuesday to ensure that they arrive by the holidays.

As always, thanks for all you do!


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Original Works Order Forms

Hello Parents!

We are so excited to announce that the Original Works order forms are here and ready. Please look for them in your child’s backpack. There are so many wonderful things you can order with your child’s artwork on it. These make wonderful Christmas gifts and grandparents love them. The best part of all is that all proceeds go to your student’s teacher for them to decide how to use in the classroom.

If your child’s artwork has already been turned in to Original Works, you will receive a packet with a picture of it and order information on the back. Please follow the instructions for ordering. If you order by Tuesday, November 5th, you will receive your orders in time for the holidays. If you are unable to order until after, no worries. You will still get your items, they just aren’t guaranteed by the holidays.

If your child’s artwork has not been turned in to Original Works yet (all of ours have), you will receive an order form as well as their artwork with the packet. Please fill out the order form and return it and the artwork to your child’s teacher. If you want to guarantee that you will get the items by the holidays, this needs returned to their teacher by this Friday, November 1st. Any orders turned in between the 2nd and the 12th can not be guaranteed by the holidays. This is the same if your child has not made a piece of artwork yet.

Please support your child and your teacher by ordering.

Thank you for all you do. If you have any questions feel free to email me.

Ms. Jalee

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Red Ribbon Week

Hello Everyone,

We are fully entrenched in Fall now and the weather is definitely getting colder. Just a reminder that we will be going outside to recess everyday unless the state tells us it is too cold, the air quality is too bad, or it is a torrential downpour. Please make sure your child is dressed in seasonally appropriate clothing and that they bring a coat or jacket and other accessories as needed.

Along with celebrating Red Ribbon week this week, we will be having spirit week where children can dress up with certain themes of the day. Here is the schedule for this:
Monday-“Show your true colors and say no to drugs”
Kinder wear red, Level 1 wear orange, Level 2 wear yellow, Level 3 wear green,                       Level 4 wear pink, Level 5 wear purple, Level 6 wear red, Level 7 wear orange,                         Level 8 wear yellow, Level 9 wear green, Or wear rainbow colors.
Tuesday-“Don’t get mixed up with drugs” wear mismatched socks.
Wednesday-“I’m wild about being drug free” crazy hair day. (please remember we have P.E. this day and students will be participating in P.E. with or without crazy hair so don’t make it too distracting.)
Thursday-“Team up against drugs” wear your favorite team shirt or jersey.
Friday-“Saying no to drugs is no sweat” wear a sweater or hoodie in class.
**Besides the specific dress up themes, students are expected to wear school dress code, no jeans and collared shirts.

We will be having our class Halloween party this Thursday from 1 p.m. to about 2:30 p.m. We will have a Track It Forward sign up ready shortly.

This Friday we will be having a small Dia De Los Muertos celebration. We will mainly be learning about what it is and why it is celebrated, but we also want to celebrate our ancestors. We would like all students to bring a picture of an ancestor and come to school prepared to share something about that ancestor. It does not have to be someone they ever met, and if they are unable to bring a picture, no worries, a name and fact about them are enough. Here are two examples from me:
 This is my Grandpa Hutchinson. He had Parkinson’s disease and I don’t remember him ever being able to speak but he always whispered that he loved us and always had orange cream cycles for us.
 This is my Grandpa Stacey. I grew up on his cattle ranch. He expected his grandsons to work hard and had a soft spot for all of his granddaughters.

One more update for this coming Friday. Ms. Tiffany and I have a very exciting event to attend with a close friend to both of us, and we will be leaving at noon that day. Due to this, our students will be spending the rest of the day with the other lower el teachers. We have put students in groups of 2 and 3 and they will participate in whatever activities those other classes will be doing for the remainder of that day. Ms. Tiffany and I will be back Monday morning.

We finished our read aloud book Charlotte’s Web last week and were able to watch a short clip from the movie as a class. After doing that we learned about Venn Diagrams and compared the movie and the book. This week we will start our new read aloud book, Roald Dahl’s Matilda. I have not personally read this book, but I have been told by many teachers that is is a great read aloud.

Sorry to make this a long post, but there is one more thing that is very important that I need to address. These past couple of weeks we have seen an increase in students not bringing a lunch or having a very insubstantial lunch that is either not very much or full of sugary food that will not sustain them but just give them a short energy burst. Things like a fruit cup or a bag of graham crackers are not enough. We understand that sometimes in the rush of getting to school in the morning, lunches get forgotten or go unmade. However, just this past week we had about 6 instances where students did not have a lunch. When we can, we supply them with food from snack, but most of the time these snacks are just things like Goldfish or pretzels. Some ways to help with the chaos of the morning is to prep lunches the night before. That way things are already in their containers and you can just put them in lunch boxes and be done. If nothing needs refrigerated, pack the lunch boxes the night before and that way they are ready to just grab and go. Ms. Tiffany and I highly support encouraging children to learn to pack their own lunch, but in doing this, children needs some guidelines. Something she does is have the main part of the lunch ready for them and then allow them to pick a certain amount of things from different tubs in the pantry. For example, if the main thing is a sandwich, they can then pick from things like fruit cups, apple sauce, chips, granola bars, yogurt, etc. This way they are part of the process, but they are bringing things that are healthy and not overloaded with sweets. Again, we know life is crazy, especially when getting ourselves and children ready in the mornings, we both have children of our own. We want to encourage you to put more focus on making sure lunches get to school for the kids so they do not have to go hungry or just have something small for lunch. Thank you for your support in this.

As always, thank you for all that you do!!!



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Happy Fall Break

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying your Fall Break. I know I was able to get some much needed rest and relaxation with family.

Just a few reminders. This week is Red Ribbon Week at school. This is when we really focus on teaching the kids to take care of their bodies by not doing drugs, eating good foods, surrounding themselves with good friends and be a good friend, etc.

Tuesday is also picture day. I sent home order forms Wednesday. I also shared the digital form in a previous post. Please see that post to order on line and for any questions.

Thursday is our first box tops store. Make sure your child’s box tops are cut out nicely and that they are not expired. I also helps if you count them and write how many box tops you have on the bag.

We will be having our class Halloween party on the afternoon of Thursday, October 31. I will let you know when the sign up on Track it Forward.

We finished our History portion of the school year with our home projects and this week we will be moving into geography. All levels will be learning different aspects of the study of the earth.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Thanks for all you do!


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Picture Day

Hello Everyone,

Picture day is Tuesday, October 22. An order form was sent home Wednesday, the 16 (today) Here is a digital order form. Overall this is the best way to order so you don’t have to worry about sending any money or checks to school with your kids. Pictureday

Also, here are some FAQs and answers:

Does every student get their picture taken? Yes. This is for fall pictures as well as the yearbook
Do the students bring anything with them (i.e. order forms or money) Yes they can, but it is best to order online. Any money will be handed directly to the photographer as the office is not permitted to take money.
Does every student need to be in dress code? YES!!! Again this will go in the yearbook, so every student should be in dress code. Please no hats or funny head wear.
What happens if I do not receive my photos or if they are wrong? Please reach out to Lifetouch with the number on the flyer. The office can not do anything regarding parent orders.
Will there be a retake day? Yes, Re-take day is on November 14, but please try to have your student there on picture day.



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Fall Break


Thank you all for your wonderful support with our field trip this past Friday. I felt like it was a great success and the children had a good time. Thank you to anyone who was able to chaperone, come with their own child, transport their child, or help our field trip run smoothly in any way. If you see Ms. Mikaela, please tell her thank you as she is the one you put this field trip together and ran all the behind the scenes work.

This week is Fall Break. We will not have school this coming Thursday and Friday, October 17th and 18th. School will resume as normal on Monday, October 21.

Picture day is Tuesday, October 22. Please be watching for the picture order forms to come home.

Box tops store is Thursday, October 24.

We had some wonderful home projects this past week. Ms. Tiffany and I have really enjoyed seeing them all and learning about new things. If your child was not able to get their home project done and presented this past week, please help them get it finished and brought to school this week so they have the chance to share their knowledge with the class.

Thank you for all that you do and all your wonderful support.


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Field Trip Tomorrow

Hello Everyone!

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our field trip to the planetarium. We will be meeting at the frontrunner station on Wall Ave. at 8 a.m. Please look for Ms. Tiffany or myself. We will be on the side walk that runs parallel to the chain link fence by the tracks. Since all of lower el will be there, we won’t be right by the kiosk to by tickets but more to the north. I will have my orange vest on but won’t be able to be there until about 8:10. Ms. Tiffany will be there at 8. Please make sure your child is dressed warmly as we will be waiting outside for the train and it is not supposed to be warm.

Please make sure your child has a sack lunch with food that does not need heated and a water bottle they can easily carry in a small back pack.

Our train will arrive back at the station on Wall at 2:27 p.m. Please plan on picking your child up there.

Let me know if you have any questions.



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Field Trip Friday

Hello Everyone,

Thank you everyone who was able to join us for the Fall Festival last night. I had a great time and loved seeing many of you and your children. The booth we had was great and the kids loved eating the donuts off the string. It was hilarious to watch. I want to thank our wonderful room mother (her husband) and all who were able to help with the booth. We even had an amazing sister helping! Without saying your names, I want to say thank you. Truly, our school is amazing in huge part because of all the wonderful parents we have. Thank you for your support and love! If you weren’t able to come last night, you were missed. and I hope we will be able to see you at the next school function.

We also have amazing students that are a great help and uplift our classroom environment. As you all know, we had a lock down at school on Thursday. The Harrisville police needed our school to be on lock down while they took care of something in the area. Our students were amazing. They listened, remained calm, and helped each other out during this time. Thank you all for caring for and raising such wonderful children!

Don’t forget that this Friday, October 11, is our field trip to Clark Planetarium. Please make sure your child is at the train station on Wall Avenue in Ogden at 8 a.m. We will take the frontrunner and enjoy a day at the planetarium of exploring the exhibits, watching an IMAX movie, and seeing a presentation on the planets at science around the sphere. We will leave the planetarium around 1 p.m. and take the frontrunner home. The train will arrive back in Ogden at 2:24 p.m. Please make sure your child is picked up at the station on Wall Ave at that time.
Thank you all who are able to come with us. If you have let me know that you will be joining us, I will have a wristband for you to ride the train for free. Please make sure that your child has a sack lunch and water bottle in a small, easy to carry bag.
I still need some permission slips from a few students. Please have them turned in by Wednesday. Here is the digital form if you need it: Informed Consent

This week is also the week we will be doing our home project presentations on our studies in history. Each child took home a information paper about the project with a date when their project is to be presented. If you do not remember which day your child is presenting, please email me.

We have Fall Break coming up on Thursday, October 17 and Friday, October 18. We will not have school those days. Make sure you plan something fun with your family!

Picture day for students is Tuesday, October 22. We will send order forms home for this shortly.
We also have our first box tops store that week, Thursday, October 24. If you have not yet down loaded the new Box Tops app, I would encourage you to do this. Box tops are going digital and all you have to do now is take a picture of your receipt with this app and it will track your box tops for you. It is so easy, no more cutting and keeping track of the tiny things. I have been using this all summer and love it.

Again, thank you all. We truly have a wonderful class. Not perfect, but wonderful. THank you for your support.



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Pics from the Week

Multiplication Chart and Word Sorts

Time Box and Word Sorts


Golden Bead, building numerals

Collective and Plural Nouns (sorry about the glare)

Compound Words

Bead Frame

Multiplication Bead Board

Stamp Game

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October Here We Come!

Happy Weekend Everyone!

Can you believe that October starts on Tuesday!? I am so excited. It is feeling like Fall. Please remember that we will go outside to recess everyday except in extreme cold, lightning, or pouring rain so make sure your child is wearing season appropriate clothing.

I need to apologize for not getting the field trip permission slips out to you yet. I will have them ready to send home Monday. Also, here are the digital copies of the cover letter and permission slip: Cover letter Informed Consent
We will be taking the Frontrunner to Clark Planetarium on Friday, October 11. There we will attend a presentation at Science Around the Sphere, and see an IMAX movie on lemurs. We love when parents or grandparents come with us. PLEASE, if you would like to see the movie and presentation with us, you will need to let me know by October 1st which is this Tuesday. You will also need to pay the Planetarium $6 for the movie as the school will only be covering the cost of students. Anyone who does not let me know by this date will not be allowed to see the movie and presentation with us. Please let me know if you will be attending with us.

All official field trip chaperones also need a background check. This is for everyone’s safety. You can also visit other locations to complete your background check and fingerprinting process. Check out the paper below to see alternate locations. If you complete your background check outside of MMA, you will need to return the last page of the paper below to MMA as we are required to keep this on file. You will also need to bring the $37 processing fee to MMA as soon as you can. Presenting this paper when getting background checks outside of MMA is very important to make your results show up in the Rapback system and accessible by MMA.
Background Check for Ps 9_11_19
Please do not let this keep you from coming on our field trip. If you are unable to get your background check before this field trip, we will just not be able to put other students with you. Please still let me know if you would like to attend.

The Fall Festival is this Friday, October 4th from 4 – 7 pm. The Fall Festival is always really fun. There are fun games, rides, and booths. You can come dressed up or in your regular street clothes. The link to purchase wristbands and tickets is  here: https://checkout.square.site/buy/I6V2IBMZG2U276NOXMYGFQNN
Wristbands will get you onto the custom event rides (not including the obstacle courses, rock wall, and some slides), the tickets can also be purchased at the same website separately or in packages with wristbands. Tickets are good for carnival games, rock wall, slides, etc. Some vendors will only be taking cash (Jr. Artisan Fair and food trucks).
MAPA is still looking for a lot of help with carnival games! Please sign up on track it forward here: https://www.trackitforward.com/site/389525/event/501254 If you are able to help out with that but can’t figure out how to sign up on track-it-forward, email me at this address and I will be happy to find a place for you: mapa@mariamontessoriacademy.org. Without enough volunteers not only will games not be able to stay open to raise money, but rides will also shut down.
Please come, invite your neighbors and family. ALL are welcome, not just MMA families. I hope to see you all there!

Our first home projects are due the week of October 7th. Monday I will be sending each child home with a description of what their home project should be as well as the date they will be presenting. If you child finishes their project before their due date, please feel free to send it early. Click for a link to my blog post about with a description of home projects.

Some things to look forward to are are fall break on October 17th and 18th and picture for students on Tuesday, October 22 and the first box tops store on Thursday, October 24th.

As always, I truly appreciate all you do!



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