No School Monday

Hello Everyone,

Just want to remind you that we do not have school this Monday, February 20. This is in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. In preparation for this we have been learning about Dr. King and his life and the great things he did to bring change to our world. We have also been learning and talking about how we can make great changes by the things we do and how we treat people.

Today I sent home a green paper with more information about our upcoming home projects based around STEM week. These are due the week of February 3. On the paper it explains what your child’s project should be on and the date that they should have it turned in so your child can present to our class. Please help your child in the science celebration but try not to do all the work for them. Allow them to practice with you and other family members so they feel confident and comfortable when presenting at school.

I also sent home a copy of the level one-bee spelling bee list. Our school spelling bee will be Tuesday, February 25. I have given each child a spelling bee paper; however, it is not required for them to participate. We will be having a class spelling bee the week before the school one to pick the students that will participate in our school bee. If your child would like to participate, please help them study. They will also be able to practice as a work at school. We will have more information on this next week.

Don’t forget to mark the annual school chili cook-off. It is Thursday, January 30, at 5:30. Tickets are $5 a person. Come enjoy good food and vote for your favorite chili. You will not be disappointed.

Don’t forget to re-enroll your child/children for next school year ASAP.

As always, thank you so much for all you do and all your support. I am continually grateful for the amazing parents we have in our class.

Have a great weekend!


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Hello All,

I apologize that this post is late in coming. Just a reminder to re-enroll your children for next school year by tomorrow. You can do this by logging onto Aspire and clicking on the enrollment tab. It takes a couple of minute but not too long. Please do this ASAP since open enrollment starts next week.

Please call or visit the office for questions.



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Hello Everyone,

We had a wonderful week of school this past week. The kids were amazing. They all settled into working and remembered to use their best grace and courtesy. We did small reminders and reviews of grace and courtesy and will continue to do so. However, Ms. Tiffany and I were very impressed with how hard all the students worked not just on their works, but also on being kind to each other and respectful to all. Thank you for all you support and care for your kids. We know they are amazing in large part because of their amazing parents, so thank you.

I was happy to see some of you at the meet the director last Friday. If you have not had the chance to meet Mr. Mike, I would encourage you to come to another school event and find a time to meet him. He is truly wonderful and cares about our school and students already. We are excited to have him at our school.

Please take the time to read the last blog post/email about our home projects due the week of February 3rd. I will send a hand out home this week with the specific date your child will be presenting to our class and complete details about the projects.

A few things to look forward to, we will not have school Monday, January 20, in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Also, the annual Chili Cook Off will be Thursday, January 30. Start thinking about what chili you might want to enter into the cook off.

If you didn’t hear from your child, I am having a little boy. We are excited to add a second son to our family.

Finally, just a reminder that it is still winder and we are expecting more snow this weekend into next. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather. We will be going outside to recess everyday. Snow boots, coats, and gloves are advised and any other clothing to help keep the kids warm.

Thanks for all you do!


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Welcome 2020

Hello Everyone!

I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed time with your families and friends. We finally got some more snow. I hope you were all able to have a warm new years day with the coming of the snow. I know I have had a very relaxing couple of weeks. I have spent a lot of time with family, played games, gone sledding, got caught up on some cleaning, to name a few things. It was definitely a much needed break, but I look forward to getting back on a schedule and seeing all the kids again. Remember, we start school back up with our regular schedule this coming Monday, January 6. We will be doing a lot of grace and courtesy lessons in the next couple weeks as well as team building as the kids settle back into the swing of things. We will not have school on Friday, the 10. This is a professional development day for teachers.

I hope you all got the email from our school board about the meet and greet that is happening tomorrow with our new interim director, Mike Geilmann. In case you did not get the email or haven’t see it yet, here it is:
“Dear Maria Montessori Academy Parents,
We invite you to a Meet and Greet open house, in the school library, on Friday, January 3rd, from 4:00-6:00 pm, to meet our new interim Director, Mike Geilmann. Mr. Mike, as well as board members, will be at the school to welcome you and answer any questions you might have. As always, we appreciate your support of Maria Montessori Academy. We are committed to providing a strong learning community for all children and hope you will take this opportunity to meet Mr. Mike.
The Maria Montessori Academy Board”
I hope you can make it in to meet Mr. Mike and our board members. I am sad that Ms. Rene is no longer working at our school. She was doing great things with the teachers and the students and she will be greatly missed. I am excited that Mr. Mike will be joining us the rest of the year. The interactions and conversations I have had with him leave me with a good feeling and excitement to work with him. I will be at the school during some of the time tomorrow and hope I see you there.

We have had a change in our next home project date. Our next home project will be due the week of February 3. This will be in line with our school’s STEM week and science fair. Please watch for an email and blog post later this week regarding the details for the project.

This Thursday at 5:30 there will be a Potluck Social with MAPA. Please come if you are able. They would love to chat with you and get ideas you may have to help our school be successful with things like after school activities and parent involvement. We have some amazing parents on our MAPA team and they are excited to get more ideas from all. Please come, even if it is for just a couple of minutes.
Big picture

Re-enrollment for CURRENT students for the next school year will be January 6-20. You will receive an email with instructions on January 6.
Open enrollment for NEW students opens January 21.

I am excited to share with you that my husband and I have found out the gender of our baby. I know the kids were excited to know. For the “gender reveal” I will wear a colored shirt to school on Monday. If the shirt is blue that means it is a boy, if the shirt is pink that means it is a girl. Tell your students to watch for this so they can come home and share.

Again, I hope you all had an amazing holiday and hope to see you tomorrow.



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Feast Pics

Sorry for any unflattering pictures. I am by no means a professional.

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PTC This Week

Hello Everyone,

I am deeply grateful to you all! Thank you all so much for your help in such a successful holiday feast this past Friday. We had more than enough food and everyone was able to have a wonderful time. Thank you all! I love our class and the great support we have. Thank you for your support and allowing myself and Ms. Tiffany to join students and parents as we ate our feast.

We have rain. I am grateful for the moisture but am wishing for a white Christmas. I guess we will see what the next week and a half bring. Please remember that it is still cold and students should still be dressed appropriate for the weather – pants, coats, hat, etc.

If you have not yet created an online Aspire account, please do so as soon as possible.  All parents must have an account in order to roll out our new  re-enrollment system. This needs to be done by December 20. Having an online account will also make it easier for you to change your personal information,  add or delete to your pick up list, and email teachers.
Instructions on how to create an account are found on our website under the parents tab.  If you need  your student’s Aspire number, please call the office or stop and ask them for it when you come to conferences this week as they are not able to email it due to privacy issues. Doing this does not take very long. I have registered as a parent for my daughter and it took me minutes. Please take time to do this!

This week is our parent teacher conferences. Conferences are this Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. On these days we will have early outs. Please plan on picking your student up at 1 pm these days. We also have the book fair open in the library during conferences. Monday will be a regular full day, and Friday we will not have school. Thank you all for signing up! I look forward to seeing you there. If possible, please bring your child with you so they can show you some of the work they have been doing. They have all been working so hard.

Our Winter Break starts this Friday the 20th. School will resume as normal on Monday, January 6th.

As always, thank you for being amazing and for all your support. See you all later this week.


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Feast Tomorrow

Hello All,

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our holiday feast. You will not need to send your child with a lunch.
Also, if you signed up to donate something, you can send it with your child or have it here by 11:45 am.
Hope to see you tomorrow. Thanks for all your support.


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Happy News

Hello All,

As many of you have probably already heard from your wonderful students, I am expecting my third child. I am about 14 weeks along and due June 12. This is perfect timing for school, as it will give me the summer off to recover and be with my baby before school starts again. I don’t know the gender but told the students that we would make a prediction graph and then I would wear blue or pink depending on the gender so they would know. Needless to say, I have not been feeling great as I have been plagued with morning/all the time sickness. However, it is getting better, and with Ms. Tiffany’s help, all has been taken care of and covered at school.

Hope this brings some joy to this fairly sad and somber day for some of us.

Thank you all for everything.


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Holiday Feast

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for your supporting and making sure your child has winter appropriate clothing. It is great when everyone can enjoy being outside in the snow for recess without the kids feeling miserable and getting overly cold.

We are going to start our class GALA art project tomorrow, Monday, afternoon. If you have any magazines you can donate for it, please send them tomorrow. We are hoping to finish it tomorrow, but if we don’t we will continue working on it Wednesday morning. We need lots of magazines so please send any you don’t need. Also, mark your calendars for the GALA. It will be Saturday, March 21. This is an awesome fund raiser for our school and allows you to get out and enjoy good food and good company.

Monday, tomorrow, night is our elementary concert. Ms. Sarah has been working really hard with the students on this. They are singing beautifully (our class has been practicing in our classroom as well). If you are able to come, lower el’s concert starts at 5:30 in the Jr. high gym. Students should wear black pants and a solid colored top. Their top does not have to have a collar. Hope you can all make it.

The next Box Tops store is this Tuesday. Please make sure the box tops are cut out nicely. It also helps if you can check the expiration dates and count them. Please send them in a bag with the number of box tops written on the outside.

Friday is our class holiday feast. So far, I have only heard from a few of you that you will be joining us.  All are invited to join us, but we really do need to know if you are attending ahead of time so we have enough seats and enough food. So please let me know if you are coming and how many will be with you. Also, if you are able to donate something for our feast, please sign up on Track it Forward. This feast is for us to celebrate all the different holidays we are learning about this month. So far we have written a small information piece on how we celebrate at our house, and we have learned about Hanukkah and are working on writing about that. This week we will learn about Diwali and how the holidays are celebrated in other countries such as Germany.

Next week is Parent Teacher Conferences. If you have not signed up for a time yet, please get on Track it Forward, there are still plenty of slots open. Conferences are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, the 17-19. School gets out at 1:00 pm on these days so please plan on picking your child up then. During conferences the book fair will be open in the library as well. These conferences will be mostly student led so please plan on bring your child with you.

We will not have school on Friday, December 20. This is a teacher development day and the start of our Winter Break.

As always, thank you for all you do!


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Holiday Feast

Hello Everyone,

The sign up sheet for our class holiday feast is on Track it Forward. Please sign up if you can bring something or help set up/take down. All are invited and I hope to see you all there. If you could please let me know if you will be coming and how many so we can set up the right amount of tables, I would greatly appreciate that. Also, if there is something you would like to bring that is not on the sign up, just let me know.

Thanks again.


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