Halloween Party

Halloween is Friday. Ms. Jalee’s class has from 1-2:30 pm to celebrate, but we need your help. We are planning to have four stations. They are:

1. Game station – “Monster Mash Musical Chairs” and “Skeleton Relay Race”

2. Treat and story station – “Vampire Bagel Bites” and “Vunce Upon A Time”

3. Craft station – “Halloween Witch Craft”

4. Science Station – “Wizard Finder”, “Ghost Goo” and “Growing Monster Hands”

Please sign up to donate materials or help the day of. We would like to have at least one parent per station.

Thank you!!

Sign up at http://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/jmbgs

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Fun at Black Island Farms

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Last Week of October

Last week of October already. Thank you to all who were able to come on the field trip with us, were able to help with travel, and who helped in any other way. We had a good time. We were able to bring back some cabbage and carrots. We will be making some slaw with it on Monday.

The Fall Festival was last night. I hope many of you were able to go. I wasn’t there, but I heard it was going to be a blast. I look forward to hearing about it from those who went.

This coming Friday is Halloween. We will be having a Halloween party in the afternoon with the kids. There will be a sign up for anyone who wants to help or donate soon.

Home projects will be due next week, the first week of November if you can. If not try and get them done as soon as possible. There is a page at the top with more directions on it and a paper you can fill out to help the kids know what to share. There are two papers you can fill out but you only need to choose one. It also says not to carve the pumpkin but you are more than welcome to if that is what your child chooses.

November 12 will be a sort of parent education night. Here is what is posted on the school blog

Get Down and Dirty

With the

Montessori Materials

Maria Montessori Academy

Wednesday November 12, 2014


Have you ever wondered why your child is playing with beads all day, what snake game is, or how a checkerboard teaches multiplication? Join us for an evening of getting “down and dirty” with the Montessori materials.  Bring your adult friends and neighbors for an opportunity to experience math, language and science, as you never have before! All of our teachers will be here to give lessons and answer questions related to the MMA curriculum.

Try your hand at balancing algebra and using test tube to do long division in a way that will blow your mind. See the transition of the math materials from preschool through the junior high level and learn about how our beads actually help us understand the square root of numbers!

Watch the progression of the grammar materials; from common and proper nouns to prepositional phrases. Discover the meaning of etymology and see how it can actually be fun! See why our children LOVE to learn! Participate in hands-on science and social studies lessons that will solidify your understanding of microorganisms, invertebrates, the rock-cycle, electricity and more!

This evening will be an open house event from 6:30-8:30 but we suggest coming early because we know, that just like the children, you won’t want to leave when it’s over. Remember this is an adult-only night for MMA parents and other community members.

Have a good weekend.


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Field Trip Permission Slips

Just a reminder to send field trip permission slips by tomorrow so your child can join us at Black Island Farms.

I also talked to many of you about rides for your children. If your situation has changed or your child will need a ride, please let me know.



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Great Conferences


I hope you are all enjoying your extra long weekend. We had a great week of conferences. I enjoyed meeting with all of you.

School pictures are on Tuesday, the 21. If you would like to order them please send the order form with your child before that day. If you need a new one let me know.

A few big reminders. We are going to Black Island Farms for our field trip on Thursday the 23. If you can, you will need to make sure your child is dropped off at Black Island Farms, 3178 S 3000 W, Syracuse, Utah 84075 by 8:45 Thursday morning. Our hayride starts at 9 and we need to be on time. You are welcome to attend but will have to pay $4 for yourself. Your child will need to be picked up at 1:30 that afternoon. If you cannot get your child to or from the farm, please let me know as soon as possible. We do have other options available. Please make sure to send your child with a small backpack containing a lunch and plenty of water. They will also want to have a jacket as mornings are chilly. For those who have not returned the field trip permission slips, these need to be turned in no later than Tuesday. If we do not get them Tuesday, your child will not be able to attend with us.

The Fall Festival is Friday the 24 from 4:30 to 7:30. Early bird tickets and wristbands will be on sale all this week before and after school. You can also pay that day when you get to the festival. Bring your family and friends. Please dress up, but no masks.

I apologize for an error in a previous post. The next home project will be do the First Week on November, not the last week. It will be a book report presented with a pumpkin decorated like a character in the book.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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Fall Festival Volunteers

Please sign up to help at the Fall Festival.  It should be a wonderful time and counts toward volunteer hours. http://vols.pt/DT3gkX 

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Conferences This Week

Hello All,

Conferences are this week. If you haven’t been able to sign up, please do. There are still plenty of openings. The website is http://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/fwijs. Because it is conferences, school gets out at 1 pm, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. We DO NOT have school Thursday and Friday.

School pictures are Tuesday, October 21. A packet to order pictures was sent home. If you need another, please let me know.

Our field trip to Black Island Farms is next Thursday, October 23. You will need to make sure your child is dropped of at the Farms, 3178 S 3000 W, Syracuse, UT 84075, by 8:45 that morning. If you are unable to get them there, there are a few certified drivers who will be available. Please let me know if you are a certified driver, through the school, if you can take some kids to Black Island Farms, and how many. You will then need to make sure your child is picked up at 1:30 that afternoon. We will be using our classroom field trip funds to pay for our field trip. However, if you would like to donate money for it, tickets are $4.oo. You can use the link https://secureinstantpayments.com/sip/cart/event.php?EID=1113. Again this is not required.

The Fall Festival is Friday, October 24, from 4:30-7:30. Wristbands and tickets can be purchased early this coming week during parent teacher conferences, or October 20-24 before or after school. Early bird prices are $7 unlimited rides, $10 unlimited rides and games, or 4 tickets for $1. At the door it is a dollar more for unlimited ride and/or games.

The last week of October will be Red Ribbon week.

Please subscribe to the school’s blog to get school wide updates from MAPA


Our next home project will be due anytime the last week of November. It will be a book report. The project can be done on a book your child can read alone or on one you read together. I will be sending home and posting on the blog a form that needs to be filled out. Along with using the form to present their report, please have your child decorate a pumpkin like a character from the book. If you are unable to do this, please let me know.

Have a good evening.

Ms. Jalee


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Box Top Store


The box top store for this month has been moved to tomorrow due to some scheduling conflicts. Sorry for such short notice. If you are unable to send any tomorrow, there will be more stores. Please make sure to cut them out and count them if you can. That saves a lot of time for the ladies who volunteer to help with this.

Also, please remember to sign up for conferences. They are next week and there are still a lot of openings. Here is the sign up website http://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/fwijs.


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Conferences Next Week


I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend so far. I cannot believe that Normalization is over and it is already October. Now that Normalization is over, I will be putting together a schedule and list of things I would love to have help with in the classroom from volunteers. This will be for things like reading and spelling and presentations. Also, if you would like to come in and observe you may. Just let me know when you would like to come. You may come in for half hour increments.

We had some wonderful home projects presented this last week. I enjoyed the students presentations and loved learning more about them and the things they love. Our next home projects will be due around the end of October or beginning of November.

We have Parent Teacher Conferences next week. There is a link for sign ups on the right of the blog. It is labeled PTC. Conferences will be next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and these days will be half days. Please make arrangements for your child to be picked up at 1 pm these days. We will not have school next Thursday and Friday, the 16 and 17 because of Fall Break. There will also be a book fair in the library during conferences.

Picture day will be Tuesday, October 21. There will be an order for to order pictures sent home soon.
The next box tops store will be Wednesday October 22.
We will be going to Black Island Farms for a field trip with Ms. Kaley Parsons’ class on Thursday, October 23. Please let me know if you are certified through the school to drive and how many you can take.

The Fall Festival will be at 4:30 on Friday, October 24. It will be held in the school’s parking lot. Tickets and wristbands can be purchased Friday, the 10 after school, during conferences, and the week before the festival before and after school. There will be a bounce house, climbing wall, and many other fun activities. Dress up, invite friends and neighbors, and come for the fun.

We will be having a Halloween party on Friday the 31 in our classroom. Students may not dress up for school. There will be a sign up sheet as it gets closer for anyone who would like to help.

Thanks for all you do.


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Parent Teacher Conferences

The link for Parent Teacher Conferences is now on the blog. It is to the right of the page labeled PTC.


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