Science Fair

The Science Fair Committee is looking for volunteers to help during our 5th Annual Science Fair (18-19 February).    There are many different volunteer positions available:  elementary judges (some science or engineering background preferred but not mandatory), both elementary and Jr. High event volunteers to help run the judging station, score keepers, awards, snacks, set-up, and clean-up.   The time frames vary according to the volunteer position.  Those who have volunteered in the past have found the Science Fair to be a fun  and rewarding experience.  Volunteers are critical to the success of the fair and we hope you can find some time to join us.  If interested, contact Ms. Paula at or let any of our other committee members (Mr. Rob, Ms. Fallon, Mr. John, Ms, Kat).  Thank-you! 


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One Week Back

Hello All,

I hope you have enjoyed your first week and weekend back at school. It was a crazy one, but it was good to be back and see all the kids.

This Thursday night, the 15th, is MMA arts night. It starts at 7 p.m.

This Friday, the 16th, is a half day for teacher professional development. Please make sure your child is picked up at 1 p.m.

The next boxtops store is next Wednesday the 21st. If you send boxtops, please make sure they are cut out nicely. If not your student or myself has to do it that day before they can go to the store. The students receive 1 ticket for every 5 boxtops.

Thanks for all you do.


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Happy Holidays


Hello Everyone,

I hope you have all been enjoying your holiday break. I know I have. What a wonderful time to spend with family and friends.

Just a reminder that we will not have school until next Monday, January 5.

Ms. Marleen and I want to say a special thank you for all your gifts both physical and all you do to help your child and support us. We truly could not successfully do our job without your help.

I hope you all enjoy the New Year. See you next week.


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Oh my goodness, yesterday was amazing. The feast was such a success and that is all because of you. Thank you all so much for donating goods and your time and spirits! I have always thought that our classroom was blessed with supportive and wonderful parents and yesterday just confirmed that. What an amazing turn out. Thank  you all so much. It would not have been a success without you. And thank you to everyone who was able to make it to the presentation. The students all worked so hard on learning the song and making their books. Thank you for your support. How truly blessed we are as a class.

Don’t forget tomorrow is the International Festival for Lower El. It will be from 1-2:30. Our class will be presenting their projects and also have the opportunity to visit other classrooms and see their presentations. Many students have already brought in their presentations. If your child hasn’t, please remember to send it tomorrow.

We have a half day on Friday and then our Holiday Break starts. We will come back to school January 5, 2015.

For anyone who wants to give Ms. Marleen a gift please send it tomorrow because she does not come in on Fridays.

Thanks again for everything. Our classroom and our school are a success because of wonderful parents like you.


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Last School Week of the Year

Can you believe it? It is already the last school week of 2014. Time is flying by.

Some big things happening this week. First is the Holiday Feast. That will be on Tuesday from 12 to 1:30ish. You are all welcome to come. We will be eating and then the kids have been working on small presentations. We will then be joined by Ms. Nicoletta’s class in singing a special song we have learned and presenting you with something we have been working on with her class. Thank you to everyone who signed up to bring something. There are still many opening for anyone who wants to contribute. The sign up page is If you wanted to contribute something but the sign up is full, please feel free to contribute it anyway. It’s better to have too much food than not enough. If you are donating something and cannot make it to the feast, feel free to send it with your child that morning. We have refrigerators to keep it cool and even an oven and microwaves to heat things up. I am so excited for this. For anyone who wants to come a little early and help set up, I will be starting to set up between 11:30 and 11:40.

This week is also the International Festival. Upper El is the morning of this Wednesday and Lower El is Thursday afternoon from 1-2:30. Please feel free to come and bring your family to see all the hard work our kids put into their projects. Along with that, your child’s home project will need to be at school by Thursday or they will not be able to present it at the festival.

Friday is an early out day due to the holidays. Please arrange for your child to be picked up at 1. We will not have school again until Monday, January 5, 2015.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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Sign up for Feast

Here is the sign up for the feast. It will be Tuesday, December 16, from 12 to 1 or 1:30ish.
If you are able to come around 11:40 to help set up let me know. I will also need some help dishing out food and with clean up.


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Snack Needed


We need someone to sign up for snack next week. If you are able to do it, please go to the website Thanks.

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Don’t Forget

Don’t forget to let me know by tomorrow afternoon if you will be joining us for our holiday feast.


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Upcoming Holiday Feast


We will be having a class holiday feast on Tuesday, December 16. You are all invited to come if you can make it. Please let me know by Tuesday if you will be able to come. I want to have a wejoinin link up for bringing food by then and I need to know about how many to expect. We will also be doing a small presentation after words. We have been working with Ms. Nicoletta’s class to make a holiday gift for you.

Don’t forget that the International Festival in 2 weeks. Upper el will be presenting their projects on the morning of Wednesday the 17, and lower el will be presenting on Thursday the 18 from 1-2:30. I will have the times for level 3’s Thriller by Tuesday.

Have a great weekend.

Thanks for everything you do!


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Since the visit of our two local authors, Gary Hogg and Mckenzie Wagner, our class has been having fun trying some new writing things. We are working on our author’s voice and getting in the author’s zone.  As Gary Hogg taught us, we are all authors!

Some our students have been inspired by the authors and the work we are doing. Here is author Thor’s wonderful work.


I apologize, I couldn’t get it to turn.

I am excited to add more from our young authors soon.



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