Classroom Book

Hello All,

I hope you have all enjoyed your week with the rain and beautiful weather.

Just a reminder that I need ALL order forms for our book back by next Thursday. Even if you do not want to order a book please mark the No box and send it back so we can get a free book for our classroom. I am so excited for the book. Our students have been working hard and I love the stories! You will love them too.

Next Wednesday, the 18 is the boxtops store. Please make sure all your boxtops are cut out and counted. This makes things easier on me and on the wonderful moms who volunteer to help.

We have all finished up with our art projects that you will be able to order items printed on. More information for that will be coming next week.

Don’t forget about our home projects. They can be brought in anytime they are done. If they get done before spring break that would be great. If not, please make sure they are here the week we get back. Spring break is in 2 weeks, March 30-April 3.

Thanks for all you do!

Take care.


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Book Order Form

Good Afternoon,

Today I sent home an order form for the classroom book we are making. I have given the students very strict 😉 instructions about bringing the form back even if you choose not to order the book. PLEASE send the form back either completed or just with the no box checked. This will allow our class to get a free book for our classroom. You can pay for the book either online or with cash or a check.

I just realized that I forgot to send home the outline for home projects. These will come home tomorrow.

Also, tomorrow is P.E. Please make sure your child wears shoes that are appropriate for running around and being active. The best shoes for this are tennis shoes.

Thanks for all your support.


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Fun in the Snow


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One week into March and we finally got some snow. According to the weather channel, it will all be gone soon because of warm weather. Welcome spring.

A few big things coming up. Our class is working on a classroom book that will be able to send into a company and they will bind it for us. You will all get the opportunity to buy one if you would like. As a class we are all doing a writing piece on our hero. Each child is writing their own and will illustrate a page. I will be sending home an order form this week. Please send them back as soon as possible. Even if you do not want to buy a book you will still need to send it back with the box for no marked. In order for our classroom to get a free book, all the order forms marked yes and no must be sent in. The kids are all pretty excited about this and have been working hard.

We are also working on some art projects. As a parent you will get the opportunity to purchase something like a cup, key chain, shirt, etc. with your child’s artwork on it if you desire. The proceeds will go to our classroom. We are currently working on these and an order form for this will come home in the next couple of weeks.

On Monday I will be sending home a list with your child for the upcoming home projects. This list will have the things on it that need to be included in home projects. These lists do not need to be filled out. Please just make sure that the information is part of the home project. These will be due anytime this month.

Thanks for all you do.


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Home Projects

Hello Everyone,

I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend so far. I have enjoyed the home projects that have been presented so far and look forward to the rest. The next home projects will be due at the end of the month but can be presented whenever they get finished. Just have your child bring them in to school. Level 1s will be doing a project on a bird of their choice, level 2s on a planet of their choice, and level 3s on a dinosaur of their choice. I will provide a short list of things that need to be included in the presentation.

That’s all for now.

Take care.

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Clark Planetarium

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Valentine Pictures

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Fun Week

What a wonderful week we had! First of all, thank you to everyone who was able to come with us on the field trip. We had such a good time. I learned new things and I am sure the kids did too. Thank you all for your support so we can go on field trips and see things and learn things that we might not be able to at the school.

I failed to say thank you to everyone who was able to come and help or donate things to help with our Valentine party. A special thanks to our room mother for putting it all together. It was a ton of fun. Thank you!

Please try and send the home projects this week. We already have some and will be doing presentations throughout the week.

Have a great weekend.


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Field Trip

Just a reminder to everyone that tomorrow is our field trip to Clark Planetarium. Please make sure your child is at the Frontrunner station on Wall Ave at 7:45. I will be standing by the platform for boarding wearing a bright yellow vest. Please make sure to plan ahead if you need to buy a ticket for yourself. There are kiosks there. Send a lunch with your child that does not need to be heated up. They can bring a small bag to put their lunch and water in. We will be leaving the planetarium at 1:20 so we can catch the train home. We will be back at the Wall Ave station at 2:52.

Thanks a bunch.

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Short Week


I hope you are all enjoying your weekend and had a lovely Valentine’s Day. Don’t forget, we do not have school tomorrow, Monday the 16th due to President’s Day.

This Wednesday is our field trip to Clark Planetarium. I have permission slips from all who plan to go so no worries there. Please make sure to have your child at the front runner station on Wall Ave at 7:45 Wednesday morning. We will have wrist bands for them all to ride the train. There is a gift shop we will be allowed to visit at the planetarium so you can send your child with some money if you choose.

Home projects are due either this week or next. We have already seen some and they have been great. I look forward to the rest.

Enjoy your extra day off.
Thanks for all you do and for all the Valentines.


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