Fat Boys Ice Cream

Just a reminder that Fat Boys ice cream orders are due tomorrow. They are $25.00 a box for either the ice cream sandwiches or the nut sundae bars. Make checks payable to MMA Jr. High.

Also, due to kindergarten bridging tomorrow, please send your child with a lunch that does not need to be heated up. We will hopefully be joining them for a picnic lunch outside if the weather cooperates.


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Last Box Tops Store

Don’t forget, tomorrow is the last box tops store of the year. If you forget to send box tops to school with your child tomorrow you can still send them and our school will get money for them. They just won’t be part of the store for this year. Please make sure the box tops are cut out neatly and they are not expired.


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Last Two Weeks

I cannot believe we are down to the last 2 weeks of school. This year seems to have flown by.

This coming week isn’t too busy. We will have kindergarten shadowing in our classroom Monday and Tuesday morning. Wednesday will be the bridging ceremony for kindergarten. The student who shadow in our classroom will most likely be the ones we add to our class family next year. Friday is field day. We will be having our field day in the morning.

Next week will be busy. We do not have school next Monday, May 25 because of Memorial Day. Tuesday through Friday will be all half days. We will also do a sort of spirit week next week. Our class, and most other lower elementary classes will not be doing a dress up day that day due to 3rd grade bridging (more info on that for level 3 parents in the next couple days). Wednesday the 27 will be crazy hair/hat day. Thursday the 28 will be crazy sock day. Friday the 29 will be the last day of school and it will be dress down/pajama day. The last day of school will also be the  day that those who ordered year books will receive one.

The last week of school is also parent teacher conferences. The will be Tuesday through Thursday. Here is the link for sign-ups: http://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/fwijs. Conferences will be student led so please plan for your child to join us for them.

Thanks for all you do.


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The link for parent teacher conference sign-ups has been updated. Here it is, or it is to the right of the page.


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Don’t Forget

Don’t forget tomorrow is the dinosaur park field trip. Please make sure your child is there by 8:45. Please pick your child up from the dinosaur park at 2. If you are unable to take your child there, please bring them to the school at the regular time. We will have certified drivers there.

Thanks so much.

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Dino Park


Just a reminder that Monday is our dinosaur park field trip. Please let me know if you will be coming with your child. I need to know this so I know who needs to be put into groups with parents or Ms. Marleen or myself.

Thank you so much.


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Thank you all so much and especially to your children for the beautiful bouquet today. It definitely brightens up the room.

Just a few updates and reminders.

Field trip permission slips are due tomorrow! Please send them with your child. Our field trip is next Monday, May 11. Please make sure your child is at the Ogden Eccles Dinosaur Park at 8:45. The address is 1544 E. Park Blvd, near the mouth of Ogden Canyon. Send them with a sack lunch that does not need to be heated up. We will spend the day there. There is a gift shop if you would like to send them with some money for that. We will be leaving the park at 2 pm. Please arrange for your child to be picked up at that time. If you are unable to get your child there or back, please let me know. We have a few certified drivers who will be able to transport students.

I forgot to send the reminder slips home that our room mother Ms. Genny has been making for us today. Tomorrow is make a card or picture for your teacher and assistant day.

The contest for designing next years MMA teacher has begun. Please see the flyer that is on a page at the top of the blog.

Don’t forget about the spelling bee on Friday. Upper el from 9-10 and lower el from 1-2.

Thanks so much for all you do.

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Don’t Forget

Don’t forget:

Field trip permission slips are coming home today and need to be back by Thursday. Please let me know if you would like to come with your child.

This week is teacher appreciation week. Tomorrow is wear your teacher’s favorite color. Ms. Marleen and I both like blue. You can also send a school supply. Wednesday is bring your teacher a single flower day. Thursday is make your teacher a thank you note and tell your teacher thank you. Friday is bring your teacher a fruit or veggie day.

The spelling bee is this coming Friday. Upper el is from 9-10 and lower el if from 1-2. Volunteers are needed to help judge and give the words. If you are willing to do this please email Kacee Weaver our curriculum specialist at kweaver@mariamontessoriacademy.org.



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Field Trip


Hope you have all had a great week. On Monday, May 11 we will be taking a field trip to the dinosaur park in Ogden. I will be sending home the permission slips on Monday. They need to be returned by Thursday. Monday night I will post all the specifics for it. If you would like to join us on the field trip please email me and let me know. You will need to pay $5 for yourself. Also please let me know if you would be willing to supervise a few other children while there.

If your child has a birthday in the summer and you would like to have their celebration of life, please email me ASAP and we will schedule a time to do it.

Parent teacher conferences will be the last week of school. I will have the sign ups ready next week.

Have a good weekend.


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Just a few items of housekeeping:

It is not too late to order a yearbook. Please order one if you have not already. The absolute last day to buy a yearbook is Tuesday, April 28, at 9:49 p.m. You will NOT be able to purchase one after the fact. You can purchase one at the office or online.
The information below is in regards to the 2014-15 MMA Pre-K/Elementary Yearbook:
Order Your Yearbook Now – Just follow the steps below:
Step 1: Visit www.memorybook.com/parentpay
Step 2: Enter your pay code “75924” and click next
Step 3: Buy a yearbook for $25.00 or with personalized name for $30.00
Order online through: April 28, 2015 EST
If you have any questions about ordering your yearbook contact tearagalbraith@gmail.com – our school’s yearbook adviser.

Ms. Kaley has been working with the level 3s in a theater class on studio Fridays. They have worked very hard to be prepared to present these plays to our lower el and to you parents. Here is the schedule:

Friday, April 25, starting at 9:30 – Four Billy Goats Gruff; Jack and the Beanstock; Hansel and Gretel.
Friday, May 1, starting at 9:30 – Rumplestiltskin; Cinderella; Puss in Boots.

Thanks for all you do. Don’t forget the box tops store is Wednesday.


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